Just angry

I'm due to leave any minute to go visit our friends newborn! Really feel like I could cry, I just hope I can keep it together and hide the bitterness in front of everybody :( The silver lining is that there is a really nice pizza place near our friends house and OH has promised me one when we are going home and I definitely think I will be washing it down with a beer or two lol
Hey :) how did it go with the visit? Hope you are feeling okay and got that pizza! Treat yo'self hahaha xx

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

The visit was okay thanks! Of course just before we were due to leave OH gave me a big hug and asked If I was ok and he knew how hard it would be on me which started the water works a bit lol I felt a bit sad when I was holding her but it was nice catching up with our friends since we only get to see them every few months! And the Pizza made everything better lol It did make us realise how much we want our own baby though so OH is starting some wellman vitamins as soon as amazon sends them and try SMEP this month! Hows things with you Laura? :)

I'm glad you got through it and came home with some positives. How wonderful that your hubby is starting well man. Sounds so much like my oh with the hug bless him.

Fx you get your bfp soon xxx

I know he is a sweetheart really! :) I'm glad to be doing something more proactive while waiting for our fertility clinic appointment and I'm so glad OH decided himself to start wellman! He is funny about taking tablets unnecessarily so I know he is making a really big effort now lol Hope things are well with you GG! Did I see you got the start of a BFP today? FX for you! :)
I'm due to leave any minute to go visit our friends newborn! Really feel like I could cry, I just hope I can keep it together and hide the bitterness in front of everybody :( The silver lining is that there is a really nice pizza place near our friends house and OH has promised me one when we are going home and I definitely think I will be washing it down with a beer or two lol
Hey :) how did it go with the visit? Hope you are feeling okay and got that pizza! Treat yo'self hahaha xx

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

The visit was okay thanks! Of course just before we were due to leave OH gave me a big hug and asked If I was ok and he knew how hard it would be on me which started the water works a bit lol I felt a bit sad when I was holding her but it was nice catching up with our friends since we only get to see them every few months! And the Pizza made everything better lol It did make us realise how much we want our own baby though so OH is starting some wellman vitamins as soon as amazon sends them and try SMEP this month! Hows things with you Laura? :)

I'm glad you got through it and came home with some positives. How wonderful that your hubby is starting well man. Sounds so much like my oh with the hug bless him.

Fx you get your bfp soon xxx

I know he is a sweetheart really! :) I'm glad to be doing something more proactive while waiting for our fertility clinic appointment and I'm so glad OH decided himself to start wellman! He is funny about taking tablets unnecessarily so I know he is making a really big effort now lol Hope things are well with you GG! Did I see you got the start of a BFP today? FX for you! :)

I think maybe. Not long put another pic up on my thread from a less than 3 hour hold. It's even stronger than this mornings on an 8 hour hold so fingers crossed. Just pray that if it does turn into a proper positive, I won't lose this one. Xx
Pidgeridoo - glad the visit was ok and you got that pizza!!

_GG_- fingers crossed this is the start of good news for you.

This week I've just been generally pissed off and fed up with our whole situation!! Feel a bit less emotional after a bit of a meltdown last night. OH is now clear on the basic rules. Say very little, bring lots of hugs!! Anything else is just dangerous and not worth the risk haha!!

It's hard to put it into words but I guess after nearly 3 years off the pill I'm just drained. Took a year to get me ovulating in the first place due to the prolactinoma then tried and failed miserably for a year. Have now spent the best part of a year doing fertility investigations and although it's been worth it in the sense that the polyp is now gone, there's still no baby to show for it :wall2: I've made an appointment for the GP for another referral to a different clinic after our crap experience last time but I'm not really sure why I'm bothering.

Sorry really needed to rant!!!
Pidgeridoo - glad the visit was ok and you got that pizza!!

_GG_- fingers crossed this is the start of good news for you.

This week I've just been generally pissed off and fed up with our whole situation!! Feel a bit less emotional after a bit of a meltdown last night. OH is now clear on the basic rules. Say very little, bring lots of hugs!! Anything else is just dangerous and not worth the risk haha!!

It's hard to put it into words but I guess after nearly 3 years off the pill I'm just drained. Took a year to get me ovulating in the first place due to the prolactinoma then tried and failed miserably for a year. Have now spent the best part of a year doing fertility investigations and although it's been worth it in the sense that the polyp is now gone, there's still no baby to show for it :wall2: I've made an appointment for the GP for another referral to a different clinic after our crap experience last time but I'm not really sure why I'm bothering.

Sorry really needed to rant!!!

I just want to come and give you a hug myself xxx
Thanks _GG_.

I really do feel the closest I've felt to being done. I actually said to OH that regardless of the outcome, I just want this miserable situation to end. I can't keep feeling like my life is dictated by it as every month that we dtd at the appropriate time, there remains that tiny glimmer of hope that has ended in disappointment and failure for nearly 36 consecutive months!! I just don't feel like I can carry on like this. I can't even visualise a happy ending to this journey for us any more.
Thanks _GG_.

I really do feel the closest I've felt to being done. I actually said to OH that regardless of the outcome, I just want this miserable situation to end. I can't keep feeling like my life is dictated by it as every month that we dtd at the appropriate time, there remains that tiny glimmer of hope that has ended in disappointment and failure for nearly 36 consecutive months!! I just don't feel like I can carry on like this. I can't even visualise a happy ending to this journey for us any more.

I don't know how you have did tjis for 36 months. I am now on month 11 come next cycle and I've had it. Af started to show yesterday 4 days early with a big clot when I wiped. I am so over this now. I can't feel like this much lonher and it's only the start of our infertility investigations. How do you keep on going when you feel so low. I honestly take my hat off to you girl! I don't know how I will get through this day at work.
Thanks _GG_.

I really do feel the closest I've felt to being done. I actually said to OH that regardless of the outcome, I just want this miserable situation to end. I can't keep feeling like my life is dictated by it as every month that we dtd at the appropriate time, there remains that tiny glimmer of hope that has ended in disappointment and failure for nearly 36 consecutive months!! I just don't feel like I can carry on like this. I can't even visualise a happy ending to this journey for us any more.

I don't know how you have did tjis for 36 months. I am now on month 11 come next cycle and I've had it. Af started to show yesterday 4 days early with a big clot when I wiped. I am so over this now. I can't feel like this much lonher and it's only the start of our infertility investigations. How do you keep on going when you feel so low. I honestly take my hat off to you girl! I don't know how I will get through this day at work.

Alexis...this is how you will get through today....

You will breathe your next breath, even if it hurts to do so while fighting back tears or with a huge, painful lump in your throat, because breathing is what we do.
You will take that next step, even though all you want to is collapse in a heap and have magic make you wake up one day, with your bfp without you having to carry on your life, feeling the heartache of every passing day that you are not pregnant, because we have to take that next step, and the next, and the next. They are steps towards our future and whatever that future holds, it will be better than where you are right now.
You will continue to smile when all you want to do is scream because part of what will make you such a good mother one day, is your ability to stand tall when you'd rather fall, to be kind when you feel so cheated and to carry on smiling because that's just what we do.
You will let yourself laugh despite your heart feeling broken, because life is nothing without allowing ourselves to let some light break through the clouds that hover over us.

You deserve to live, that might mean that you have to fake it for a while before you make it, but we do what we need to do to get through. We do it because we have to. Because we are worth more than succumbing to the cruelties of this life.

You need to absolutely put yourself first. You need to let yourself cry sometimes, but please also let yourself laugh, find things you know will lift your mood, make a conscious effort to do that. The brain is a muscle and we absolutely can train it to behave differently.

Make the ttc journey about you and your oh, not about a bfp. Cover your fertile days but dtd through the whole cycle when you can. Make a conscious effort to distract yourself from the pressures of the tww. Take the burden off your shoulders.

I use this forum for that. When I'm not actually posting on here, if I find myself thinking about it...I set out to distract myself immediately. I only started that this past cycle.

Please take the pressure off yourself. I bet you feel like you're failing in some way...but you're not. You're just at the beginning of a new chapter where you are starting to get answers so every ball is still well and truly in the court for you.

Don't let doubt win...let hope shine through. You deserve it. Xxx
Beautifully said GG - gives standing ovation - just beautiful!!
I'm due to leave any minute to go visit our friends newborn! Really feel like I could cry, I just hope I can keep it together and hide the bitterness in front of everybody :( The silver lining is that there is a really nice pizza place near our friends house and OH has promised me one when we are going home and I definitely think I will be washing it down with a beer or two lol
Hey :) how did it go with the visit? Hope you are feeling okay and got that pizza! Treat yo'self hahaha xx

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

The visit was okay thanks! Of course just before we were due to leave OH gave me a big hug and asked If I was ok and he knew how hard it would be on me which started the water works a bit lol I felt a bit sad when I was holding her but it was nice catching up with our friends since we only get to see them every few months! And the Pizza made everything better lol It did make us realise how much we want our own baby though so OH is starting some wellman vitamins as soon as amazon sends them and try SMEP this month! Hows things with you Laura? :)
Pretty bleak tbh. Haha i don't even feel Like the same person anymore

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
Thanks _GG_.

I really do feel the closest I've felt to being done. I actually said to OH that regardless of the outcome, I just want this miserable situation to end. I can't keep feeling like my life is dictated by it as every month that we dtd at the appropriate time, there remains that tiny glimmer of hope that has ended in disappointment and failure for nearly 36 consecutive months!! I just don't feel like I can carry on like this. I can't even visualise a happy ending to this journey for us any more.

I don't know how you have did tjis for 36 months. I am now on month 11 come next cycle and I've had it. Af started to show yesterday 4 days early with a big clot when I wiped. I am so over this now. I can't feel like this much lonher and it's only the start of our infertility investigations. How do you keep on going when you feel so low. I honestly take my hat off to you girl! I don't know how I will get through this day at work.

In all honesty, I don't know how I keep going sometimes. I find I just have points where I just have a mini meltdown then pull myself together and get on with life for a bit then rinse and repeat!! I think also the fact that we have had soooo many problems, I've kinda been able to set little goals, resolving each issue one by one. Now there's nothing left to solve, I'm back in the pit of doom!! So I totally get where you're coming from. It's actually not very reassuring to be told that all your results are excellent but you're still not pregnant.

When I'm at a low point, I do act like the world is ending but most of the time I find I can get by if I have something to distract myself with. I'm trying to plan things to look forward to as I'm feeling like TTC is just ruling my life and that's getting me down.
Thanks for the lovely replies. I got through the day...just. when i got home I wantwd to roll up in a ball amd cry but instead I made myself go out with DH and go see Thor and I laughed as it was very funny. I am glad I went. Going my 1st horse riding lesson tmrw as an adult...DH is away tmrw staying at a boys night in so that will be the test when I am on my own tmrw night.
Thanks for the lovely replies. I got through the day...just. when i got home I wantwd to roll up in a ball amd cry but instead I made myself go out with DH and go see Thor and I laughed as it was very funny. I am glad I went. Going my 1st horse riding lesson tmrw as an adult...DH is away tmrw staying at a boys night in so that will be the test when I am on my own tmrw night.

Where in the country are you Alexis? Always horses at my place xx
Thanks for the lovely replies. I got through the day...just. when i got home I wantwd to roll up in a ball amd cry but instead I made myself go out with DH and go see Thor and I laughed as it was very funny. I am glad I went. Going my 1st horse riding lesson tmrw as an adult...DH is away tmrw staying at a boys night in so that will be the test when I am on my own tmrw night.
If u need any company when you are alone tonight or a shoulder to cry on we are all here hehe xx yay horrrses. I'm so jealous id love to go horse riding I used to love it so much x

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
Thanks for the lovely replies. I got through the day...just. when i got home I wantwd to roll up in a ball amd cry but instead I made myself go out with DH and go see Thor and I laughed as it was very funny. I am glad I went. Going my 1st horse riding lesson tmrw as an adult...DH is away tmrw staying at a boys night in so that will be the test when I am on my own tmrw night.

Glad you talked yourself into going out. Sometimes it's easier to distract yourself than you think. Hope you enjoy your riding lesson. I did bit of riding when I was young but then the stables closed and I never took it back up. Maybe tonight you can just enjoy a bit of 'me' time? Hot bath, good book or a girlie movie accompanied by some ice cream? That's what I'd do I think!!
Thanks for the lovely replies. I got through the day...just. when i got home I wantwd to roll up in a ball amd cry but instead I made myself go out with DH and go see Thor and I laughed as it was very funny. I am glad I went. Going my 1st horse riding lesson tmrw as an adult...DH is away tmrw staying at a boys night in so that will be the test when I am on my own tmrw night.

Glad you talked yourself into going out. Sometimes it's easier to distract yourself than you think. Hope you enjoy your riding lesson. I did bit of riding when I was young but then the stables closed and I never took it back up. Maybe tonight you can just enjoy a bit of 'me' time? Hot bath, good book or a girlie movie accompanied by some ice cream? That's what I'd do I think!!
I'm really bad for shutting myself away and distancing myself so I'm like even more impressed with Alexis' ability to get out there and get some nice quality time and even a wee laugh in there xx

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
Thanks for the lovely replies. I got through the day...just. when i got home I wantwd to roll up in a ball amd cry but instead I made myself go out with DH and go see Thor and I laughed as it was very funny. I am glad I went. Going my 1st horse riding lesson tmrw as an adult...DH is away tmrw staying at a boys night in so that will be the test when I am on my own tmrw night.

Glad you talked yourself into going out. Sometimes it's easier to distract yourself than you think. Hope you enjoy your riding lesson. I did bit of riding when I was young but then the stables closed and I never took it back up. Maybe tonight you can just enjoy a bit of 'me' time? Hot bath, good book or a girlie movie accompanied by some ice cream? That's what I'd do I think!!

I had a emotional breakdown this morning and cried and shouted at DH. Then he made me go to my lesson and I actually loved it and booked in for Thursday. DH left when I got back. I made myself some slimming world fakeaway marinated chicken kebab with home made chilli sauce and sw chips and now enjoying a glass of fizz and watching tv. I logged in to fb there to see the girl in my work has now made her pregnancy official on fb. It got to me but I told myself one day it will be my announcement.
Thanks for the lovely replies. I got through the day...just. when i got home I wantwd to roll up in a ball amd cry but instead I made myself go out with DH and go see Thor and I laughed as it was very funny. I am glad I went. Going my 1st horse riding lesson tmrw as an adult...DH is away tmrw staying at a boys night in so that will be the test when I am on my own tmrw night.

Glad you talked yourself into going out. Sometimes it's easier to distract yourself than you think. Hope you enjoy your riding lesson. I did bit of riding when I was young but then the stables closed and I never took it back up. Maybe tonight you can just enjoy a bit of 'me' time? Hot bath, good book or a girlie movie accompanied by some ice cream? That's what I'd do I think!!

I had a emotional breakdown this morning and cried and shouted at DH. Then he made me go to my lesson and I actually loved it and booked in for Thursday. DH left when I got back. I made myself some slimming world fakeaway marinated chicken kebab with home made chilli sauce and sw chips and now enjoying a glass of fizz and watching tv. I logged in to fb there to see the girl in my work has now made her pregnancy official on fb. It got to me but I told myself one day it will be my announcement.

Yes it will. I said in another reply that I do know how hard it is and I shouldn't have said that. I know how hard I have found it and we are all very individual so no, I don't know how you feel and I'm sorry I said that.

I Just really want to give you a big hug xx
Thanks for the lovely replies. I got through the day...just. when i got home I wantwd to roll up in a ball amd cry but instead I made myself go out with DH and go see Thor and I laughed as it was very funny. I am glad I went. Going my 1st horse riding lesson tmrw as an adult...DH is away tmrw staying at a boys night in so that will be the test when I am on my own tmrw night.

Glad you talked yourself into going out. Sometimes it's easier to distract yourself than you think. Hope you enjoy your riding lesson. I did bit of riding when I was young but then the stables closed and I never took it back up. Maybe tonight you can just enjoy a bit of 'me' time? Hot bath, good book or a girlie movie accompanied by some ice cream? That's what I'd do I think!!

I had a emotional breakdown this morning and cried and shouted at DH. Then he made me go to my lesson and I actually loved it and booked in for Thursday. DH left when I got back. I made myself some slimming world fakeaway marinated chicken kebab with home made chilli sauce and sw chips and now enjoying a glass of fizz and watching tv. I logged in to fb there to see the girl in my work has now made her pregnancy official on fb. It got to me but I told myself one day it will be my announcement.

Yes it will. I said in another reply that I do know how hard it is and I shouldn't have said that. I know how hard I have found it and we are all very individual so no, I don't know how you feel and I'm sorry I said that.

I Just really want to give you a big hug xx

Aww thanks GG. I am hanging on in there well at keast until there isn't any other option. I am in this for the long run but right now I am just hoping I don't have to wait another year for my bfp. Don't be sorry you said that. Every women on here who has been ttc for a while knows this pain and heart ache. I just wish I didn't knoe about this world vut at the same time It will have made me stronger and if I ever have a baby I will fully know how lucky I really am.
Thanks for the lovely replies. I got through the day...just. when i got home I wantwd to roll up in a ball amd cry but instead I made myself go out with DH and go see Thor and I laughed as it was very funny. I am glad I went. Going my 1st horse riding lesson tmrw as an adult...DH is away tmrw staying at a boys night in so that will be the test when I am on my own tmrw night.

Glad you talked yourself into going out. Sometimes it's easier to distract yourself than you think. Hope you enjoy your riding lesson. I did bit of riding when I was young but then the stables closed and I never took it back up. Maybe tonight you can just enjoy a bit of 'me' time? Hot bath, good book or a girlie movie accompanied by some ice cream? That's what I'd do I think!!

I had a emotional breakdown this morning and cried and shouted at DH. Then he made me go to my lesson and I actually loved it and booked in for Thursday. DH left when I got back. I made myself some slimming world fakeaway marinated chicken kebab with home made chilli sauce and sw chips and now enjoying a glass of fizz and watching tv. I logged in to fb there to see the girl in my work has now made her pregnancy official on fb. It got to me but I told myself one day it will be my announcement.

Yes it will. I said in another reply that I do know how hard it is and I shouldn't have said that. I know how hard I have found it and we are all very individual so no, I don't know how you feel and I'm sorry I said that.

I Just really want to give you a big hug xx

Aww thanks GG. I am hanging on in there well at keast until there isn't any other option. I am in this for the long run but right now I am just hoping I don't have to wait another year for my bfp. Don't be sorry you said that. Every women on here who has been ttc for a while knows this pain and heart ache. I just wish I didn't knoe about this world vut at the same time It will have made me stronger and if I ever have a baby I will fully know how lucky I really am.

I think any baby born to or cared for by a mother who really struggled with fertility will be really really appreciated. Can't find the words to say what I really mean by that but hopefully you'll get it.

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