***June 2018 Mums***

Thank you, yes it was a surprise especially after all that time and hundreds of negative tests. I didn't even tell my oh that I was trying because I didn't want to get his hopes up and we got bfp on the first try.

The midwife said I'd be under a consultant due to what's happened, and I'll probably need a C-section (which I'm glad about!).

Has anyone changed their diet/lifestyle since they found out?
Thank you, yes it was a surprise especially after all that time and hundreds of negative tests. I didn't even tell my oh that I was trying because I didn't want to get his hopes up and we got bfp on the first try.

The midwife said I'd be under a consultant due to what's happened, and I'll probably need a C-section (which I'm glad about!).

Has anyone changed their diet/lifestyle since they found out?

I’ve tried my best to! Obviously not drinking any more which I’m not actually missing! Food wise I avoid most of the things you’re supposed to. Tea I’m struggling with cutting down as I don’t like drinking anything else so OH is force feeding me squash haha! But fruit and veg wise I’m a bit pants with at the mo!
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I'm chuckling to myself here Urban. My OH calls it 'beige food' and it's pretty much all I'm eating too! I was low-carb before finding out I was pregnant too haha.

You sound well supported MrsWilson. My diet and lifestyle have changed due to nausea, rather than choice! I am still trying to run twice a week, and make my circuit training and kettlebell classes, but I need to rest more. My diet has gone out the window. I do have some good days, but most days I just eat whatever appeals as otherwise I wouldn't eat at all! I still have 1 coffee in the mornings. I don't miss alcohol at all though.
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I go to the gym everyday (pretty much) and do jogging on the treadmill, spin class, HIIT, but I've stopped that and I'm doing low impact cardio/weights instead. From what I've read you can still carry on exercising like normal in your first tri but I've decided to just tone it down as I'm really worried (with my medical history). I look at the people jogging in the morning and I'm soooo jealous!

I've completely changed my diet too, before I ate whatever (mostly bad food), now I've made a meal plan and everything haha, so far so good. I'm trying to eat 'clean' foods and I'm sticking to 2000 cals....I still had KFC last night though as a one off! Trying to get my 5 a day and incorporate foods with B vitamins and folic acid. I'm also taking pregnicare max.
I go to the gym everyday (pretty much) and do jogging on the treadmill, spin class, HIIT, but I've stopped that and I'm doing low impact cardio/weights instead. From what I've read you can still carry on exercising like normal in your first tri but I've decided to just tone it down as I'm really worried (with my medical history). I look at the people jogging in the morning and I'm soooo jealous!

I've completely changed my diet too, before I ate whatever (mostly bad food), now I've made a meal plan and everything haha, so far so good. I'm trying to eat 'clean' foods and I'm sticking to 2000 cals....I still had KFC last night though as a one off! Trying to get my 5 a day and incorporate foods with B vitamins and folic acid. I'm also taking pregnicare max.

Oh wow! Well if it makes you feel better you are doing a million times better than me! I’m so not strict with myself! The best exercise I get is dog walks every day!
Urban - trust me I was terrible before, I exercised that much to stay the same weight because I ate rubbish!

I wonder how long my control freak mode will last and I fall back into old habits!
I go to the gym everyday (pretty much) and do jogging on the treadmill, spin class, HIIT, but I've stopped that and I'm doing low impact cardio/weights instead. From what I've read you can still carry on exercising like normal in your first tri but I've decided to just tone it down as I'm really worried (with my medical history). I look at the people jogging in the morning and I'm soooo jealous!

I've completely changed my diet too, before I ate whatever (mostly bad food), now I've made a meal plan and everything haha, so far so good. I'm trying to eat 'clean' foods and I'm sticking to 2000 cals....I still had KFC last night though as a one off! Trying to get my 5 a day and incorporate foods with B vitamins and folic acid. I'm also taking pregnicare max.

You're doing really well by the sounds of it!!! My doctor actually recommended I stop exercising immediately after my first appointment at 4 weeks. I did some research - the NHS website, NCT and trainers at my gym - before disregarding this advice. Glad I did - I feel so much better just for keeping up the routine.

I'm so impressed with you having a meal plan!!! I would love to get back to that soon, but right now the idea of fruit/veg has me rushing to the sink!
Summerwine - I got contradicting advice too, the majority recommended you can keep your exercise routine up and then some other sites said to tone it down. I decided to tone it down due to medical history although for the first 5 weeks of my pregnancy I was hitting the gym really hard and felt amazing, I really miss that feeling.

I suppose you have to eat what you can when you have morning sickness, anything is better than nothing.

Have you gone off any foods in particular? I've gone off chocolate, don't crave it at all, although I really really want carbs (I wanted carbs before though lol). I haven't been sick yet but I get nausea on and off.
Summerwine - I got contradicting advice too, the majority recommended you can keep your exercise routine up and then some other sites said to tone it down. I decided to tone it down due to medical history although for the first 5 weeks of my pregnancy I was hitting the gym really hard and felt amazing, I really miss that feeling.

I suppose you have to eat what you can when you have morning sickness, anything is better than nothing.

Have you gone off any foods in particular? I've gone off chocolate, don't crave it at all, although I really really want carbs (I wanted carbs before though lol). I haven't been sick yet but I get nausea on and off.

What sort of gym stuff are you doing now? I ask as I know once I start to get bigger, I will need alternative options!

Berries - they've always been my go to snack in work and now I cant even stand the smell. I'm not fancying any fruit or veg really but things I don't usually eat much of (like bananas!) are easier to stomach at the moment! I wish I could go off chocolate haha.
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Today I did 10 mins on the stepper/stair thing (never used it before!), 10 mins on cross trainer and 10 mins on bike. Tried to increase the resistance on all three and increase speed so I was giving myself a good workout as they are all easy to slack on at level 1. Other exercises are weights but not going heavy - manageable weights with more reps. I'm also going to start walking on the treadmill at a gradient and start swimming.

I'm not mega fit and I'm not slim or anything, I'm terrified of getting massive so I'm trying to install good habits now. I feel really bloated all the time even though I've eaten healthy which is really unusual for me so I'm paranoid I'm going to be massive even before I can announce it at work which is why I'm not allowing myself to over eat.
Evening, hope you're all doing ok!

Got my booking appt tomorrow morning, had a really odd pain in my side earlier that lasted about 10 mins. No bleeding or other symptoms but my nausea has significantly reduced so there's a little bit of me panicking but nothing I can do!
Evening, hope you're all doing ok!

Got my booking appt tomorrow morning, had a really odd pain in my side earlier that lasted about 10 mins. No bleeding or other symptoms but my nausea has significantly reduced so there's a little bit of me panicking but nothing I can do!
Hope your appointment goes well!
Evening, hope you're all doing ok!

Got my booking appt tomorrow morning, had a really odd pain in my side earlier that lasted about 10 mins. No bleeding or other symptoms but my nausea has significantly reduced so there's a little bit of me panicking but nothing I can do!

How did you get on Princess? X
It was really good thanks! Got lots of info and height/weight/bloods taken. There were 2 midwives as one was new to the area so she was shadowing, they were so lovely and helpful and made me feel totally at ease. Got my scan date - Thursday 23rd so just over 3 weeks! I've been referred to some specialist midwife or consultant something for my anxiety and depression as I'm not on medication and she asked if I'd like help. This won't start until after first scan so got to try and get to that stage first but it felt good to talk to a human who understands what is going on! Still anxious about losing some symptoms but nothing I can do other than keep calm and wait until scan so positive thinking needed !
Glad it went well!

Anyone else weight tracking like mad like me?! I was 79.5kg when I found out and now I’m 77kg! Not sure if I should be worried or not. I’m not throwing up just consistent nausea and therefore gone off aloe of food however I’m still trying to eat little and often.
Hope everyone's doing ok. Off to my booking appointment shortly then it may start to feel real! X
Urban I'm tracking my weight and I'm tracking what I eat. I've stayed the same weight but I haven't had bad nausea, I'm really hungry if anything!

They say to eat what you can when you have nausea/sickness and it's common to lose weight ("your appetite will return with a vengeance" apparently!). Are you taking a multi vit so you're getting your nutrients?

Has anyone else got a really bloated tummy? I have and I actually look pregnant even though it's the size of a grain of rice!!

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