Men say the funniest things

My OH really wants to go to alton towers. Told him I'm not allowed to go on rollercoasters while pregnant. He said "can't u pretend ur just a bit fat, the staff won't know" lol. Had to explain to him it would be bad for baby to get hurtled upside down round a track lol.
this thread is sooo funny!! so happy I'm not alone!! whenever I say anything to do with feeling tired, hungry, headache, joint pain all I get is 'yea so do I' or'' maybe we're coming down with something??' MAYBE I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!! I can't even have that on my own ! xx

Mine does this ... Drives me bonkers!!!

Thought I was alone on this one, my OH has every symptom I have!!! :rotfl:
My OH hasnt really said anything apart from when i was explaining how ill i'd been feeling and exhausted and he said 'well id hate to see how your going to be later on down the line' and i explained to him that all the symptoms came in the first 12 weeks usually and they calmed down later on he looked at me as if i was lying and making it up - because i love feeling ill and tired for no reason... hmmmmm
Think some of the comments on here are fantastic!!!
My Boyfriend had a moment in asda today... Was looking at nighties, for labour and picked some strappy dark ones, and I held it up to me to see if it was big enough... And he said ' it's a bit short, what are you going to wear on your bottom half? I tried explaining that there will be stuff happening at the bottom end...
OH turned round today and said "well baby won't still be crying by the time you go back to work will he" Planning to go back when hes 10months.... I was like well yes he will still cry, it doesn't just stop after a few weeks! bless!

also this morning he asked why we had to wind baby! He has a lot to learn! lol z

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
OH woke me up last night after our Tesco delivery arrived, in a panic and flapping

OH: "I've had to send the washing tablets back, they've sent us bio ones!"
Me: "but thats what I ordered?"
OH: "But we need non-bio ones now don't we?!"
Me: "Not until the baby arrives you idiot!!"

That was actually the second time he had woke me up last night, the first time he was checking to see if I was asleep :wall2:

Let sleeping pregnant women lie!!

Love this!!! :) actually laughed out loud! Xx
My OH really wants to go to alton towers. Told him I'm not allowed to go on rollercoasters while pregnant. He said "can't u pretend ur just a bit fat, the staff won't know" lol. Had to explain to him it would be bad for baby to get hurtled upside down round a track lol.

Lol...:wall2: xx
OH asked me the other day:

'What will we need to take with us to the hospital?'
So I told him a rough list of items that we would need..
'Do you think it will be ok for us to put something small in for me? I'll be allowed won't I, I won't get us in to trouble?'
Yes, you can have your own little stash of supplies and no the MWs won't tell you off, they're not your mum or teacher.. Bless him x
Its not just men!!
I was complaining to my best friend about the poor selection of maternity clothes out there and she said 'I won't dress any differently when I'm pregnant, I don't see the need to' Ummmm, cuz ur clothes won't fit anymore!!

And last week we went out shopping together, and bless her she is an amazing friend and a great person, but she sometimes doesn't think things through. I was wearing maternity jeans and flat shoes, she was wearing a mini skirt and 5 inch heels! And she said 'omg I can't believe ur out in flats, I could never be seen out and about in flats' and I said 'I'd like to see u wear those shoes when ur 7 months pregnant!'

And we were in mamas and papas looking at bedding, and I was looking at the I love my bear neutral bedding, and she said 'I don't see why anyone would buy these colours' and I said 'well for one, some people don't know what they're having, also, some people like to keep their nursery neutral, esp if they have another child already in there' and she said 'but if u don't know what ur having, u could just wait and see, and buy the bedding when the baby is born' - so I said 'ok, the day u give birth, will u be in the mood to come into the city centre for bedding? Or would u rather already have it sorted?!'

So yeah, its not just men lol, non-pregnant women can also be a bit daft lol x
Mine came out with a cracker last night ... And I
Immediately thought of this thread but I can't remember what he said!!!

He also came out with the following

Me: I don't want the birth announced on fb
DH: why
Me: I want to make sure all my friends and family find out directly ... That will be your job
DH: oh right so i tell people baby so and so born at something o'clock 4ft 3 inches and 20lb
Me: I hope not :shock:


He claims to have just spurted out random numbers but even he couldn't help laughing at himself!

OMG I remember what he said!

On feeling baby kickin lots last night

DH what's it doin in there?
Me Just moving about
DH it must be really boring
Me what?
DH well it has nothing to do, I'd want out

I'll add here that DH is a triplet

Me: well you had your sisters to play with :lol:

DH ponders for a few seconds ...

DH is that why I was born at 30 weeks cos I was bored?
Me: :rotfl:

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
last night DH announced to me that he felt we should only have one child as all this pregnancy stuff was really though on him :shock:.

He's such a doofus.
last night DH announced to me that he felt we should only have one child as all this pregnancy stuff was really though on him :shock:.

He's such a doofus.

Lmao. Awk bless is he having a hard time? Poor wee thing! *punches ur hubby in the mouth* lol.

My husband did say to me that as soon as I'm ready to dtd again after baby arrives, we should get me pregnant again straight away because he finally has someone to eat spicy food with.
Never worry about the fact that I ended up hospitalised with hyperemesis, or that my ankles swell up if I walk anywhere, or that I'm constantly battling heartburn, can't stop farting and can't get comfy in bed!! He has someone to eat curry with, that's what matters lol *punches my own hubby in the mouth* lol x

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
last night DH announced to me that he felt we should only have one child as all this pregnancy stuff was really though on him :shock:.

He's such a doofus.

Lmao. Awk bless is he having a hard time? Poor wee thing! *punches ur hubby in the mouth* lol.

My husband did say to me that as soon as I'm ready to dtd again after baby arrives, we should get me pregnant again straight away because he finally has someone to eat spicy food with.
Never worry about the fact that I ended up hospitalised with hyperemesis, or that my ankles swell up if I walk anywhere, or that I'm constantly battling heartburn, can't stop farting and can't get comfy in bed!! He has someone to eat curry with, that's what matters lol *punches my own hubby in the mouth* lol x

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

Looooooooooool!!! That's hilarious!

Fortunately he saw the look on my face and then tried to back track.... Er, too late pal, your comment is out there!

Just been moaning that my legs, feet and foof are really hurting ... I was advised to go for a walk :wall2:
Lmao, they really are from another planet aren't they?! Lol x

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
I also got the no more babies that pregnancy is hard for me...
I also got the I am do tired to make my own coffee at morning before work while you are on ml...
FFS I am pregnant I barely sleep, I get up 3 times per night to pee and at 6 every morning to make you breakfast and coffee and you are the tired one????

They don't get it do they???
last night DH announced to me that he felt we should only have one child as all this pregnancy stuff was really though on him :shock:.

He's such a doofus.

I had this! I was going on about how I want to try for a second child when I've finished uni as I'd love to have a little girl and little boy, to which OH replied 'we're not having any more, I can't cope with all this again!'
My oh thinks I should have taken up the offer of being sterilised during the birth to save him. I told him I'm doing enough and this next bit is up to him. So his reply......well we'll be celibate then. Hahahahahaha....yep, see how long that lasts u arse! Xxx

Ps-can u believe I was offered this option at 16 week consultant appointment. Is this not the most ridiculous suggestion to a first time mum ever? I turned her down as god knows how I will feel about having more babies in the future. Don't think some thing so permanent as that should be my first port of call for contraception.

Not that it matters......we won't ever DTD again apparently:rofl::rofl:

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