Another day, another pregnancy
This time it's a girl who got married a couple of weeks after me. I'm beginning to feel like a failure, the year I got married there was alot of people I know (friends/friends of friends) who also got married and it all the weddings happened within three months of eachother. I'm think I'm now pretty much the last one to be pregnant/have a baby. I know it's not a race but I feel like I'm being left behind
It's beginning to feel like the world is playing a big cruel joke on me
I am exact same. Loads of couples we know got married same year as us 3 years ago and all have babies. We are last couple left. It is a cruel world and it's really unfair but we have to keep finding that hope that it will happen for us and it is just taking longer. Keep dreaming, keep believing and keep on keeping on.
We moved from city flat to a 3 bed house in countryside in hope to have kids and bring them up in the fresh clean air where you can see the stars at night. I know worry it will just be me and DH in a big house isolated from everyone for no reason. I feel if we can't have kids we will have made the wrong move. I really believe the body knows the mind. I am trying to find positivity and believe it can happen. If you think about the effect of stress and worry on the body it won't support a implanting egg. I am now trying to focus on removing any negative thoughts which is very hard but some breathing exercises help and visualisation. I sound like a hippy but I honestly believe in the body and mind connection. When people say it happens when not thinking about it or ecpecting it its probably when your mind isn't worrying and then in turn starting that chain reaction on all the tiny but little important elements that make this all possible.
This will happen for you, start to tell yourself this every day, when your having a bad day or a low moment visualise holding that baby in your arms and Feel the happiness and say ' I will be a mum'.