Yesterday I was baby sitting my nephews and one his Mum was home we all had dinner together, anyways...
After dinner my youngest nephew (who is 5yrs old) and I were play-fighting and having a giggle, at the last point he was lying on the floor and I was standing bove him tickling his tummy when the little bugger kicked me in the foo-foo (lady bits).... I shouted "oooowww.... my foo-foo" to which my SIL said "what they heck is a foo-foo"
And my 5yr old nephew turned round and said ........
"Mum, she means I kicked her in the balls!!!!"
Once me and SIL had stopped giggling we then had to explain how it was so funny ie... ladies dont have balls

After dinner my youngest nephew (who is 5yrs old) and I were play-fighting and having a giggle, at the last point he was lying on the floor and I was standing bove him tickling his tummy when the little bugger kicked me in the foo-foo (lady bits).... I shouted "oooowww.... my foo-foo" to which my SIL said "what they heck is a foo-foo"
And my 5yr old nephew turned round and said ........
"Mum, she means I kicked her in the balls!!!!"

Once me and SIL had stopped giggling we then had to explain how it was so funny ie... ladies dont have balls