41 and sweep

:yay: Sounds like this could be it at last, esp. as she could feel noa's head :good: and ur starting to dilate!! :dance: Good luck hun!! x x
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Thats great..hope labor starts quickly..I am really scared of baby going over due..but seems thr is hardly anything we can do..they seem to be taking their own sweet time..
:yay: it won't be long for you now hun!!!! whoooop!! xxx
come on Noa :) sounding like things will be kicking of soon xx
Glad the sweep went well! Things definately look like they're happening!
i dont feel anything :( just absolutly shattered, so tired and feeling so rough. just waiting for eastenders to start, then bath and then bed for me.. theres little blood everytime i wipe..

cant wait to go to bed now.. lets hope something happends but it dont feel like it atall..
how exciting, good luck, come on Noa, dont keep ur mummy waiting n e more xxx
Bloody hell woman! Are you STILL pregnant!!!!! Hurry up Noa, we are so excited to meet you xx
The blood your having sound like the show I had the day before I went into labour xxx

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same here Evelina, ive had a hot bath.. and i keep getting very dark red blood.. fingers crossed for u hun x
Come on Noa!! Well done Evelina for coping today couldnt have been pleasant but hopefully it will work for you!!xx
Come on hun!! Fingers crossed something happens overnight xx
Oh Evelina, this is soo exciting, I love a good labour watch, who will go first then , you or K&A ? you both sound promising. Great that worst case it stays the same, wed is only a day away for your second sweep, and they say online that two is really all that's needed for most, and 65% go aftet the first one.

baby watch , labour watch - bring it on Noa !
Anything this morning hunni? X

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Its ohhhhhhhh soooooooo quiet this morning - heres hoping!!!
hows things today hun? x

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