***June 2020 mummies***

Hello lovely ladies ❤️
I just found you in my search for first trimester mummies and I found you!!

I’m due 20th June, and my first one. Super nervous for the best. Thank you for sharing your stories they’re genuinely fascinating and comforting
Hi lovely my 1st one too ☺️ im due about 23rd, having a good morning regarding nausea so far x
Welcome @Chichi789
Glad to have you join us IL add you to the due dates!
I'm feeling slightly better today also so that's a positive.
I'm just still feeling kind of house bound because of the constant being sick so I have been using my time wisely and getting super organised for dare I say the word christmas lol xx
Hi! This will be my first too ☺
I still feel sick most of the time and I just want to sleep all day. I feel like this little thing is draining the life out of me! Hoping things settle down soon because I feel like a zombie xxx
Hi! This will be my first too ☺
I still feel sick most of the time and I just want to sleep all day. I feel like this little thing is draining the life out of me! Hoping things settle down soon because I feel like a zombie xxx
Honestly the nausea is horrific but today I am having a good day but I guarantee tomorrow will be a bad day but everyone good it's usually followed by a bad it's so frustrating, I was having a lot of cramping yesterday but no bleed which they told me was normal as I did have a little scare on Thursday but we got to see the tiny little heart beating away☺️ xx how far along are you
I think I'm 7+4, my app has me due 18th June.
Have my first midwife appointment next Thursday, I'll be 9 weeks then. I imagine they'll give me a date for my first scan after that x
ImI 7wks today had a scan last thurs due to a lil bleed so had a more accurate , just implantation they said, possibly due about 20/23rd my midwife had me down as 8weeks (was there last monday) so hopefully my scan will be on ots way in post
Morning girls
Had my scan today at the hospital
Baby looked good and good heartbeat
The haemorrhage is still there but they didn't seem concerned and just measured it.
I have to go back next week for midwife booking appt and then on 25th Nov for 12 week scan and consultant appointment.
I was measuring exact for dates so 8+4 today.
Hi everyone , I'll be out of this group soon

I had some devastating news I started to bleed and been told I was miscarrying but as nothing has come out I have to go in monday for a d and c :( I was just over 9 weeks will be 10 weeks 4 days when I have the OP :( docs said it was prob down to all the stress I've been going through last few weeks due to marriage break up ( he cheated) and looking after 4 children and doing everything around the house got to much for me :(

Just thought I'd let everyone know

I wish you all good luck and happy healthy pregnancy xxx
Morning girls
Had my scan today at the hospital
Baby looked good and good heartbeat
The haemorrhage is still there but they didn't seem concerned and just measured it.
I have to go back next week for midwife booking appt and then on 25th Nov for 12 week scan and consultant appointment.
I was measuring exact for dates so 8+4 today.

why kind of bleeding are you having? I am having some too so just curious how it is in comparison.
So sorry @Natalie2

I'm not actually bleeding it is just being found on the scan. They said it can either be reabsorbed by the body or may result in spotting. I've not had any spotting yet but I suppose if I do it will likely be the haemorage coming away x
Couldn't stop being sick last night!
Think I'm at the peak of the ms
I suppose the only way is bk down now so fingers x for some relief soon xx
Hi Natalie2 - so sorry to hear your news. lots of love your way.

I was hoping I would be symptom free but the MS has kicked in, this nauseous feeling is driving me insane :( but I keep telling myself it will worth it. I'm booked in for an early reassurance scan on Monday with my history. So fingers crossed!
Hi everyone , I'll be out of this group soon

I had some devastating news I started to bleed and been told I was miscarrying but as nothing has come out I have to go in monday for a d and c :( I was just over 9 weeks will be 10 weeks 4 days when I have the OP :( docs said it was prob down to all the stress I've been going through last few weeks due to marriage break up ( he cheated) and looking after 4 children and doing everything around the house got to much for me :(

Just thought I'd let everyone know

I wish you all good luck and happy healthy pregnancy xxx
I’m sorry Natalie, I’m miscarrying too. I’m not having a d&c, they are having me do pills.
Well I started spotting a little more so they had me come in and the baby’s heart has stopped beating. They said it must have happened sometime right after my appointment last week. This is my second miscarriage and this one is harder as there WAS a heartbeat. I have started the pills to start the miscarriage so I hoping I pass it all and don’t need a d&c.
I have my midwife appt on Tuesday this week so looking forward to that. I have also been thinking about ordering a Doppler having a look online now.
How are you all?
Girls who have had losses I am so very sorry and hope you can be really kind to yourself at this tough time xxxxx
I have my midwife appt on Tuesday this week so looking forward to that. I have also been thinking about ordering a Doppler having a look online now.
How are you all?
Girls who have had losses I am so very sorry and hope you can be really kind to yourself at this tough time xxxxx

I hope your appointment goes well today Lynsey! I have my first one on Thursday. Cant wait to be given a scan appointment xxx
My appointment went well today. It was long and gave blood and got height and weight etc.
I am slightly above the BMI of 30 and I have previously had biopsy of cervix so I'm red pathway aparantly.
I knew I would get extra care because of my loss but the midwife didn't mention it and when I did she moved on quickly was a bit upsetting to be honest.
@Natalie2 and @Oliviasmommy I am so so sorry for your loss, I really hope you have the support you need around you and are taking this time to take really good care of yourself xx

@Lynsey252831 Glad to hear your appointment went well today. how exciting xx

Congrats to everyone who has had reassuring and healthy scans already or anyone new to the thread I haven't spoken to yet :D xx

Sorry I kinda went quiet, had a lot going on. So my dd is over the hand, foot and mouth and none of the rest of us caught it which is obviously great but she's also very very energetic and full of life so I have been struggling big time with looking after her all day, and most evenings by myself as my husband works 2 jobs. My sickness kicked in bigstyle all day every day so I have been put on cyclizine as I was just not functioning as a person and it was really getting to me. When I wasn't throwing up my body was threatening too or I was just too exhausted to even move. Thankfully they seem to be improving things a bit which I'm relieved about.

I am 10 weeks along tomorrow according to my dates :D Super excited and can't wait for my 12 week scan on the 27th November. I have that diabetes appointment tomorrow however at noon.

I've also had to contact my college to consider deferring part of my studies until next year to lighten my workload as I am drowning in work and seriously overwhelmed. Can't concentrate when I feel so awful and ill all the time.

How is everyone tonight hope youre all keeping well xx

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