***June 2018 Mums***

I'll go with a full bladder then.

Hope everyone else is doing well x
I’m out ladies had a negative test this morning after fresh blood! I truely wish all of you very happy and healthy pregnancies. Until next time xx
Oh no Mexico! I hope you’re ok! Sending all my love! And thank you for the well wishes! X
Hi everyone, i am very new to this!

Decided i wanted to try and follow other expectant mums that are due around the same time as me just to get some advice and have similar people to talk to.

I am 5+4 today, i have my early scan first thing tomorrow morning. Found myself testing every morning just to check if i am still pg! Had strong period like cramps last week and lots of bloating but for the past couple of days all the symptoms seem to have vanished! Has anyone else experienced this?

I had a miscarriage in July, so i am probably just being extra paranoid!

Hi everyone, i am very new to this!

Decided i wanted to try and follow other expectant mums that are due around the same time as me just to get some advice and have similar people to talk to.

I am 5+4 today, i have my early scan first thing tomorrow morning. Found myself testing every morning just to check if i am still pg! Had strong period like cramps last week and lots of bloating but for the past couple of days all the symptoms seem to have vanished! Has anyone else experienced this?

I had a miscarriage in July, so i am probably just being extra paranoid!

Welcome Kayla and congrats! I’ve got an early scan booked too but not till I’m 8 weeks (currently 6+3) I was the same as you had bloating a bit of nausea and now my symptoms seem to have calmed, which I should be happy about but can’t stop myself testing every day! Which is the main reason I’ve paid for an early scan!
Hi everyone, i am very new to this!

Decided i wanted to try and follow other expectant mums that are due around the same time as me just to get some advice and have similar people to talk to.

I am 5+4 today, i have my early scan first thing tomorrow morning. Found myself testing every morning just to check if i am still pg! Had strong period like cramps last week and lots of bloating but for the past couple of days all the symptoms seem to have vanished! Has anyone else experienced this?

I had a miscarriage in July, so i am probably just being extra paranoid!


Congratulations Kayla! Good luck for your early scan! I really want one but trying to hold off...

I think a fair few people have days with no symptoms early on and then they really kick in, hopefully you'll get reassurance tomorrow :)
I am only a few days behind you then! I think i am due around the 24th June - according to online calculators!

The waiting is killing me... the nurse called tomorrows scan a 'Reassurance Scan' I know they probably wont be able to see anything but i just need a professional to check over me and say everything is okay so i can try to relax a little.

Apart from waves of nausea i really don't have any other symptoms anymore
Thank you Princesssaxy! I am both nervous and exited for tomorrow.

How far along are you?
My EDD is June 2nd so if all is correct I'm 8+5. The wait is absolutely killing me, this morning is the first day in around a week where I've not vomited in the morning so although I have nausea still I'm now worried about that and spent the last hour googling...!!!

My husband says I can get a scan if I want and I think it'll reassure me for about a day until I start symptom checking again! I'm such a mess! This is my first baby and will be the last if this goes well!
I have been doing exactly the same thing - googling everything! I think its natural when its our first baby.. we have no idea what to expect and if what we are feeling is normal!

I think you should go for a scan - have a nurse or a doctor explain whats happening and to reassure you. Maybe write down all of the symptoms you are getting and have them tell you if its normal or not?

I must of spent a fortune on pregnancy tests this past week.. i think i might end up buying them until my due date just to check im still pg!
Mexico I am so sorry - please take care of yourself and your OH.

Welcome and congratulations Kayla!!

Great to hear everyone else is going nuts for Dr Google too! My early scan isn't until next Saturday. 9 days and counting.... I will be 7+6 then (according to the Dr anyway...)

I woke up at 3am this morning feeling awfully sicky and had to just lie there for an hour or so until it passed. Will probably be napping on my desk by 3pm today... :nap: I have to keep reminding myself that I should be grateful I'm not actually being sick!
Hey ladies I'm just thread jumping from May mummies (12 week scan showed I'm due 30th April but will more than likely be a may baby) you should try and stop googling stuff honestly it will make you soooo paranoid as they only have the bad stories on their.. trust me I know as I drove myself insane with it that I kept phoning my Epau saying about my symptoms so they got me in for scans for reassurance and everything was fine (I had about 4 in total) my symptoms kept easing off so I would panic I was guna miscarry but then they came back either that night or the next day with a vengeance I wish I would of just enjoyed feeling normal again than all the worry I had I think I would of made myself ill if I carried on, if you want to google then I'd recommend the NHS site as that's the accurate one maybe down load some apps for your phone like bounty, pregnancy + or baby centre (I have them and they do explain feelings you may or may not be experiencing) a lot of women's symptoms die down around 8 weeks some don't but try not to worry sorry if I've offended any one I just wanted to try and relax some of you xx
Hey ladies I'm just thread jumping from May mummies (12 week scan showed I'm due 30th April but will more than likely be a may baby) you should try and stop googling stuff honestly it will make you soooo paranoid as they only have the bad stories on their.. trust me I know as I drove myself insane with it that I kept phoning my Epau saying about my symptoms so they got me in for scans for reassurance and everything was fine (I had about 4 in total) my symptoms kept easing off so I would panic I was guna miscarry but then they came back either that night or the next day with a vengeance I wish I would of just enjoyed feeling normal again than all the worry I had I think I would of made myself ill if I carried on, if you want to google then I'd recommend the NHS site as that's the accurate one maybe down load some apps for your phone like bounty, pregnancy + or baby centre (I have them and they do explain feelings you may or may not be experiencing) a lot of women's symptoms die down around 8 weeks some don't but try not to worry sorry if I've offended any one I just wanted to try and relax some of you xx

Thanks Holli! I know googling is bad, done it all my life and I never learn! There's always the worse case stories on there as I guess that's where we reach out too when things haven't gone as planned. As someone who suffered from anxiety I really should learn to not google as this always make it worse! I'm just petrified of miscarrying and I know it's not healthy to think negatively, but I'm finding it really hard to get excited as I'm so scared which is silly I know. Midwife appt on Tuesday so will bore her with all my issues then and see what she says. I have 4 different pregnancy apps so I can check on each one (mad I know). I'm trying to tell myself that I've had no blood and no horrendous pain so in theory all my symptoms are fine and normal. Until the little voice in my head goes "but remember the missed miscarriages you read about" ARGH MY MIND!
Hey ladies I'm just thread jumping from May mummies (12 week scan showed I'm due 30th April but will more than likely be a may baby) you should try and stop googling stuff honestly it will make you soooo paranoid as they only have the bad stories on their.. trust me I know as I drove myself insane with it that I kept phoning my Epau saying about my symptoms so they got me in for scans for reassurance and everything was fine (I had about 4 in total) my symptoms kept easing off so I would panic I was guna miscarry but then they came back either that night or the next day with a vengeance I wish I would of just enjoyed feeling normal again than all the worry I had I think I would of made myself ill if I carried on, if you want to google then I'd recommend the NHS site as that's the accurate one maybe down load some apps for your phone like bounty, pregnancy + or baby centre (I have them and they do explain feelings you may or may not be experiencing) a lot of women's symptoms die down around 8 weeks some don't but try not to worry sorry if I've offended any one I just wanted to try and relax some of you xx

Thanks Holli! I know googling is bad, done it all my life and I never learn! There's always the worse case stories on there as I guess that's where we reach out too when things haven't gone as planned. As someone who suffered from anxiety I really should learn to not google as this always make it worse! I'm just petrified of miscarrying and I know it's not healthy to think negatively, but I'm finding it really hard to get excited as I'm so scared which is silly I know. Midwife appt on Tuesday so will bore her with all my issues then and see what she says. I have 4 different pregnancy apps so I can check on each one (mad I know). I'm trying to tell myself that I've had no blood and no horrendous pain so in theory all my symptoms are fine and normal. Until the little voice in my head goes "but remember the missed miscarriages you read about" ARGH MY MIND!

If I was you I would phone your Epau up explain to them about how your feeling etc they will offer you a scan to put your mind at ease and would save you the £90 for a private one, I was the same my oh and one of my closest friends kept saying to me stop been so negative and enjoy it, there's my oh bouncing of walls as he's so excited bless him and there's me worried I wouldn't even look at the scan at first as I was terrified they would tell me there was no baby but then oh would squeeze my hand and have the biggest smile on his face and I knew it was fine so I let myself look, now that I've had 12 week scan I'm calming down a little I'd much prefer it if my sickness calmed down too (I'd rather any thing else than be sick) once a heartbeat has been seen on a scan the chances of miscarriage drops a lot so if you can get a scan then do it Hun you will feel loads better for it xx
Was crying before I made it in to the room. Was so nervous. But here's Baby x


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