just got back from hospital


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2011
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I thought my waters where going but they cannot tell I aslo was given a sweep but she could not reach does that mean is still far back and closed? I am really gutted because I been getting lots of pain and to hear she cannot reach pissed me off lol anyway I got another sweep wednesday and if no luck I booked in friday 830 pm to be induced I checked my notes and it said 3cm dd does anyone know what that means? X
I dont know what it mean buy I will tell you this . I was unable to have a sweep as my cervix was far back and u-dilated . That evening I had my baby . So dont get dissapointed it can happen so quickly .
Wow that's good news I don't think it wud happen to me I just upset will all the walking and bonce in on ball and pain that something wud of happend I really don't want to be induced but I at high risk and their is only so long they will keep my baby in for x
She must of got something cause a jelly came out with pink blood on with dots x
Im so excited for you, hope this is the start of it especially after the day you have had in hospital x x

When I had my sweep she could only just reach and classed it as unsuccessful,that was Friday dinner...I gave birth 5am Sunday x
Got my fx something will happen really soon for you x
I hope so lol I got period pains and know this sounds silly a rubble noise in my belly I used to get them noises before I come on my periods lol x
I am still here lol pains have been of and on all night but today I can hardly walk my hips and bottom of back and legs feel like I been stomped on I got to phone up ward tomorrow to see if I am booked in for a scan to see how much water is around baby x
Good luck with your scan.. Do they think there's too much or too little?x
to little because i think i might have been leaking waters but they cannot really tell at the min so i need to have a scan to confirm x
:( hope all goes well.. If your leaking they'll have to induce you.. U have 48hrs from waters breaking the mw told my sister when she was leaking xx
I was thinking that too.. My sister was internally checked with a metal speculum and it had clear fluid in it.. So the assumed her waters broke but couldn't guarantee it.. They brought her induction a day forward (48hrs after break) but she went into full labour the next day.. They had to break her waters at 9cm coz it was blocking him coming out so it was her hind waters that had gone..

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