Who are you?

1. Whats your name?
Aine (pronouned Anya)

2. How old are you?
28 - 29 in October, close to due date

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
19 weeks today

4. What team are you on/are you not finding out the sex?
Team blue - found out @ 16 weeks - doc said 80% sure. Find out 100% @ 20 week scan on 3rd June.

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Leo, Samuel, Isaac, Simon, Jacob, Finn ahhhhhhhhhhh so many!

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Fruit, soft icecream, donuts
8. When did you feel baby move for first time?
18 weeks
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?
24 - OH is 23

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
27 weeks

4. What team are you on/are you not finding out the sex?

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Contemplating Jacques, few others we like but still umming and ahhing

6. Is this your first child?
Yep! :)

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
erm.. a mixture. i went to cheese to start with and now ive kinda gone Kind of, at the start, peanut butter, satay chicken and chicken burgers!

8. When did you feel baby move for first time?
Hmm not sure, think it was around 18weeks, might have been sooner. Today he has stepped a gear and kicking about like crazy!!
1. Whats your name?
Nicki (Nicola)

2. How old are you?
20 I'm 21 next month!!!

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
24 weeks tomorrow :dance:

4. What team are you on/are you not finding out the sex?

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Yaaahhh we has a name but its a secret! Weeeelllll its not really but we don't want to tell many people.

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Not really I really like the taste of envelopes but I always tell Pip what ever she wants all she has to do is make me crave it and I'll get it for her!

8. When did you feel baby move for first time?
I think from about 18weeks but for defiantly feeling the wigglebum at 19!
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
19 weeks 4 days

4. What team are you on/are you not finding out the sex?
team blue, found out today!!

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
yes, sardine and tomato paste on ritz biccies!

8. When did you feel baby move for first time?
15 weeks! still havent felt a kick from the outside tho!
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?

4. What team are you on/are you not finding out the sex?

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Evie Grace

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?

8. When did you feel baby move for first time?
16 weeks proper movement :D
1. Whats your name?
Mildly (well actually that isn't my real name it is a screen name) :D

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
25w +1

4. What team are you on/are you not finding out the sex?
We're having a boy :cheer:

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
We've decided on Oscar Henry!

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Cheese and ice lollies, oh and sausage rolls and cheese scones.

8. When did you feel baby move for first time?
21w +4
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
13+1 (or maybe 13+6 if I go off what babs measures)

4. What team are you on/are you not finding out the sex?
I will be finding out probably!?

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Evie, Eva, Ava, Harry, Hmm yeh still needs loads of thought but that can wait ;)

6. Is this your first child?
Nope I have 3 others, Joseph, Dillon and Lucy!

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
I dont think there is one thing I HAVENT craved lol!

8. When did you feel baby move for first time?
Im 90% sure I felt babs last night!! :cheer:
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
21 weeks and 4 days

4. What team are you on/are you not finding out the sex?
She's a girlie! :dance:

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
So far am loving the name Niamh, but OH isn't keen on the spelling. So maybe calling her Neive or Nieve??? Need to think about it!

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Haven't had any recent cravings part from CHOCOLATE but in the past I've had cravings for: Cereal with ice cold milk, pineapple, raw carrots, strawberries, cucumber and greek yogurt with honey.

8. When did you feel baby move for first time?
17 weeks to the day. Felt something resembling a muscle twitching, which has progressed into kicks. Have been able to feel Little Miss from the outside from about 19 weeks, but we were told at our anomoly scan that her thigh bones are above average - so she's just a leggy lady I think! :lol:
1. Whats your name?
Nicky (Nicola)

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
25 weeks today

4. What team are you on/are you not finding out the sex?

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
:shhh: We have a couple but will wait and see.

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Veg, loads of fruit and strawberry milkshake (but I think that's only 'cause she kicks afterwards and I love to feel it).

8. When did you feel baby move for first time?
I thought I felt the first at 17 weeks, didn't feel anything for a while afterwards, got more frequent but very small still until the last three weeks or so and now they're huuuuge!
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?
27 - 28 in 4 weeks!! :cheer:

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
26 weeks

4. What team are you on/are you not finding out the sex?
we arent finding out - want it to be a surprise

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Jake, Holly, leo, nile

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?

8. When did you feel baby move for first time?
think it was at about 20 weeks, its just magical!!
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
nearly 19 weeks

4. What team are you on/are you not finding out the sex?
Team Green - not finding out!!!

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Scarlet, Lola, Darcy, Jonah, Joe, Sebastian, Max

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Starwberries, burnt bacon, ready salted crisps!!!

8. When did you feel baby move for first time?
I was about 16 weeks.... magical!!!
:shock: How have I missed this?

1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?
29 (nearly 30 eek!)

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
see ticker below, think Im 21 weeks and something but TBH always forget and have to check ticker!!

4. What team are you on/are you not finding out the sex?
We are still in shock!

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
She will be Esme Araminta

6. Is this your first child?
No I have a 8 year old son Cameron who is very very excited about a sister now. See sig he was supposed to be an only child! :oops:

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Yes Lots...
Orange juice/cordial(latter must be Robinsons!)
Smoked salmon (I hate fish usually)
Egg sandwiches,
McDonanlds sausage McMuffins (you thought I was so healthy till that!!)
Bread and butter (about the only thing I could eat through ms was this and chips!)
Brown rice is my new one treating myself to this tonight!!
Always crave tomatoes and sweets (even before pregnancy)

I am a late starter as up until 13 weeks I was very poorley with MS and hospitalised for starvation so didnt eat very much at all during that time

8. When did you feel baby move for first time?
12 weeks, prob a little before.. mainly turns and pops and things that could have been mistaken for muscle twitches.
-proper kicks from 17 weeks
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?

4. What team are you on/are you not finding out the sex?
Don't really want to find out but DH is going to so i will (wouldn't be able to stand him knowing and not me, would drive me crazy :wall: )

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Not yet!

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Not cravings so much as a general hunger all the time!

8. When did you feel baby move for first time?
nothing yet but hoping will start to feel something in a few weeks time
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?

4. What team are you on/are you not finding out the sex?
Finding out at 20 week scan on 9th June

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Freya for a girl, no idea for a boy yet!

6. Is this your first child?
No. Have a son, Jacob, who is 18 months

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Not so much with this pregnancy. It keeps changing each week but am loving strawberry milk, oranges and milky way bars!

8. When did you feel baby move for first time?
Last week at 17 weeks
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
24 + 2

4. What team are you on/are you not finding out the sex?

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Yes we know the name but its a secret...initials M J

6. Is this your first child?
Yes. I had two miscarriages before

7. Have you had any cravings yet?

8. When did you feel baby move for first time?
16 or 17 weeks
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
22 weeks

4. What team are you on/are you not finding out the sex?

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Thomas Dylan Peter

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Turkey & Crisp sandwiches

8. When did you feel baby move for first time?
First proper kick was 16 weeks
Hi ladies.......

1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
25 weeks

4. What team are you on/are you not finding out the sex?
Team pink

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Kaitlyn Sarah May

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?

8. When did you feel baby move for first time?
20 + weeks
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
13w + 4d

4. What team are you on/are you not finding out the sex?
Don't know yet - finding out on 16th July

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Thought of some but we keep changing our minds!

6. Is this your first child?
Nope, I have one and OH has one - but our first one together!

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Yes for chips with plenty of salt and vinegar, cheese and pineapple but most of all ALCOHOL!!!

8. When did you feel baby move for first time?
Not felt anything yet - except sick lol

Sarah xxx
1. Whats your name?
2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
17weeks 1day

4. What team are you on/are you not finding out the sex?
At 20week scan i hope to.. 17th June!

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Yeh, but keeping them secrete :-)

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Califlower and Gravey hmmm, Ice lolly's, mainly fabs and twisters hmm

8. When did you feel baby move for first time?
Not felt any kicks yet :'(

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