***June 2018 Mums***

Thank you - yes it is! Everything feels so shiny and new. Am I right in thinking this is your rainbow baby Lucy?
It is such an exciting time yet everything's so new and unknown at the same time haha. Yes hopefully this is our rainbow :)
Can I join?! Estimated due date 12 June, although not sure how many weeks I am!? Last period started on 26 August with 38 day cycle, so not sure where that puts me at?
Can I join?! Estimated due date 12 June, although not sure how many weeks I am!? Last period started on 26 August with 38 day cycle, so not sure where that puts me at?

Congrats! Same LMP as me but my cycle is shorter :)
Congratulations summerwine and thumbelina76! Does anyone know when the lotions and potions need to come out for stretch marks?!
Me toooo 🙏🏻🤗

Hey all,

Thought I'd start a thread for those expecting in June 2018...

My due date is 11th June.

Had my bfp on Sunday, 4 days before I should have tested!
Nervous about this one but hoping for a happy, healthy and sticky rainbow.

Comment below your estimated due dates ...

2nd - Princessaxy
6th - Pepper_Mint
10th - LucyC
11th - CMcDx & Cinnamon2
15th - Gemstar
18th - urban23

C x
Woke up this morning not feeling sick and now I'm second guessing if my boobs hurt less, totally freaking out :(
Woke up this morning not feeling sick and now I'm second guessing if my boobs hurt less, totally freaking out :(

My boobs have started hurting less and I’ve stopped having that sickness feeling too, but then I’ve got an achy back, I think it’s normal for your boobs to calm down a bit? 🙈
Woke up this morning not feeling sick and now I'm second guessing if my boobs hurt less, totally freaking out :(

My boobs have started hurting less and I’ve stopped having that sickness feeling too, but then I’ve got an achy back, I think it’s normal for your boobs to calm down a bit? 🙈

Hopefully, as it was the sickness and boobs I've now got a sickly feeling due to anxiety ha! A quick google as shown that the very normal but also can be not normal, which seems to be the case with almost every pregnancy symptom! Going to speak with husband about getting an early private scan and maybe doing some more pregnancy tests to see
Woke up this morning not feeling sick and now I'm second guessing if my boobs hurt less, totally freaking out :(

Try not to worry, although I know that's easier said than done, I'm sure symptoms come and go so they may be back again with force tomorrow, I've also seen lots of people say that week 6 is when they felt the worst so as you're nearing week 7 it may just be that you've gone through feeling the worst. An early scan could help to reassure you though if you're still worried x
Welcome newbies and congratulations!

Hope that's the OP properly updated.

I'm 5 weeks today, My rainbow baby is the size of a peppercorn according to Ovia :)

How is everyone? Getting the sicky feeling and bad headaches :(
Oh yes the sicky feeling is now back! I’m trialing the ginger biscuit theory!
Happy Friday ladies!

I am 4+5 today... I do get nausea, on and off in waves. If it disappears for more than 2 hours I find myself panicking and wishing for more nausea.

I had an apt with my Dr this morning. She agreed with my apps EDD and mostly just filled me in on what I should be taking/eating and how I should be exercising (the advice I've had on exercise is so contradictory!). So I've been out and bought some Vit D too - is 12.5mg okay does anyone know? NHS recommends 10 but I couldn't find 10 and this was the closest they had! Apparently I should have a call of the midwife now some time next week to arrange my first appt.
I've felt sick all afternoon now! Really need to get my anxiety in check!

Summer wine - I got 10 mg of vitaminD from boots in a grey tub! No idea if more than that is fine but surely it is?!
What vitamins and supplements are you all taking then? I've only been taking Folic Folic, and at my booking appointment with last pregnancy my midwife gave me the healthy start vitamins. Whst do you recommend getting?
I'm just taking folic acid and vitamin D, that what I read I should take and that most other things I get normally. I'm going to ask at my booking appt in 2 weeks about it if all is still going well :)
I’m on pregnacare which has everything in it I think! I would tell you however my dog chewed the packet, luckily he didn’t manage to open any of the tablets! ��
I'm just taking folic acid and vitamin D, I can't see that 12.5mg would be a problem summerwine.

My symptoms come and go and change all the time. One strange symptom I keep getting is really really hot feet haha does anyone else get this or is it just me?
I'm always hot so no change for me In pregnancy. Ha.
Hi all,
I am taking pregnacare only, as it has everything.

As for symptoms, I'm hot all the time, very hot 😩... getting night sweats and I keep waking up all night..

The other thing is, the abdominal pains, which are uncomfortable.. but I'm trying to bare the pains..

I'm now waiting for my EPU appointment to see how things are. 🙏🏻

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