Getting to know you

Wow - I think that is 3 vegan Mummy-to-be's here? (or is it 2 vegans and a vegetarian?)

Just out of interest are you taking suppliments at all as I know red meat is meant to be good for iron levels?

How old are you? 31
Are you married? yes
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 2 if I can hack this sickness 2nd time around!
Will you breastfeed? that's the plan for sure
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? don't like it anyway
What time do you go to bed most nights? 10pm but earlier if really sick
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? yes....grrrrrrr
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 10 + 3 gained 4lbs
Was your pregnancy planned? yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? long enough!
When will you return to work? not my full time job but just started my own business so I can work from home
Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? yes but hoped it wouldn't happen to me!
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? pass!
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? absolutely not
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? haven't decided yet depends on funds
Is this your last pregnancy? hope not!

Wow - I think that is 3 vegan Mummy-to-be's here? (or is it 2 vegans and a vegetarian?)

Just out of interest are you taking suppliments at all as I know red meat is meant to be good for iron levels?


I think we are three vegans :dance:

I eat a very high percentage of raw foods, especially home made raw items, and I'm a chocoholic so I use cacao which is high in iron. You typically get more nutrients from foods raw than cooked,and you must eat good variety within the food groups (nuts, seeds, grains, fruits, veg). I've been this strict for about 4 years and the doctors are stunned about how good my bloods are, especially as I have a fairly serious digestive medical condition. So it can be done without supplements. Although I am taking folic acid as extra for tri 1 to be sure x
Wow!! I'd love to change my diet and although I'm not veggie I rarely eat meat, dont like fish. I eat chicken occasionally.
What would your daily menu consist of on average ? (if you don't mind me asking) :). Xx
I love the idea of the raw food diet, I can imagine that you must be so healthy.

Sadly I have been exposed to far too much crap and I hold my hands up as some of it I actually like!! I just couldn't live without cheese!!

As a Vegan can you still have crisps? pasta?

I was following a low GI Plan before and I felt miles more energetic whilst doing it but it just isn't something I can do 100% of the time, forever.

I admire the restraint of people that eat so healthily all of the time and never think "screw cooking later I am going to get a Chinese"

I have the will power of, well someone with no willpower. I love chocolate, I don't drink hot drinks and although I mainly drink water, I love lemonade.
I could live on chips, mashed potatoe, coleslaw and egg mayonnaise butties.
I love carbs and my favourite breakfast is cornflakes with melted chocolate on.
God no wonder I'm always sluggish, I'm going to try harder, much harder x
I have staples each day which are:

1. A juice that I juice myself, carrot/apple/broccoli is a particular favourite of mine
2. A protein shake, but this is because I have a problem with digestion, I use a rice based complete protein and I make it up with Hemp milk (which is delicious!)
3. LOADS of fruit and nuts, I snack on sun dried cranberries, cashew nuts, walnuts, pecans, fresh fruits etc
4. Something chocolatey and home made, raw brownies (linseed, dates, cacao, coconut, pistachio, pecans) is another favourite

Outside of that I make a mix of raw and cooked meals, usually lots of raw pizza (macadamia nuts with raw pesto and lemon juice for the cheese), raw pate and raw crackers, lots of salads, nut cutlets, home made vegan burgers, ratatouille, soups (both cooked and raw) etc.

With morning sickness I've been craving 'normal' foods, so I've had a few bowls of cornflakes with hemp milk, and I made Yorkshire puddings this morning, using Hemp milk in place of normal milk and a vegan egg substitute. I've even made home made chips in the air fryer by chopping up some potato and coating in hemp oil!
Omg!!! You are my food hero, I would kill for a diet like that! Must try harder. Thanks for sharing xxx
How old are you?39 40 wen baba arrives
Are you married?no
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? this is number 7 and my last lol
Will you breastfeed? hoping to
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? bork no thnx
What time do you go to bed most nights? 11 ish
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? no
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far?im 6 +4 i have gained 7lb!!!!
Was your pregnancy planned?yes!
How did you concieve and how long did it take?having sex and took 11 months from last mc in may
When will you return to work?dont work
Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? yes been here many times
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? sex ban so far but i have lost sex drive anyways lol
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? no
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? dont know yet
Is this your last pregnancy?yep x
I love the idea of the raw food diet, I can imagine that you must be so healthy.

Sadly I have been exposed to far too much crap and I hold my hands up as some of it I actually like!! I just couldn't live without cheese!!

As a Vegan can you still have crisps? pasta?

I was following a low GI Plan before and I felt miles more energetic whilst doing it but it just isn't something I can do 100% of the time, forever.

I admire the restraint of people that eat so healthily all of the time and never think "screw cooking later I am going to get a Chinese"


Actually you can get crisps which are vegan suitable, and also if you choose egg free pasta then yes you can. Sadly I can't digest refined sugar, refined carbs and anything too starchy. So rice, pasta (am ok occasionally with spelt pasta as a treat), bread (lots of bread is vegan too), potato, baked beans etc are all off my menu :wall2:

I occasionally get away with something vegan but off menu like a recipe with flour in, or cornflakes as it is at the moment, but I literally can't do it more than occasionally or I end up in trouble. I guess that's why I don't say sod it and have a Chinese! Because a Chinese would finish me off!
Wow - I think that is 3 vegan Mummy-to-be's here? (or is it 2 vegans and a vegetarian?)

Just out of interest are you taking suppliments at all as I know red meat is meant to be good for iron levels?



Yes, it's lovely to see other vegan mums here too. I've been vegan for nearly eight years and am in pretty good health.

I was actually anaemic when I was still eating meat, and a year after starting a vegan diet I was able to give blood! I think it's mainly down to being conscious of what I'm giving my body. I've been taking a vegan multivitamin suitable for during pregnancy and have been taking folic acid for around 18 months.

My diet's been a bit random over the past few weeks whilst I've been feeling nauseous, but I generally eat plenty of greens, whole grains and nuts. I use fortified soya milk for cereals and tea too. It's helped me feel more well to just have different small portions of things to eat, whilst I've been pregnant.

Today for breakfast I had a banana and Marmite on wholemeal toast (sounds foul, but it's amazing!), and later on a bit of porridge with soya milk and raisins. Dinner was a tin of Baxters minestrone soup and later some pesto pasta salad with chopped up raw veg. For tea tonight I had a squash and butter bean stew with kale and brown rice. Also, I've sort of nibbled at cold grapes all day. Right now I'm just enjoying some dark chocolate from Easter :oooo:

Ooooh love having a good old nosey lol!!

How old are you? 29 - 30 by the time this little one arrives

Are you married? Yes - 4 years tomorrow :dance:

How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 3

Will you breastfeed? Hopefully

Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? No thankyou

What time do you go to bed most nights? 10pm-11pm

Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? Plenty unfortunately

How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 10 wks tomorrow and Ive given up on the scales lol

Was your pregnancy planned? Yes

How did you concieve and how long did it take? Naturally after 12 Months

When will you return to work? Not completely sure yet

Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? Yes, this is my 3rd pregnancy and had a few complications of my own

Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? No change really

Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? Maybe further down the line at a special occasion

Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New

Is this your last pregnancy? Definately - I mean it this time :wink:
My diet is quite different from willowwisp's, and I bake lots of vegan cakes (especially crumbles and muffins) !! :) (Yep ordinary crisps and pasta (not egg) still fine!!)

Typical day:
1. Breakfast of cereal & oat milk, or porridge made with oat milk and raspberries
2. Seeded bread sandwich with lemon & coriander hummus and pomegranate (am waiting for raspberries to come into season, they are yummy with this!)
3. Durum wheat pasta and beans in tomato sauce (spicy as my husband's family is Indian and he can't live without it!!)

Also some kiwi fruit to snack on.

Hot water / cold water as general drinks during the day, also we have hazelnut milk in the fridge at the moment which is nice.

Sorry to interrupt the getting-to-know-you thread :D
My diet is quite different from willowwisp's, and I bake lots of vegan cakes (especially crumbles and muffins) !! :) (Yep ordinary crisps and pasta (not egg) still fine!!)

Typical day:
1. Breakfast of cereal & oat milk, or porridge made with oat milk and raspberries
2. Seeded bread sandwich with lemon & coriander hummus and pomegranate (am waiting for raspberries to come into season, they are yummy with this!)
3. Durum wheat pasta and beans in tomato sauce (spicy as my husband's family is Indian and he can't live without it!!)

Also some kiwi fruit to snack on.

Hot water / cold water as general drinks during the day, also we have hazelnut milk in the fridge at the moment which is nice.

Sorry to interrupt the getting-to-know-you thread :D

that all sounds sooo good!! Puts my staple diet of sausage rolls for the past week well and truely to shame lol xxx
I'm actually ashamed of my diet :(
This was today
Breakfast - twix, bag of pickled onion space raiders and a can of lemonade

Lunch - chicken curry and chips, peach water

Tea - cheese and onion crisp butty, peach water

Snack - bar of dairy milk

I'll go hang my head now :( x
God today was bad, I had:

Breakkie: Croissant, 3 olive crackers with low fat philly
Lunch: Cheese sandwich, salt and vinegar Kettle Chips
Dinner: 2 small jacket spuds with beans and coleslaw
Snack before bed: Skips.

Today is one of my worse days as I have have had no fruit or veg. Most nights I have a big side salad or a portion of mixed veg (honest) with my main meal and I normally snack on a red pepper and humous!! I do usually get my 5 a day!

Oh and I normally have only the one bag of crisps a day!

How old are you?
Are you married?
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have?
Will you breastfeed?
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant?
What time do you go to bed most nights?
Usually Late because of work (midnight ish)
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness?
Yes, i feel sick all the time
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far?
7 weeks no gain as of yet
Was your pregnancy planned?
How did you concieve and how long did it take?
Natural after 3 months
When will you return to work?
9 months after my full maternity (unless i win the lotto) :)
Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy?
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy?
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant?
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand?
probs second hand
Is this your last pregnancy?
Hope not :)
How old are you? 30, 31 when baby born
Are you married? Yes for 5 months
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? Two, if money allows!
Will you breastfeed? Always say no as my mum, sister and sister in law didn't but now I am thinking about it
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? No don't like it but I wouldn't anyway
What time do you go to bed most nights? Normally 11-12 but more like 10 since pregnant
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? Yes earlier this week but seem to have shifted it and feel ok
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 6weeks and 5 days, about 4 lbs. I am very bloated but I think some weight gain is due to Easter weekend away
Was your pregnancy planned? Yes and no. I had come off the pill but planned to start trying in a few months
How did you concieve and how long did it take? Naturally after 2 months off the pill
When will you return to work? After 9 months I think as I earn double what my husband does
Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? Yes although some have surprised me
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Slightly increased
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? Nope
Is your buggy/stroller going to bPe new or second hand? New
Is this your last pregnancy? Hope not!
How old are you? 28, 29 when baby arrives
Are you married? No
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 3 including my stepdaughter
Will you breastfeed? I'm going to give it a good go, I feel like I missed out first time around
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? No, I dont like it normally.
What time do you go to bed most nights? ATM, anytime from about 8pm
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? No, but its been very close
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 11+1, I weighed in 2wks ago and had gained 1lb :)
Was your pregnancy planned? It was
How did you concieve and how long did it take? Naturally, the cycle of my HSG, after 1 yr of trying and irregular Ov.
When will you return to work? I'm hoping to take 9 months off.
Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? Yes, I've done it all before
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Decreased
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? On a special occasion I may have a spritzer. Last pregnancy I had one at my stepdaughters engagement. Though I can take it or leave it.
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? Were buying new, though we do have a baby jogger city mini and a maclaren already. I want a parent facing pram, looking at the sola, this will be my last baby so I'm just going to do it!
Is this your last pregnancy? Yes

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