Just for fun

This is a nice idea looking forward to a cuppa and reading everyone's replies!

How old are you?
Are you married?
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have?
Will you breastfeed?
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant?
I eat sushi but not the raw stuff
What time do you go to bed most nights?
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness?
God yes and it's just returned :(
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far?
I'm 30 + 6 wks and gained about 1 stone
Was your pregnancy planned?
How did you concieve and how long did it take?
We conceived with IVF (ICSI) after 2 years of trying
Do you mind strangers touching your bump?
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks?
Not sure if I've had them yet
When will you return to work?
Hopefully never, I'm going to be a stay at home mummy
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy?
No, this is the best kept secret by pregnant people!
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy?
Decreased considerably
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant?
No as I don't think there are any benefits, I have had a couple of Guinesses for iron.
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand?
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant?
Best thing is watching my bump grow and feeling bubba move around, especially loving the hiccups. Seeing him on the ultrasound and finding out hes a boy was also amazing! Worst thing would have to be the sickness, tiredness and nosebleeds.
Is this your last pregnancy?
How old are you? 25
Are you married? Only just :)
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? i would love 3 or 4
Will you breastfeed? Hoping to for at least 4months
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? erm...no eww!
What time do you go to bed most nights? 11pm
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? Oh yes, lost a stone and a half this way!
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 30 weeks, and 7lbs (still 1 stone under pre pregnancy weight)
Was your pregnancy planned? yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? naturally and 2 months for our first angel, then 2 months for lil Roo, a total of 10 months to get my strong lil man
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? yes, but most people don't notice it!
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? cant say I have had any!
When will you return to work? due back March 2013
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? yes, my twin sister did keep me well informed during her pregnancy!
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? sex... What's that!!
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? no, but had some baileys ice cream last night :lol:
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? second hand, but in great condition
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant?Best, seeing my man growing strong at our scans, and feeling him move. Worst, the sickness, heartburn, spd and feeling him move lol it freaks me out but I do love it too!
Is this your last pregnancy? Really hope not
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How old are you? 24
Are you married? no just engaged
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 5
Will you breastfeed? yes already have with my daughter
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? hell no
What time do you go to bed most nights? 2am
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? no
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 32+5 and have only put on 1 stone
Was your pregnancy planned? yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? took 3 weeks and natural
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? yes
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? 22 weeks
When will you return to work? when he's 9 months old
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? yes
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? decreased
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? yes
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? new
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? worst thing is the heartburn best thing is him growing inside me
Is this your last pregnancy? no
How old are you?
Are you married?
No :(
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have?
Maybe 1 or 2 more if mr right comes along.
Will you breastfeed?
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant?
Didnt like it before pregnancy
What time do you go to bed most nights?
1030 - 11
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness?
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far?
33 weeks and 2 stone on bump
Was your pregnancy planned?
How did you concieve and how long did it take?
One night in september
Do you mind strangers touching your bump?
Yes i do mind
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks?
Not sure ive only just started noticing them
When will you return to work?
After about 9 months unless i have to before
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy?
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy?
What is this lol
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant?
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand?
Brand spanking new
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant?
Best thing, feeling my baby moving worst thing the feeling ill x
Is this your last pregnancy?
Hope not
How old are you? 18, looks like im the baby of this thread :wave: haha
Are you married? no
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? i'd like 3, but lets just see how much this 1 hurts first haha
Will you breastfeed? i think im going to express breastmilk into a bottle then bottle feed
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? no im dead cautious about what i eat now im pregnant haha
What time do you go to bed most nights? 11ish
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? no :dance:
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? im 28+6 and have gained like 3 stone so far :shock:
Was your pregnancy planned? yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? after about 3 months conceived naturally
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? nope not at all :)
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? i dont think ive had any?
When will you return to work? im unemployed so probably some time next year, i had to leave work cos of my pelvic pain, im not a total bum!! haha
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? i didnt realise how much pure worry it would cause!!!! haha
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? decreased :cry::cry::cry:
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? noo im too cautious, wouldnt feel comfortable
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? new
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? best thing is feeling my little boy wriggle about in my belly, worst thing is needing to pee all the time and the constant worry about him being healthy and okay
Is this your last pregnancy? i hope not!!!
How old are you? 31
Are you married? Yes, 5 and a half years
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 2?
Will you breastfeed? Keep changing my mind - defo let baby have colostrum, then we'll see...
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? No and I miss it!
What time do you go to bed most nights? 9pm
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? Only once and that was in the evening!
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 31 weeks and I dont own a set of scales - dont believe in them!
Was your pregnancy planned? Yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? After we decided to try - first time!
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? Strangers - yes I mind them even looking at my bump!, but enjoy family and friends touching it!
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? Dont know if ive had any even yet??!!
When will you return to work? Dont get mat pay from work, only SMP and I am main bread winner so.... maybe 4 months??
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? No - very enlightening experience!!
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? decreased to zilcho !!!
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? So far I have had about 4 sips of wine on 4 different occasions and half a glass of prosecco and lemonade at new year!!I work in Alcohol and Drugs support so I know the damange alcohol can do (and its FAR FAR worse than the effect drugs has on babies)
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New :) A mamas and papas zooooooom!!!
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? Best - Movements, shopping for baby, excitement. Worst - Aches and pains that have just appeared over past week :-(
Is this your last pregnancy? ??
How old are you? 22
Are you married? nope
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? maybe 2!
Will you breastfeed? nope
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? nope! :puke:
What time do you go to bed most nights? about 11ish
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? yes :(
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 32+5 & around 2 stone :(
Was your pregnancy planned? nope, she was my little suprise :p
How did you concieve and how long did it take? n/a .. was on contraceptive pill
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? yes!
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? around 17 weeks
When will you return to work? february 2013
Did you realize how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? nope!
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? decreased - my poor OH :rotfl:
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? nope
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? new
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? eating! best and worst!
Is this your last pregnancy? havent decided yet - maybe another when im married :blush:

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