***June Testing thread***

Thank you Sunflower; worried now as I've had some brown spotting so not holding my breath but will test again on Friday if I haven't had any bleeding

Could be more implantation bleeding.
bfn for me today, and another disappointed cycle making it 11 cycles.
Congrats ladies on your bfp. Keep us updated Donna.

Sorry to hear you got a bfn maximum. Hope it happens really soon for you xx
I think I've got my positive. It was very faint yesterday (although if my bleed was implantation it was only 5 days after that)

Met with mixed emotions to be honest as some people close to us have just had the worse time ever; but my head is coming around and we're very excited. I'm glad I tested early as I think now when I test later in the week I will be 100% ready to see a positive. I hope it wasn't a false one though :/ like I say the line was very faint but we could both see it

Hello ladies,

I am back again......................because I got a positive test yesterday!

Im in shock as we have relaxed and almost stopped thinking of baby no.3. But here I am.

Please add me on 4th June.
Congratulations to both of you! :)
Sorry maximus hope the next one is your cycle.

Congrats on those with their bfps!

I haven't updated this thread yet and to be honest im all over the place. Tested yesterday and got bfp on frer and then 2-3 on a digi which date wise is very confusing and I must have not had a real af last time! However I'm not holding much hope as I've been having brown discharge since Saturday and today was quite a bit so I had to wear a pad, I cant see this being the sticky one id hoped for. Doc says to wait it out and test again in a week to see if I have miscarried.

Good luck for you all can't wait to see those bfps!
I am out ladies.

AF got me today. I counted the little bleed I had when I had my implant taken out as a period so my app updated to tell me my ov days but looks like that bleed after the implant was taken out wasn't an actual AF and now it hasn't arrived it takes my fw to when we're on holiday which means I'll be testing at the beg of July.

I feel gutted that that happened and got my fw wrong. I could've cried this morning when I saw the witch had arrived.
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Sorry to hear that Summergurl, at least now you've got a real af your app will be right next month. I know it's so disappointing, stay positive this time next month you could be announcing a bfp xx
AF started. Annoyed not pregnant but at least my luteal phase is back to 14 days after the mc - it was 12 days last month...that's a good sign. Think it's gonna be heavy, the fatigue has been horrific.
Did a cheapy test this afternoon bfn so pretty sure I’m out this cycle lol I’m kinda glad I started trying again so soon after my daughter was born lol especially if it’s goint to take ages to conceive again
Lots of positivity to you all, hope there's lots of bfp in here this month x
Did a cheapy test this afternoon bfn so pretty sure I’m out this cycle lol I’m kinda glad I started trying again so soon after my daughter was born lol especially if it’s goint to take ages to conceive again

Sorry, Mystery x
So the spotting stopped and I took a digital today BFP no denying it. I'm over the moon

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