Just found out Im pregnant, a few questions..

So did your mum look after your baby when you were at work and stuff? cause thast my main fear..how im going to get a job.
Dont worry im getting sleep, I feel nackered 24/7 lol
Folic acid? When do I go get that of my docter?
Hi lovely
Your doctor should give you some folic acid, or you can buy it quite cheaply from supermarket/boots etc - it helps the baby's brain and nervous system grow properly.

It's great that you have some friends that are supporting you (your ex's mum sounds like she'd be great to help you through things, as she's been through it herself), and if you feel excited about the baby, then let yourself be excited.

At my local hospital there are special midwives to help the younger mums with everything, from the pregnancy, through to work, housing, benefits, support etc etc - ring your GP surgery and explain your situation and ask for them to point you in the right direction (once you've been referred to the midwife she should give you loads of advice and information).

Good luck with everything - stay strong, and try not to look too far into the future - if you're determined to work, get a house etc, then it will happen - but for the moment, get plenty of rest, eat well, and be kind to yourself.

Take care
Thanks huni (:
I will do.
The dad just text me saying he wants to help me through this and maybe move in together. Ugh I dont no. On one hand that would be good, extra money, the baby would have its dad there. but on the other hand all me and dan do is argue, constantly. Id be scared hed walk out on me randomly one day. anyone have any ideas?
Eeek!! Personally, I'd be slightly wary. I think it's great that he's making positive moves towards you and the baby, but I'd just take little steps with him at first. Work on getting to a place where you're not always rowing with each other, and then think about the future. You've got lots going on at the moment and you need to take your time, and really make sure that any changes you make are good for both you and your child.

Good luck with it all lovely
Hi, if I were in your situation I would be making an appointment with the citizens advice bureaux (C.A.B.) and they will take you under their wing to sort out finacial help and housing of some sort. Your mum will be getting child benefit for you no doubt, is she passing this onto you?

It doesnt sound like you can rely on your family too much. My hubby and sis were also chucked out at 16 due to the step father so I wouldnt rely on your mum now - time to grow up for real and stand on your own feet it sounds like, and think of yours and your babies future.

How long can you stay with your nana? The last thing you nee is to be worrying about having a roof over yourt head and you'll need to be able to have some where permanent when the baby arrives.

You'll be entitled now to a £3 voucher a week to buy fruit and veg and milk, so get that sorted with the c.a.b. or go to the job seekers place for that.

Try not to worry too much, in 10 years time you'll look back at this ime and hopeflly see how strong a person you are to get through this time. :hug:

ps Just a few more things, you should be entitled to a £500 grant 11 weks before youre due that doesnt have to be paid back, and if you get set up with some accomodaton go to the Salvation Army and they should help you with kitting out with furniture.
I would start thinking practicle now as time goes really quickly!
HollyHobby said:
Hi, if I were in your situation I would be making an appointment with the citizens advice bureaux (C.A.B.) and they will take you under their wing to sort out finacial help and housing of some sort. Your mum will be getting child benefit for you no doubt, is she passing this onto you?

It doesnt sound like you can rely on your family too much. My hubby and sis were also chucked out at 16 due to the step father so I wouldnt rely on your mum now - time to grow up for real and stand on your own feet it sounds like, and think of yours and your babies future.

How long can you stay with your nana? The last thing you nee is to be worrying about having a roof over yourt head and you'll need to be able to have some where permanent when the baby arrives.

You'll be entitled now to a £3 voucher a week to buy fruit and veg and milk, so get that sorted with the c.a.b. or go to the job seekers place for that.

Try not to worry too much, in 10 years time you'll look back at this ime and hopeflly see how strong a person you are to get through this time. :hug:

ps Just a few more things, you should be entitled to a £500 grant 11 weks before youre due that doesnt have to be paid back, and if you get set up with some accomodaton go to the Salvation Army and they should help you with kitting out with furniture.
I would start thinking practicle now as time goes really quickly!

Yeah. Well thats given me a bit more hope (:
Im excited but scared sh**less at the same time. lol
I think 16 or 26 it's a scary thing!
Personally I dont see 16 as being too young (loads will disagree with me on that one lol) I dont think 16 these days is like 16 30 yrs ago - you know loads more these days and the help is out there.

If youre excited about it, then be! Youve as much right as anyone to enjoy this pregnancy. :dance:
My hubby has a friend who's mum was 15 when she had them and he's on his 30's now and they have a brilliant relationship as they had more in common with each other, even going clubbing together!
I'm, 37 and I'm sure when I have a baby it'll think me a boring old fart and wonder why the heck I waited so long! :lol:

I dont know, I think given the choice of a mum 16 yrs older than me or 37 yrs older than me I'd chose 16. Practically speaking I could be dead before it's 40 - gawd I'm deperssing myself here :rotfl:

Just think of yourself - get the help you can and dont feel like you cant enjoy whats happeneing to you, it's your right! :hug:
You should be able to get some sort of financial help maybe some income support if your not living with your parents.

When you have your baby you may well want to spend a few months being a mum before you get a job, and the when you do work you can claim working and child tax credit they will also pay 70% of your childcare i think so you could find a nice nursery for the little one. My mum did have my son at first then i put him in a nursery, things didn't work out though because i just missed being there with him so i decided to become a full time mum, i claimed income support. I am not in anyway saying that being on benefits is the way to go but they aren't babies for long and as long as you can budget properly you can manage for a while whilst you decide what you want to do with your own life.
I am going to uni next year to train as a nurse, i should of started this year but got pregnant again, you might decide you want to go to college which i think is really good and they are very understanding about your baby, you can even get childcare paid for as well.
yeah Im feeling alot better actually now.
After everyones help.
& Also my cousins girlfriend just came in and talked to me and said she knows girls who have babys at 15 and theve manadged fine, and all the benefits you get like housing benefits, baby benefits etc etc actually add up to quite a lot. It also made me smile when she said 'right, next weekend were going to mothercare & babys R us!!' I swear she's more excited than me :lol:
She scared me by saying 'pregnant women under 18 have a 75% chance of miscarrage' :( :(
Hi :wave: Welcome to the forum.

I don't really have any advice as I think the girls on here have said it all, they've all given some brilliant advice but I just wanted to say good luck and hope everything works out for you.
Take care :hug:
just wanted to add advise, most colleges have nurseries now which is good if you want to go back to that.

hope everything is good, dont let people worry you with stories, just enjoy being pregnant and before you know it you'll be shouting at midwifes to get the baby out of you :lol: :lol:
I just wanted to say congratulations on your BFP!

I really hope things get sorted with regards to your living situation and your parents come round.
Glad you have support around you! :) Relax and start enjoying your pregnancy hun :D:D

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