Just how ill do you have to be before doctor gives you medication for sickness?


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2011
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I've got an emergency app today as I'm finding it more and more difficult to deal with the nausea.

It's actually worse than Trimester 1... How does that happen? :(

Do you think the doctor will allow me to have sicknesses tablets I've heard about on here?

Desperate :(
I'm not sure how it works hun as I haven't been to the doctor about my sickness cos some days it disappears for a few days and i feel i can cope ok but I just wanted to say I hope you feel better soon xxxx
I'm not sure hun but if you make it clear that you cannot cope anymore I am sure they cannot ignore you. I hope you get soemthing for the sickness xx
Thanks for the replies.
I'm back from the doctors and I have been given tablets called Promethazine HCI. Never heard of it, I only hope it kicks in soon!!
i was almost in tears being sick 24/7 and they wouldnt give me tablets said not before 12 weeks but luckly it stpped after 12 weeks..glad they gave u sumthing x
glad you got sorted, hopefully they will help...
I still get sick days, sometimes worse than what I had in first tri!!

I thought the tablets were working, until this morning. Where I threw up and felt terrible until 11ish. I wish this sickness was over. Not sure how much more I can take!!
Hopefully it will pass soon...When I was in first tri, I found that sucking fresh lemons helped me, or lemons squeezed into sparkling water! Give the tablets a few days, but if they arent working, go back to your doctor. xx
Hope it goes away soon hun, it's awful and really gets you down :hugs: x
The tablets I was on for sickness (cyclizine) didn't stop me from being sick either, but they reduced the number of times I was being sick in a day from 10-12 to about 3-4.
It was still a nightmare but not quite as nightmarish as it had been before the tablets.

The main thing is to try to keep hydrated. Dehydration + sickness = EXTREME sickness xx

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Thanks everyone, I WASN'T sick this morning :D Felt rough still but it passed at about 11am
My parents have now told me the tablets I'm on could be dangerous for the baby :( I dont know why the doctor have me them then!! Although she did say to only take them if I really need to.

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