Urban I'm tracking my weight and I'm tracking what I eat. I've stayed the same weight but I haven't had bad nausea, I'm really hungry if anything!
They say to eat what you can when you have nausea/sickness and it's common to lose weight ("your appetite will return with a vengeance" apparently!). Are you taking a multi vit so you're getting your nutrients?
Has anyone else got a really bloated tummy? I have and I actually look pregnant even though it's the size of a grain of rice!!
Back from meeting my lovely midwife. Getting me appt for hospital as soon as possible to see if I'm taking aspirin again due to my stillbirth and also to look at my thyroid meds as may need altering.
Was told will have plan from very early on and won't go over my due date induction would be scheduled for 40 weeks at very latest. Feels a bit more real now xx
We had our early scan... There is definitely a little bub. All looks good, the consultant thinks the due date may get pushed back by a few days and there is definitely only one bun in this ovenWe heard the heartbeat too and saw the flutter. It was amazing. I'm making a mini person!xxxxxx
Glad it went well!
Anyone else weight tracking like mad like me?! I was 79.5kg when I found out and now Im 77kg! Not sure if I should be worried or not. Im not throwing up just consistent nausea and therefore gone off aloe of food however Im still trying to eat little and often.
We had our early scan... There is definitely a little bub. All looks good, the consultant thinks the due date may get pushed back by a few days and there is definitely only one bun in this ovenWe heard the heartbeat too and saw the flutter. It was amazing. I'm making a mini person!xxxxxx
Fantastic hun bet you have a massive smile today xx
Glad it went well!
Anyone else weight tracking like mad like me?! I was 79.5kg when I found out and now I’m 77kg! Not sure if I should be worried or not. I’m not throwing up just consistent nausea and therefore gone off aloe of food however I’m still trying to eat little and often.
I haven't weighed once! I'm more scared to do so as terrified of piling it on. Ive had a close bereavement in the last week so I'm bouncing between a mixture of comfort eating and no-energy to trying to be healthy. Now I have a cold too. I'm hoping to start a fresh next week and get my scales/ measure going
And Ive no symptoms either I said to midwife yesterday keep having stop myself buying more tests lol d
Huge congrats HS1985 - that's fantastic news!!
My early scan is tomorrow and I am so anxious today. Coupled with nausea, I'm really struggling to eat!
I've been so tired this week too. I get home from work and lie on the sofa until I drag myself to bed, where I then proceed to wake up at least once an hour between 020-05
0... Its killing me how unproductive I'm being. Hopefully this is just a Tri 1 thing?!
Not sure I'll get any sleep tonight worrying about tomorrow, but hopefully it will be positive news and I can start getting back to sleeping again.