Sad times - I'm here to join you (m/c at 5 weeks)

Oh hun I am so so sorry and I am really sorry about the way your were treated.

Big hugs to you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Im so sorry for your loss and to be treated in that way is just shocking :hug: :hug: :hug:
Awww Bex, the way they treated you is awful. Big hugs hun, let us know how you got on at the GP, hopefully much more help! Thinking of you, Don xx
I'm so so sorry babyblonde, i can't believe this, it's such a shame :( Keep trying though when youre ready and lovely poem :hug:

Re the hospital, I went through the exact same thing, I had every doctor tell me I wasnt pregnant and one even after i had had blood tests to prove I was. I know it's everyones first instinct to go to A and E but I would always tell people not to bother when it's still so early on, it's not worth the added stress they cause and our bodies can handle these things ourselves.
Thanks honey - I certainly wouldnt bother going again - ironically we went to a&e as we thought they might be more proactive than the gp (who might just refer us for things in 3 weeks time)!

Hopefully the gp will give us some helpful advice this afternoon - I'm sat here today not knowing what I'm supposed to do or not do!

Hope baby hollyhobby is doing well!
I was reading an article about miscarriage the other day, and apparently a loss at less than six weeks is classed as a chemical pregnancy by the medical profession, because before the advent of HPTs, most women wouldn't even know they were pregnant and just think their period was late.

It's sad to see that even though women CAN find out they're pregnant so early on, some doctors and nurses still don't seem to treat such an early loss as a loss. I had symptoms from pretty much the moment of conception, and the loss I'm sure feels as real at 5 weeks as it would at 15 or 25. As far as you were concerned, you were carrying your future child, and had all the hopes and dreams of ANY pregnant woman. When I was in hospital a couple of years ago (for something totally different), I was treated much the same - I was talked about as if I wasn't there, nurses would speak to me like I was a five year old, and I had to pretty much get out of bed and find someone whenever my drip needed changing. I would have hoped they would show more sensitivity to a woman losing her pregnancy, regardless of how early it may be.

At least you'll know for the future where NOT to have your baby.

Don't let their ignorance get to you hun, and so sorry again for your loss :hug:
babyblonde said:
Thanks honey - I certainly wouldnt bother going again - ironically we went to a&e as we thought they might be more proactive than the gp (who might just refer us for things in 3 weeks time)!

Hopefully the gp will give us some helpful advice this afternoon - I'm sat here today not knowing what I'm supposed to do or not do!

Hope baby hollyhobby is doing well!

babyblonde i might be jumping the gun here but when youre ready to try again i would think about using low dose asprin from cd14 onwards next time. i'm using it and although i dont know if it's to thank or not i feel better for it. I always got the impression that last time it just couldnt implant properly and the pains i got like stabbing pains was it trying and trying. Your gp might say its a good idea or they might be like mine and say they dont recommend it till 3 losses. I say read up on the benefits and see if you want to try it.

Dont think about what you've got to do, you dont have to do anything, just take it easy. My doctor said it's just one of those things, and at the time i could have bitten her head off for saying it, as it might just be one of those things to her but to me it was so much more! In hindsight though, i think you can look at it differently. I also received a sorry letter form my gp offering councelling and i went mad at that as i said i needed help at the time not afterwards. I think i lost it a bit personally.

Anyway, try and stay relaxed, vent if you need to and have some :hug:
:hug: :hug: To you, what an awfull way to be treated. Sorry for you loss :hug:
Babyblonde, as I said before im so so sorry to hear of your loss, I know how excited and over joyed you were to be pregnant....your time will definately come though and you will be the best mummy ever. :hug:

As for your treatment at the hospital, I cant believe it, its disgraceful and appauling and when your feeling better I would write a strong worded complaint to them!!!!!!!! B*stards how dare they patronise you like that.

Thinking of you and sending you lots of love and snuggles xxxx
Well, in typical blonde fashion I failed to notice that I had booked a doctors appointment for tomorrow not today and looked like a bit of a plonker! :lol:

Most of these Doctors are useless. I reckon us lot on here know more than them! Something similar happended to me.

I had 4 positives test over one weekend, started bleeding the following week so went to the Emergency Gynae ward to be told that the pregnancy test they had just done was negative so I was just having my period! It really pissed me off that they said this as like you I know my own body & it wasn't like a normal period. Anyhow, continued to feel rubbish & pregnant so went back for blood tests (this was all between 4-5 weeks of being pregnant). Surprise surprise the results showed that my hormone levels were increasing.

Unfortunately, we only got to 8 weeks pregnant as nothing developed inside the sac :( The Doc has said that the bleeding wasn't a miscarriage but embedding bleeding.

Sorry to hear your news & I can totally undersatnd your frustration. You were treated appallingly

Sending you big :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

x x x
aww hunny i am so sorry firstly for your loss and also for the way you were treated that really made me feel angry and sad they treated you this way and could talk to you knowing what you were going through. :cry:

take care hun :hug:
Mrslel said:

Most of these Doctors are useless. I reckon us lot on here know more than them! Something similar happended to me.

I had 4 positives test over one weekend, started bleeding the following week so went to the Emergency Gynae ward to be told that the pregnancy test they had just done was negative so I was just having my period! It really p*ssed me off that they said this as like you I know my own body & it wasn't like a normal period. Anyhow, continued to feel rubbish & pregnant so went back for blood tests (this was all between 4-5 weeks of being pregnant). Surprise surprise the results showed that my hormone levels were increasing.

Unfortunately, we only got to 8 weeks pregnant as nothing developed inside the sac :( The Doc has said that the bleeding wasn't a miscarriage but embedding bleeding.

Sorry to hear your news & I can totally undersatnd your frustration. You were treated appallingly

Sending you big :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

x x x

I can't believe how many of you have had something so similar happen!

Is it my imagination or, if you are under 12 weeks pregnant, does nobody give a shit? As abstract a concept as it is to the rest of the world - to us who is actually carrying them it doesn't matter if they are 5 weeks, 25 weeks or 5 years they are still our baby and even if they can't understand that feeling, surely they can show a little empathy!
babyblonde i am so sorry!!!


i lost another baby at 5 weeks only a few weeks ago and very similar happened to me, def had a BFP then when i started bleeding i showed negative. obviously because the HCG wasnt very high. however after losing our bean at 11 weeks i still got BFPs for a month afterwards because the levels were much higher.

hopfully ur GP will be a bit more sympathetic, mine was fanastic compared to the hospital.

hope to see u back in ttc soon

ps i got a tattoo to remember my 1st loss and its the best thing i did to get over it. its a sleeping cherub on my wrist with the due date underneath it.

take care hun xxx :hug:
dina.marie said:
babyblonde i am so sorry!!!


i lost another baby at 5 weeks only a few weeks ago and very similar happened to me, def had a BFP then when i started bleeding i showed negative. obviously because the HCG wasnt very high. however after losing our bean at 11 weeks i still got BFPs for a month afterwards because the levels were much higher.

hopfully ur GP will be a bit more sympathetic, mine was fanastic compared to the hospital.

hope to see u back in ttc soon

ps i got a tattoo to remember my 1st loss and its the best thing i did to get over it. its a sleeping cherub on my wrist with the due date underneath it.

take care hun xxx :hug:

Thanks honey - hope you are doing ok

I remember seeing your tattoo - it's gorgeous. I think I'm going to get a butterfly (for the baby we've lost at 5 weeks) with a little star by it (to represent our chemical pregnancy) - something that I will know what it means but for anyone else looking at it it's just pretty. My dad is an artist so I'm going to ask him if he wouldn't mind drawing something up for me.
It feels like a good thing to do - as I dont want to forget this experience but I do want to be able to move forward.
babyblonde said:
dina.marie said:
It feels like a good thing to do - as I dont want to forget this experience but I do want to be able to move forward.

thats exactly how i felt. the thing i do regret (only a teeny weeny bit) is having the due date put on there because loads of people keep asking what it is so then i have to go into explainning it, but its a small price to pay. :hug:
dina.marie said:
babyblonde said:
It feels like a good thing to do - as I dont want to forget this experience but I do want to be able to move forward.

thats exactly how i felt. the thing i do regret (only a teeny weeny bit) is having the due date put on there because loads of people keep asking what it is so then i have to go into explainning it, but its a small price to pay. :hug:[/quote:3abyiv1k]

I feel the same way - that's why I've chosen not to put dates or anything on - then if I want to tell people the meaning behind it I can but I dont have to x
it seems they are the same wherever youre from, its put me off my local hospital big style. there is no bedside manner anymore.
I think most would agree, even though nothing can be done a kind word at the time would go along way.

The first doctor i saw walked away and left me in pain saying it was my period when it was my kidneys bleeding, and he argued with me - I would have to be litereally dying to go back to that a and e place now.
Instead i now travel to the next citys hospital, where i am sorry to say it, at least you see someone who can understand what youre saying.
All the doctors I saw in my local who were tits were foreign and could hardly speak english.

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