just found out


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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Hey everyone,

Just found out im 2 - 3 weeks :) have my doc app during the week, Dying to hear from you all in early pregnancy too, so many questions and no idea whre to start,

I think that means im 4 to 5 weeks in doctors terms, is that right:roll:

its all so confusing

Congratulations, the doctors take it from the first day of your last period, so I'm 6weeks tomorrow.
:) xx
Hey Zoeox,

Congrats to you too :)

So i am 4 to 5 then, we be on the long road together then, nice to hear from others sometimes it feels like im the only one in the world hahaha

how have you been feeling
Haa Thanks.
At the start I was feeling preganant and I know its still early days but I often think, I wonder if I still am. I've had it confirmed at the doctors so just waiting on midwife now.
But I've already had stretching cramps and sore boobs.
Be nice to know how your going along :)
Iv been feeling HUGE, Im so bloated, I suffer with IBS which bloats me anyway but this is somethin else, Iv put on lots of weight allready too, I had been sick but only mild nausea today but afraid to say that haha

I have been having weird pains but googling the hell out if and think it might be normal, Have first doc app on thursday so hopefully will find out more then.

Im just still in shock I think, stressed out how im gonna hide it from work and friends, thers only so many excuses for not drinking without wearing a neon sign above your head saying im pregnant lol

have you told anyone yet or are you waiting the 12 weeks too
Congrats and hi hugsy, it is nice to come on here and tlak about everything isn't it.
definitly so good to log on and see someone has allready posted about so many of the questions i have lol makes me feel more normal :)

When are u due mustard ?

Think I'm due around the same time'ish - athough the Dr's will say I'm 4 weeks - from last AP (28th May) my hubby never came back home from tour till 11th June - so I am hoping they will take that date?

Congrats - we are on the long road together xxxx
hugsy - what was the date of the first day of your last period?

oh and cramps are completely normal :) xx
@ Samsgirl,

I have pcos so dont have regular cycles making it harder to date but I used the clearblue predictor and it said 1 to 2 weeks and then I dont another on yesterday and it changed to 2 to 3 weeks so im guessing i must be bang on 2 , Or am I way off the mark?? The last period I had was around end of may start of June but cant remember exactly

@ LucyH Yaii congrats to you :) so happy to meet so many of use due the same ish time :)
oh you are very close to me then...mine changed to 2-3 weeks on thursday. at a guess, i would say you are due around 11th March :) be interesting to see if i am right when you have your scan :D xx I'm due 9th march
LOL good guess I think i worked it out as the 12th so your pretty much on d money :lol: They realy dont make it easy to work out though do they , Does the doc take blood tests or pee sample to work out how far or just go by last period method?

After a plate of pasta for dinner I now look about 8 months haha How im gonna hide this in work tmrw is beyone me:shock:
not sure with irregular periods...they will take an educated guess and then it will be confirmed at your dating scan around 12 weeks. my periods are 28 days...so im dead lucky and i ovulated on day 14 so again i am very lucky in that mine should be more or less what i have calculated. 40 weeks from 1st day of last period xx
Iv been feeling HUGE, Im so bloated, I suffer with IBS which bloats me anyway but this is somethin else, Iv put on lots of weight allready too, I had been sick but only mild nausea today but afraid to say that haha

I have been having weird pains but googling the hell out if and think it might be normal, Have first doc app on thursday so hopefully will find out more then.

Im just still in shock I think, stressed out how im gonna hide it from work and friends, thers only so many excuses for not drinking without wearing a neon sign above your head saying im pregnant lol

have you told anyone yet or are you waiting the 12 weeks too

Sorry, for the very delayed reply. My parents, and OH's parents know and grandparents, and my mothers side sisters. But thats all. Everyone else will have to wait. My mom's side is very close knit so they would all know anyway haaa.
I've had stomach pains too and was just the same, googling every 5 mins, good old google. I've been having a bit of nausea but haven't been sick upto yet, touch wood. But it was a lot worse this morning when I woke up. Also, I never used to drink a drop of anything so I've had to increase my fluid intake to accomadate two. :)
Keep us all updated.
Congrats! I'm 12 weeks 1 day, 1st scan tomorrow! I cannot keep secrets!!! I told all my close friends and family when I found out (I was 4 weeks) then by 6 weeks I couldn't hold it in any longer!!! I just couldn't wait to share our wonderful news with everyone lol :dance:
HAHAHA im the same lilmoomin, im dyng to tell everyone now that im getting over the shock, just told the one friend though cos DH says he'l divorce me hahaha might tell some more after my doc app on thursday but he wants to wait till 12 weeks which seems forever away right now, well back to google to look up my awful back pain haha:lol:
I'm 6 weeks today, hugsy (so I think I'm the same as you Zoe). The only person I've told is my hubby. We have agreed to keep it secret from everyone else till 12 weeks but it is harder than I thought.
its very hard....i am going to a party at my brother and sis in laws when i will be six weeks....how i will get away wit not drinking without them sussing. i have no idea!! xx

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