***June 2018 Mums***

Currently having a bit of a melt down...haven’t had any pregnancy symptoms today. No sign of bleeding (touch wood) but I’m just panicking! Anyone else had this? :(

I've no symptoms at all hun and even retested this morning in case I was going mad!!! 5+3 for me so very early x

Ahh I’m 5 exactly! I’ve had nausea on and off but not actually been sick, been mega bloated and my boobs have killed but that all seems to have gone today. I’ve done like 1000 tests so I’m pretty certain I’m just so paranoid of a MC!

Me too :) such a hyperchondriac usually and have anxiety so I'm loving this! I've had pretty much constant nausea but only sick once. I'm trying to think positive and think about all the symptoms I've got and then I worry about a silent mc. I know there's nothing I can do so I'm counting down to 12 weeks and hope it ends up being good news!
Yep that’s what I keep telling myself, there’s nothing I can do! I looked at getting an early scan and I thought that’s not going to stop anything is it? Whatever will be will be! So yeah I’m worrying like mad but I think that’s because I’m a control freak and this is uncontrollable!
I pretty much talked myself into an early scan yesterday and then talked myself out of it. There's so much that could happen between the early scan and 12 week scan that I think I'll just cope and save the money. Think I'd feel worse if early scan was fine and then something happened. Knowing me I'll change my mind again though! Ditto to being a control freak - this is definitely not controllable and I do not like that! Got to get used to it I suppose...hah
I pretty much talked myself into an early scan yesterday and then talked myself out of it. There's so much that could happen between the early scan and 12 week scan that I think I'll just cope and save the money. Think I'd feel worse if early scan was fine and then something happened. Knowing me I'll change my mind again though! Ditto to being a control freak - this is definitely not controllable and I do not like that! Got to get used to it I suppose...hah

I know and my close friend who had to lose a baby said that had she had an early scan privately she would have then had to go through the whole rigmarole of telling the drs then going for another consultation etc etc which would have made it more stressful! It’s horrible to think the worst like that! Anyway we should stop stressing and be happy and enjoy the quiet time!
Hi everyone I got my bFP on Friday and not sure on my due date so will call it the 30th June til early scan.
This is my second baby but my eldest is 15 so its been a while! I have had quite a few chemicals/early losses so fingers crossed this time is a sticky one.
I've been having vivid dreams every night and sore boobs, really thirsty and eating everything. Some slight nausea, generally tired and getting up in the night to wee about twice.
Been really gassy and bloated, even my coat feels tighter on my waist already!
Couple of slight headaches and a bit emotional now n then.
I was really sick with my first all the time but worst in the late afternoon / evening. Im hoping to skip that part this time lol!
Im really hoping I get to stay here now xxx
congratulations treetrunks! Fingers crossed this is your sticky rainbow baby! Xxx
Thanks Lucy, its really hard to not keep testing but im not going to, im just going to stay positive for now and hopefully get an early scan in a couple of weeks xxx
Congratulations and welcome Spriddy7, Foxy24 and treetrunks.
Wishing you all a happy and healthy 9 months xx
Thanks Lucy, its really hard to not keep testing but im not going to, im just going to stay positive for now and hopefully get an early scan in a couple of weeks xxx

I know what you mean, I kept testing for the first week and a half until
The dr told me to stop testing lol, your symptoms sound really positive though! Xx
Just had to have a load of toast despite having my tea a few hours ago, I could also carry on eating now but I'm literally falling asleep! If I don't stop eating I'm going to look way more pregnant than I am!
So pleased for your tree trunks! You were one of the first to comment on my first post totally freaking out so I'm really happy you got your BFP! Fingers crossed June 2018 is our month!
So pleased for your tree trunks! You were one of the first to comment on my first post totally freaking out so I'm really happy you got your BFP! Fingers crossed June 2018 is our month!

Thanks, desperate to see a heartbeat, still cant believe it really! Fingers crossed!!
Yes im usually lurking about here somewhere reading posts lol.
How are you feeling princess a? Xxx
Just had to have a load of toast despite having my tea a few hours ago, I could also carry on eating now but I'm literally falling asleep! If I don't stop eating I'm going to look way more pregnant than I am!

Im the same, I could eat a 5 course meal- all the time! I just want to eat drink and sleep....
Drinking loads of fizzy water, really refreshing xxx
I look fatter already ! Nevermind haha xxx
Just finished work and I'm shattered! Only do 6 hours 6.30pm till 12.30am but him a cook and on the go all shift tonight my back is killing but I don't want to tell anyone a at work yet as feel to early! So hard to carry on as normal. And I'm also starving even had bacon sausage egg n tom on shift but I'm laid in bed now and could eat a scabby donkey lol xx
Yes being on your feet 6 hours is hard spriddy, at least you can get a decent meal at work though!
How's everyone feeling today? Xxx
Yes being on your feet 6 hours is hard spriddy, at least you can get a decent meal at work though!
How's everyone feeling today? Xxx

Not bad treetrunks bit tired but that's nothing new really at 41 and under active thyroid it's pretty much the norm! Hope everyone else is doing well xx
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Congratulations Spriddy, Foxy & Treetrunks!! :wave:

Thanks ladies for you vitamins advice! Much appreciated.

Feeling v. nauseous today, and pretty tired (06:30 gym class, so entirely my own fault!)
Sick and tired! Which is pretty much my permanent state! Fed up but trying to think of the positives, I think as so few people know I'm just in limbo and struggling through. Getting very little work done which as a teacher is not great! Just can't wait until 12 weeks when hopefully all is ok and I can get more support and people actually understand I'm not just a lazy grumpy muppet!
Congratulations to all the newbies!

I’m feeling alright, still super duper bloated and can’t stop peeing! Turns out I hate the other half’s aftershave now!

I’ve got an appt with the midwife tomorrow, I told my drs my LMP and they still booked me in for tomorrow when I’ll be 5+2? Everyone keeps saying it’s super early, I’m so worried that the midwife will wonder why I’m there! Anyone else had this?
Tonight after nearly 6 weeks since she had a stroke my mum unexpectantly passed away. This afternoon they had her walking for the first time since it happened im so shocked. I hadnt told her that i was pregnant as didnt want to worry her but i told her tonight after she passed.
As some of you know this pregnancy was a total shock to me and I wasn't sure how I felt about it but I'm so determined now this baby will make it but I'm also terrified of how this shock and upset will affect it.
I'm sorry to put this on here but I really need to put my feelings across to someone and as only my immediate family know of my pregnancy I can't speak to them ����

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