Woop Being Induced

FOB was allowed to stay until 8pm, so normal visiting hours. It was crap, because as soon as he left I started getting contractions, but as it wasnt considered labour he wasn't allowed back until 9am the following day.

And induced labour isnt necessarily faster and more painful. If you go into labour with the pessery then its basically like a natural labour as it only softens the cervix, but they do like to break your waters, which I wasnt keen on. Once they broke my waters I went from 3cm-10cm in 2 hours which was a tad shocking lol. You'll be fine and it'll all go lovely and smoothly! :)

im terrible for googling things tasha i really need to stop it ive been reading induced labour is more quick and the contractions are alot faster. Fingers crossed i dont need to get my waters broke and the tablets work. Best way to look at it is I will have my baby by next saturday at the latest .
as far as the sweep adele when the midwife give me one the other day she said you have to be at lest 1 cm dilated or she cant get in to sweep around so thats why yours will of been a failed sweep as it was totally closed to she couldnt even get in.
But dont worry she said I was 3cm and still nothing happen so I dont think it any thing to do with you.

yeah lanny i have been told that aswell they just panick me because they couldnt give me a sweep im such a worrier.xx
That's what happened to me with my daughter, failed sweep attempts and then induced by the pessary. They did 1 lot on the Thursday at 4pm which did nothing and then another lot at 10.30pm in the evening and I went into labour an hour later. I had my daughter just after lunchtime on the Friday.

good to know i arent the only one. Pessary is that the tablets? Is induced labour alot faster and more painful?

Yip the tablets, no idea to be honest I would doubt it, mine wasn't that bad at all managed with gas air and some morphine :lol:
Really hope you go soon Hun, at least you'll know that all else fails you should have your LO in your arms this time next Saturday eh?!
Really hope you go soon Hun, at least you'll know that all else fails you should have your LO in your arms this time next Saturday eh?!

yeah exactly thats the way im looking at it now. But today i feel like my bump has dropped a little and been getting small pains off and on some fingers crossed things are starting to move x

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