Laura!!! What's happening I'm so intrigued? I really really really hope that you get your BFP out of all of this torture!! xx
Hey thanks of thinking of me. Absolutely nothing is happening if u don't count my life falling around my ears. My period just didn't even arrive this month, I still feel rubbish and have serious pms symptoms but nothing.
I've been having such a horrendous time lately I've been struggling to be positive or even chatty so I've been staying away cuz you all don't need that shit. I'm currently sitting in a doctor's office which is running massively late after not making it to work, not being able to park, walking miles to miss my train, having a total mental breakdown then crying on a bench for 45 mins
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sorry you have had such a horrible time Laura! But I agree woth the girls above! This is the best place to vent so definitely please don't feel like you should be staying away

I don't kow what I would do if I couldn't vent all my ttc frustrations here lol
I just dont want to be that person who is always moaxnig and sucking the energy out of people around me
That's life...for all the time some may need others, others are in a strong enough place to be the support. When the strong fall, those they helped are able to step in and be the support to them. Ebbs and flows. We can't all be okay all of the time.
I cried my way home from work on Saturday afternoon because the stupidity of the management there was having a very negative impact on some of the best staff. They all asked for my help as they know they can trust me and I had to be honest and say that my influence would only go so far due to a few key and very damaging managers. On top of ovulating and fearing another bfn month or chemical, I just broke down.
Got home and oh said, "You know how to fix everything there don't just do it...if you lose your job over it, we'll cope, but I bet you'd rather that than leave them in the shit". He was I'm in consultant mode during my week off and will go back with a truck load of home truths and solutions...all if which will be copied to the owners!
It's helped me this week. Is there anything you can get your teeth into?
Really hope you feel better soon. I think I'm on the brink 99% of the time here, 4 horses lost, 3 were babies and 3 lost pregnancies...I know I'm not in a strong place personally so my god, professionally I am ready to give both barrels.