Might need to take more vitamins, I'm really struggling with my gums at the moment. Had an ulcer last week which sent me into a panic attack as I googled stuff (idiot!) so went to emergency dentist as I don't have one (too scared and stupid) and last night I noticed really swollen gums and one had gone a bit purple (panic mode), off to get some mouthwash today and hope it's not too serious. I read that vitamin A and C help with immune system so clearly I need something!
Hi there,
As you probably know pregnancy can effect your dental health. Im a dental professional and we recommend that you carry on with brushing at least 2 times per day for at least 2 minutes at a time and definitely trying to floss (or clean with interdental brushes) your gums at least once a day. Mouthwashes for gum problems can help but they can also stain teeth if over used and I would only use one recommended by a professional. Its the hormones that are causing your gums to be inflamed and it means you are more susceptible to the bacteria in plaque which also causes the inflammation and bleeding. I would also recommend trying to get register with a Dentist (dont forget we deal with phobia everyday) and its free on the NHS now and until your baby is a year old- you just have to get a certificate from your midwife.
Hope you dont mind me commenting xx
Thanks! I've rang quite a few dentists and they're not taking NHS patients right now, going to keep trying this week

. One part of my gum near one tooth is quite purple, looks a bit like a blood vessel that's burst but it's not nice to look at. Have got mouthwash and different toothpaste and toothbrush, hopefully it'll get better, if not it's my own fault. Already brushed 3 times today...!