Men say the funniest things

My best friend also informed me the other day that I am starting to waddle! :-)

Bless her, she's got it all to come as she just told me she's preggers!!


Omg Gayle that's ridiculous!! I can't believe that!! X

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My oh thinks I should have taken up the offer of being sterilised during the birth to save him. I told him I'm doing enough and this next bit is up to him. So his reply......well we'll be celibate then. Hahahahahaha....yep, see how long that lasts u arse! Xxx

Ps-can u believe I was offered this option at 16 week consultant appointment. Is this not the most ridiculous suggestion to a first time mum ever? I turned her down as god knows how I will feel about having more babies in the future. Don't think some thing so permanent as that should be my first port of call for contraception.

Not that it matters......we won't ever DTD again apparently:rofl::rofl:

This is unbelievable!! I have never heard of anyone being offered this while pregnant with their first! Shocking!!

I know girls, I was shocked and could feel my voice wobbling as I replied. I'm 100% not doing it. I may have said in passing I only wanted 1 child but surely that's not an argument to be sterilised At birth. My colleague thinks I should report it but to be honest I just don't want to rock the boat. I work there with these teams of people so no point in creating a fuss. I'm informed and strong willed enough to say no. Just couldn't believe it.

Anyway, my OH says he's just kidding about never DTD again, and wonders what we will use. 2 simple answers- 1) he can sort it 2) stay away for atleast till our girl leaves home! Lol! Xxxx
I don't think (unless for medical purposes) I could ever be sterilised. I think I would regret it as soon as I'd had it done! x
Have to share this one

Was talking to hubby about the pain I'm getting in my pelvis last night, and to cut a long story short ... he thought that men didn't have a pelvis (he thought thats where the baby lives)
This thread is comedy -tweetyfoo your stories are making me laugh out loud and it's 3.50 in the am I'm reading this after a pee stop n can't get back to sleep glad husband is away lol!!! Xx
Well they do say that laughter is the best medicine .. glad to help :lol:
Me and oh were watching OBEM tonight, and when he saw the umbilical cord he asks me, "What happens once they cut it? Does it come out or does it just stay in your fanny?" Nearly wet myself I was laughing so much x
My best friend (male) asked the same question busymummy!!! He thought you just walked about with it in you and it would shrivel up eventually!!! Caused about 3 weeks hillarity in our office, infact I may have to tell him he is not alone in his thinking! haha! xx
I couldn't stop laughing. I really don't know what he thought happened lol. Thank god we have been watching OBEM so I can clear these things up before we are in the labour room lol x
So we were at a wedding at the weekend and at our table was the most gorgeous little baby girl.

She was crying in between spoonfuls of food, and when the food was done all hell broke loose.

So her mum gives her a dummy, and she's happy

DH pops out with "they are really good them plugs"

Rofl! Plugs! x

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
My hubby called me his little pink dairy farm the other day!

Apparantly i am now a cow as i am producing milk :-)


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