Just want people's thoughts.....


Nov 9, 2010
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.....hi there, I am new to this forum but am hoping that if I note down some things people will give me their thoughts/ opinion.

I am trying not to get my hopes up but hey.... you never know! :)

So, I had a MC in September and then first day of my period on 20 October. My boyfriend and I tried again around days 12/ 13 of my cycle. I am now on day 21 (too early to test I know) but basically I have had a lower back pain and also an ache/ cramp in my womb area for the past week (roughly). Also, in the past week I have been smelling sick. In my nose. If that makes any sense.... but you know when you are sick out of your nose (sorry to be gross!) but it is that smell. AND, on three occassions since Friday I have had brain aching headaches which have been really bad, and when I have taken paracetamol it has not shifted it.

Plus also, (and again sorry to gross!) but I have had bad wind too :)

So, I would be grateful on what people think as I am obviously worried and excited and nervous all rolled into one.

Good news would be nice but as I said, I don't want to get my hopes up.

Thank you!
.....hi there, I am new to this forum but am hoping that if I note down some things people will give me their thoughts/ opinion.

I am trying not to get my hopes up but hey.... you never know! :)

So, I had a MC in September and then first day of my period on 20 October. My boyfriend and I tried again around days 12/ 13 of my cycle. I am now on day 21 (too early to test I know) but basically I have had a lower back pain and also an ache/ cramp in my womb area for the past week (roughly). Also, in the past week I have been smelling sick. In my nose. If that makes any sense.... but you know when you are sick out of your nose (sorry to be gross!) but it is that smell. AND, on three occassions since Friday I have had brain aching headaches which have been really bad, and when I have taken paracetamol it has not shifted it.

Plus also, (and again sorry to gross!) but I have had bad wind too :)

So, I would be grateful on what people think as I am obviously worried and excited and nervous all rolled into one.

Good news would be nice but as I said, I don't want to get my hopes up.

Thank you!

well, the wind thing seems to be quite a popular symptom.....eh Shauna? ;) he he...God help me when I fall pregnant then, or should I say god help my other half, I'm bad enough now!! :shock:

In all serious though, sorry about your loss and I hope that this month is your month xx keep us posted
aww good luck hun and yeah the wind can be a symptom another one not many will welcome although it would get my OH back for trumping under duvet n covering my head.....bork!!!!!!!!!!!
good luck hun n lots of :dust:
I know, I don't even have a dog to blame it on!!
I'd hold out for that BFP if i was you before you start getting your hopes up.

I've had em all, well most, and no BFP for me.

Fingers crossed for you :)

Linxminx - you can't blame him when it's either you or him lol
o i can and i would lol
even though he would know it wud be funny trying to convince him it wasnt me :p
yeah and i dont wanna pee on ur bonfire so to speak but god i thought i was preg last month the whole shabang........ and nope AF got me 2 days early :(:(
Hi Pooky! Welcome to the forum. I'm so sorry about your MC.

Your symtoms sound promising to me, what symptoms did you have last time?

That said I have had loads of cramps and wind this month, but I'm pretty sure it's all the Thai food we've been eating:oooo:

Also paracetemol never does bugger all for me, I need nurofen max plus excel advanced for a dent in my headaches :shock:

But fingers crossed for you and hope to see lots of you till you get your bfp
Hi Pooky!!

Your symptoms do sound promicing and fingers crossed they are!! Sorry to hear of your mc, fingers and toes crossed the next one will be sticky!
I am trying not to get my hopes up also, have had a constant headache for almost 2 weeks now, my boobs are tender, I have achy pulling cramps in my tummy and am having a slight adversion to the smell of cheese at the moment, I am in the :2ww: so just a waiting game now.
Hi, welcome! Sounds good but were all the best symptom spotters on here! It could be promising. ....just have to wait it out honey till its time to test.... good luck x
Hey hun so sorry about your mc, ur symtpoms do sound promising but just be carfel cos my body took a long time to get back to normal after mc. Even tho I got what I thought was af a month after mc I was still getting pg symtoms for a couple of months and was still getiing bfps even tho I wasn't pg! X. X x I hope this is it for u! :dust:
Thank you ladies. It is nice to stumble upon this forum to talk things through with people that understand and have a lot of advice and kind words.

Some people just think you are talking a foreign language at times!! x
Hey and welcome!
your symptoms sound very promising! wind/indigestion and heartburn were the very earliest symptoms i got when i got my bfp! fingers crossed for you! cant wait to hear how you get on!

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