Just for fun


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2012
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Just thought it would be fun to get to know each other a lillte better, copy and paste the questions and answer them :)

How old are you?
Are you married?
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have?
Will you breastfeed?
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant?
What time do you go to bed most nights?
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness?
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far?
Was your pregnancy planned?
How did you concieve and how long did it take?
Do you mind strangers touching your bump?
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks?
When will you return to work?
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy?
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy?
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant?
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand?
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant?
Is this your last pregnancy?
How old are you? 24
Are you married? Yes
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 2 or 3
Will you breastfeed? Want to try but both my mom and sister lost their milk
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? No
What time do you go to bed most nights? 10pm
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? Once
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 19w+3 - about 1stone (oops)
Was your pregnancy planned? Very much so
How did you concieve and how long did it take? Natural Conception 4th pregnancy (3 losses) since starting TTC Mar 2010
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? YES!
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? N/A
When will you return to work? Sept 2013
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? No
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Decreased
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? Havent yet :)
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? Love all of it tbh
Is this your last pregnancy? I hope not
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How old are you? 24
Are you married? Yes
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 3
Will you breastfeed? Yes (pretty determined to but I understand it doesn't always work out)
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? No
What time do you go to bed most nights? 10/10:30
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? A few times but mostly nausea
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 23 +5 and I have not weighed myself
Was your pregnancy planned? Yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? We got our BFP 3 months after TTC
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? Yes
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? Have not had them yet
When will you return to work? I will not be going back to work
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? I never in a million years realised how dificult pregnancy would be in terms of the constant demand on our bodies.
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Decreased
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? No
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? Best thing- knowing that I am growing a little piece of me inside (I am adopted so have no biological family around). Worst thing- Lack of control, as a self confessed control freak the fact that I get hungry just after I have eaten and cannot exercise as much as I would like bothers me, but I know it will be more than worth it in the end.
Is this your last pregnancy? By God's grace no.

How old are you? 25

Are you married? Yes

How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 2 or 3

Will you breastfeed? I will certainly try

Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? Nope

What time do you go to bed most nights? Between 9pm and 10pm

Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? Constantly for weeks

How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? I'm 23+5 and I don't weigh myself so I've no idea about weight gain (and don't want to know either lol)

Was your pregnancy planned? Very much so.

How did you concieve and how long did it take? We conceived naturally. I got pregnant on our 5th month but it was only our 3rd month actively trying.

Do you mind strangers touching your bump? I haven't had to deal with this yet!

How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? 23+4 (yesterday lol)

When will you return to work? When baby is 1.

Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? I knew there would be many, but the conflicting advice annoys me more.

Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Hugely decreased.

Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? No! My dad handed me a glass of wine with my curry the other night and I was horrified lol.

Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New.

What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? Best thing is feeling my baby kick and move, and seeing my belly move. Worst thing was by far the sickness.

Is this your last pregnancy? I sincerely hope not.

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How old are you? 32
Are you married? Yes
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 2
Will you breastfeed? Yes
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? No
What time do you go to bed most nights? about 10pm
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? Yes, through my nose too!
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 25 + 3 gained 10lb so far (not looking again)
Was your pregnancy planned? Kind of
How did you concieve and how long did it take? Naturally,First time we DTD unprotected - D'oh!
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? Only if they dont ask first
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? Not sure I've had these, possibly one month ago
When will you return to work? End of Sept 2013
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? No, but PF has been amazingly informative
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Decreased at first, but has returned with a vengence
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? Definately not.
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? Best thing, the miracle of creation and feeling Pickle moving. Worst thing, the worry.
Is this your last pregnancy? No, not planning the 2nd yet though! :)
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I'm nicking this for Tri 1 if you don't mind hun?

How old are you? 21
Are you married? no but want to be
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 2
Will you breastfeed? yes i will try
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? no
What time do you go to bed most nights? 11pm
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? no sickness at all
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 2 stone and 25+3
Was your pregnancy planned? no
How did you concieve and how long did it take? naturally
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? not really
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? 24 weeks
When will you return to work? N/A
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? yes
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? still the same
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? yes but havent
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? brand new
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? best thing feeling the baby move int your tummy worse thing waiting for the time to come
Is this your last pregnancy? yes i think so
How old are you? 25
Are you married? No
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? Would like 1 more (oh already has a daughter so 3 would be plenty :) )
Will you breastfeed? Yes if my body allows me to but I'm aware it sometimes doesn't happen.
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? No, wouldn't even if i wasn't pregnant lol.
What time do you go to bed most nights? About 11pm.
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? Constantly from 6 weeks until recently, its easing off.
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 18+1 - lost roughly 1 stone 4 pounds due to sickness and nausea but thankfully I'm tall so bmi still nice and healthy.
Was your pregnancy planned? No
How did you concieve and how long did it take? Naturally. First period after depo shot was feb 2011, have conceived twice since then but unfortunately lost a baby. Weren't actively ttc but are delighted and very excited.
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? At the min no but only my mum and oh's sister have done it, any strangers might get a smack!
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? Haven't had yet.
When will you return to work? Not sure yet.
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? Yes from when my sister was pregnant but it's still hard to keep track!
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Decreased.
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? No way.
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New.
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? Best thing is the little life growing inside me and the flutters I feel and seeing them at scans. Worst was the morning sickness but I'll happily take it for my baby lol.
Is this your last pregnancy? Hopefully not!
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How old are you? 21
Are you married? No been with partner for 5 years
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have?
Will you breastfeed? I will try and breastfeed in hospital but I'm happy with bottle feeding
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? No
What time do you go to bed most nights? By 11pm I'm gone lol
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness?My morning sickness has been really bad and even though I've stopped being sick I still feel it all the time
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far?I'm 18weeks and weight gain not a lot atm hopefully will get my bump soon!
Was your pregnancy planned?Not at all I had a tonsilectomy in early pregancy so didn't even realise I was until I was9 weeks but I'm very happy!
How did you concieve and how long did it take?I concieved on NYE after a very drunken night
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? Don't have a bump yet but OH loves rubbing my bump at night!
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks?
When will you return to work?Not sure OH has good job so would like to be a stay at home mum for as long as possible
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? Sickness,spots nothing good as of yet
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Decreased can't think of anything worse atm!
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? I really miss wine in the evenings but I'd rather not have even one glass as I'd remeber how good it tastes! 10months isn't long really and when I have my first glass after bubba it will be so nice!
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? Sickness
Is this your last pregnancy?I think so one baby is enough!
How old are you? 21
Are you married? No been with partner for 5 years
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have?
Will you breastfeed? I will try and breastfeed in hospital but I'm happy with bottle feeding
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? No
What time do you go to bed most nights? By 11pm I'm gone lol
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness?My morning sickness has been really bad and even though I've stopped being sick I still feel it all the time
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far?I'm 18weeks and weight gain not a lot atm hopefully will get my bump soon!
Was your pregnancy planned?Not at all I had a tonsilectomy in early pregancy so didn't even realise I was until I was9 weeks but I'm very happy!
How did you concieve and how long did it take?I concieved on NYE after a very drunken night
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? Don't have a bump yet but OH loves rubbing my bump at night!
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks?
When will you return to work?Not sure OH has good job so would like to be a stay at home mum for as long as possible
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? Sickness,spots nothing good as of yet
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Decreased can't think of anything worse atm!
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? I really miss wine in the evenings but I'd rather not have even one glass as I'd remeber how good it tastes! 10months isn't long really and when I have my first glass after bubba it will be so nice!
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? Sickness
Is this your last pregnancy?I think so one baby is enough!
How old are you? 22
Are you married? Nope, but will be on the 15th July :)
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 2 would be perfect.
Will you breastfeed? I will have a go, but plan to bottle feed.
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? Nope!
What time do you go to bed most nights? About 10-11-12ish, whenever really!
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? Nope :D
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 18 + 3, not sure on weight gain, however OH complimented me sayign I had lost weight ;)
Was your pregnancy planned? Kind of, but not.
How did you concieve and how long did it take? Naturally, and never used anything for about 4 years, never was actively TTC though.
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? Haven't had it yet, but I doubt I'd mind.
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? Not had any yet!
When will you return to work? Unsure, I probably won't but that might not happen!
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? Nope, but I wouldn't change it for the world!
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Increased, then decreased, now increasing again!
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? Maybe, depends. I will porbably have ONE fizzy bubbles when I get married!
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New :)
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? Best thing: Growing a new life. Worst: Nothing so far!
Is this your last pregnancy? I doubt it!
ooohhh!! I love reading everyone elses - I'm so nosey!

How old are you? 23
Are you married? No
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 3
Will you breastfeed? I will try my best
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? No but it has been very close!
What time do you go to bed most nights? 10pm on weekday nights
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? Yes but not a lot - I was very lucky
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 21 weeks - so far I am still a stone less than I weighed when I got pregnant (I lost 2 stone and have put on 12lbs)
Was your pregnancy planned? Yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? I concieved around the first week in December 2011, we had been trying since 15th November 2011 so 2 weeks - again I was VERY lucky
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? I hate ANYONE touching my bump
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? None yet
When will you return to work? 4-6 months after giving birth - I haven't completly decided yet
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? I was aware but it doesn't really hit how much you are limited until you acutually are pregnant
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Definatly decreased!
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? I did when AF appeared over Christmas - I wasn't aware that it was implantation - oops!!! But I haven't since
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New as my Mum and Dad are getting it
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? I would say the best thing is that you get pampered more and the (sad) excitement of counting the weeks. The worst is definatly the sickness and the food cravings I'm firding hard to cope with - i.e. Burger King chips at 2:30am
Is this your last pregnancy? I'm not sure - let's see how the labour goes :D
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How old are you? 24
Are you married? Engaged
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 2
Will you breastfeed? hopefully
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? no
What time do you go to bed most nights? 10pm
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? No
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 23 + 1 about 1 stone 1 /2
Was your pregnancy planned? yes / no - was told couldnt fall pregnant naturally and needed IVf, but fell pregnant naturally
How did you concieve and how long did it take? Naturally, 2 years
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? YES!
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? Not had any yet
When will you return to work? After 9 months
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? No! still not been explained about them all either!
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? GONE!
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? Yes, but not everyday! Once a month maybe if i drank wine!
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New! Already been delivered
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? Best things are feeling my baby moving, knowing that i'm eventually going to meet her Worst things are worrying all the time, tiredness and weight gain!
Is this your last pregnancy? Hope not!
How old are you? 34
Are you married? No
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 2
Will you breastfeed? Hopefully
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? Euch, hate the stuff,so no
What time do you go to bed most nights? 11-12pm
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? About 4 times a day until18 weeks
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 23+1 and gained 7lbs
Was your pregnancy planned? Yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? Naturally and first month ttc
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? Never had this happen
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? N/a
When will you return to work? After 1 year, but only going back part time
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? Yeah, this is my second pregnancy
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Decreased, but has come back over the past week
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? No, but I'd like to!
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? Best- sharing the experience with my oh And DD,knowing that we are going to have a lovely new addition to complete our wee family. Worst- definitely the sickness and nausea
Is this your last pregnancy? Probably, but never say never ;)
How old are you? 35 yesterday!
Are you married? yes, got married last November
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 2
Will you breastfeed? i really hope so
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? only the prepacked cooked stuff from tesco
What time do you go to bed most nights? depends on my shifts but about 10.30
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? only once, but had the bolk quite a lot and still do
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? I am nearly 17 weeks and have put on 3lbs
Was your pregnancy planned? very much so, although happened a LOT quicker than we thought it would
How did you concieve and how long did it take? by having sex? sorry dont get that question. I used temp charts, mucus charts, OPKS, SMEP, evening primrose oil and softcups. Got pregnant first proper month of trying
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? i would chop their hands of unless they asked first
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? n/a
When will you return to work? hoping to have 9 mnths off
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? no i blooming didnt! I have badly bleeding gums, bouts of constipation, gestational IBS, rashes, hair growing at alarming rate EVERYWHERE, bolking all the time, puke at sight of chicken, constantly blocked nose. Not quite the glowing fairtytale I thought it was gonna be.......
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? not changed but we have only done it once so far. too scared!
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? I had half a glass one day but felt soooooooo guilty. Now stick to Becks Blue no alcohol beer!
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? new
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? best this is the new exciting experience, wondering what on earth is going to happen next! worst is the constant worry and knicker watching and wondering if every twinge is the beginning of a miscarriage.
Is this your last pregnancy? hoping for another one. Maybe. Will see!
How old are you? 28
Are you married? no
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 2+
Will you breastfeed? hopefully
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? nope never liked it
What time do you go to bed most nights? by half ten mostly
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? only when coughing
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 23 weeks 2 days about half a stone
Was your pregnancy planned? yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? two months after coil removed
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? sometimes
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? not had them yet
When will you return to work? june next year
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? yes
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? about the same
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? nope
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? bought new
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? tiredness is the worst, best bit is having my son rub my bump and sing to it x
Is this your last pregnancy? maybe
Fab idea I've really enjoyed reading everyone's answers :)

How old are you? 25
Are you married? Yes
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? I would like 3, OH says 2 so we shall see :)
Will you breastfeed? I really want to and will try my very best!
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? I hate sushi, but even if I liked it I would avoid when pregnant
What time do you go to bed most nights? 9pm-10pm
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? I was sick once or twice a week between 6-12 weeks. Feel I got off quite lightly, I thought it would be much worse!
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 17+1 and I've put on half a stone
Was your pregnancy planned? Yes definitely although didn't expect it to be so quick
How did you concieve and how long did it take? 2nd cycle TTC, I think the actual date was 5 weeks after coming off the pill which I feel very grateful for, never thought I would be that lucky
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? YES! That's never happened to me but I would be horrified. My mother-in-law keeps doing it and it totally makes me cringe!
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? Not had them yet
When will you return to work? March/April 2013, 6 months after baby is born... Wish with all my heart it could be longer but don't really have a choice for various reasons
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? Yes I've worked with a few pregnant ladies and always been interested to listen to their stories about all the rules and side effects
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Stayed about the same, but the fact I keep falling asleep on my poor hubby at 9pm means we are doing the deed a lot less
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? No although I did have 2 tiny sips of champagne for a toast a couple of weeks ago! I'm not a massive drinker so don't really miss it enough to bother having just 1 glass
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New... I've been offered a mint-condition 2nd hand one which I was tempted by as it looked brand new but I think buying a pram is a proper experience like buying your wedding dress, and I want to make a day out of it, trying loads of different ones out!
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? Worst - tiredness and also feeling like I am never full even when I've just finished a meal, I am constantly hungry which does drive me mad. Best - everything! Me and OH just feel so happy and lucky, and the whole family are really excited too which is lovely. I just love it :) really looking forward to feeling some movements too, which will make it even more exciting and real!
Is this your last pregnancy? I really hope not god willing x [/QUOTE]
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