***June 2018 Mums***

Hi everyone! Scan was great measured bang on target of 8 weeks and 1 day. I do have a picture but I have no clue how to upload it!? I’m so relieved! ��
Yay so happy for you!!

Does anyone know if I can eat crumbly Lancashire cheese? It just lists milk as ingredients not if it's unpasteurised or not?
Yay - congratulations Peppermint!

Not sure sorry Princesssaxy - might depend on the brand? Kirkhams Lancashire Cheese is listed as both 'unpasteurised' and 'suitable in pregnancy' on the website!
I've got Morrisons one and it doesn't say anywhere about the milk but oh well it's so yummy so screw it!
Pepper mint where the reply box is at bottom it will say go advanced click on that and then you will see a paper clip click that and it will take you to your photos just add it there, glad everything went ok- sorry thread jumping again lol xx
I think it has worked! Baby PM standing on its head! Thanks Holli


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Awesome! I'm only a few days ahead of you so I imagine mine looks similar if all is well in there!
Awesome! I'm only a few days ahead of you so I imagine mine looks similar if all is well in there!

Yes it will 😁 when is your scan? X

Not sure yet, still holding off on an early scan but have booking appt on Tuesday so hopefully will get one within a few weeks, 9 weeks tomorrow, keep talking to my belly fat and saying hang in there 😂😂 Getting more nervous as the weeks go on
Awesome! I'm only a few days ahead of you so I imagine mine looks similar if all is well in there!

Yes it will 😁 when is your scan? X

Not sure yet, still holding off on an early scan but have booking appt on Tuesday so hopefully will get one within a few weeks, 9 weeks tomorrow, keep talking to my belly fat and saying hang in there 😂😂 Getting more nervous as the weeks go on

I got my scan date for my 12 week scan at my booking appointment. The only reason I had the one yesterday was because we had fertility treatment and they do an early scan so they can discharge you from their care. My 12 week scan is going to be when I’m 10 weeks and 5 days but the midwife said that’s ok. I also come under consultant care automatically as it’s an ivf pregnancy so I have an appointment with the consultant when I will be 12 weeks and he will scan me again so I’m lucky in that way. Try not to worry- I know how hard it is..I am the Queen when it comes to worrying! X
Ah, well hopefully I'll get more info on Tuesday! Not vomited in 3 days now but feeling very nauseous. I have a football season ticket so I'm off there for a lunchtime game and as much as I love it I'm dreading it! Luckily I'm not too far from an aisle if I need to run out!!
Can't wait to feel more pregnant so I actually remember before I do things like carrying 2 crates of pop yesterday and then mucking out stables filling Haynets etc then having back ache all evening because I've had a manic day and not really given being pregnant a 2nd thought till I ache!!!
Hope everyone has a great Saturday xx
Ah, well hopefully I'll get more info on Tuesday! Not vomited in 3 days now but feeling very nauseous. I have a football season ticket so I'm off there for a lunchtime game and as much as I love it I'm dreading it! Luckily I'm not too far from an aisle if I need to run out!!

Yes you definitely will get more info then. Try taking boiled fruit sweets like foxes glacier fruits with you to suck on. They have been my saviour at the moment ��
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Hi ladies, please can I join? My edd is 27th June and I’m 5+4.

My husband and I have been ttc for 5 years and I used to be active on the long term ttc board as I had pcos and did a round of clomid in 2014 but it sent me crazy and I had exams so decided to stop actively trying and let nature take its course. Fast forward 3 years and I was admitted to hospital to have emergency surgery to remove a ruptured tumour in May 2017 which was a stage 1c ovarian cancer. I lost my right ovary and had major abdo surgery. Luckily the cancer was slow growing and I don’t need any further treatment just blood tests every three months to make sure it doesn’t come back. Anyway 4 months later and my periods became regular every month (my little left ovary was working like a champ now the right one had gone) and I got my bfp one week ago.

I haven’t had any symptoms really just terrible mood swings, cramping, soreish nipples on and off, some nausea on and off. I’ve done 5 tests though and the line has gradually got darker so I’m taking that as a good sign, I’m just afraid of losing this baby after everything that’s happened. We’ve got a private 7 week scan booked I’m counting the days.
Welcome Mrs Wilson, congratulations and I pray you Have a healthy baby..

I'm currently 8 weeks and have symptoms besides abdominal pains daily.

I'm just waiting ��
Lovely scan pic Peppermint!

Congratulations MrsWilson - that must have been a lovely surprise after all you've been through.

I've got over my upset at being referred to consultant led care (after my OH had a gentle conversation whereby he asked me to explain WHY I was upset and I actually had no idea. I am an emotional wreck - but at least I'm crying, not shouting!)

I've got my early scan on Saturday now, so I think this week is going to be mostly counting the hours and trying to make myself eat food with some nutritional content. Otherwise baby may come out frightened of vegetables... The nausea is ramping up now!
Wow Mrs Wilson, that’s an amazing story! Congrats!

Haha summerwine I feel the same, currently all I can eat is brown food (carbs carbs and more carbs) put a carrot in front of me and I almost throw up! Haha

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