July anyone?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2008
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Firstly im sorry if this has been done before but ive only started coming on here properly over the last few days. Anyway, who else is due in july? Im due 25th so im 10 +5 weeks today. I had my scan on xmas eve as mw and dr thought i was further gone but my dates were right! X
Sometime second week in July for me... anywhere between 12th and 16th depending on which chart you look at :lol:

As long as it isn't the 7th (which is my son's second birthday) :shakehead:
26th atm but I'm expecting it to move forward a touch when I have my scan :) So Yay almost snap :lol:
When do u both have ur scans? I wish mine had been when it was first planned for which was 6th jan. Cos i had it at 9 weeks it just looked like a jelly bean! We now call it jelly bean cos of that x
so far my date is july 14th, but this may change when i have my scan, which hopefully will be soon, still waiting for a letter for my appointment.
Nikki77 said:
When do u both have ur scans? I wish mine had been when it was first planned for which was 6th jan. Cos i had it at 9 weeks it just looked like a jelly bean! We now call it jelly bean cos of that x

I've no idea :lol: our hospital atm is about as useful of an ash tray on a motorbike.

I'm just waiting for the hospital to get in touch with me then hopefully I'll have some idea!

Will they not give you a 12 week one too?
I'm due on 9th July and hoping for the 7th so that baby is 7/7. My daughter is 9/9 and I'm 3/3 :D
I hope u get ur app thru soon. No i dont think they wil. Ive got mw on 15th jan but ill be 12 weeks by then so cant imagine they wil get me in 4 another scan x
Nikki77 said:
I hope u get ur app thru soon. No i dont think they wil. Ive got mw on 15th jan but ill be 12 weeks by then so cant imagine they wil get me in 4 another scan x

Aw that sucks :(
yummy-mummy said:
Mark me down as the 25th as well! Yay I have a date buddy :clap:
Omg, someone else with exactly the same due date! X
Nikki77 said:
When do u both have ur scans? I wish mine had been when it was first planned for which was 6th jan. Cos i had it at 9 weeks it just looked like a jelly bean! We now call it jelly bean cos of that x

I had my 12 wk scan on Tuesday and was 11wks 6days which is exactly where we thought I was upto :D
Silly me, i already knew that cos ive seen ur scan pic on here and showed my oh and said thats what we could have had if we had not had our scan at 9 weeks! Was a really good pic x
Im due on the 17th july, and it's my daughter's 5th b'day on the 19th
Well im either the 25th or 26th but will find out for definate in 10 days :cheer:

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