

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
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Help girls,
our new GSD female puppy seems attached to my OH I think she's in love with him :rotfl:
she seems to ignore my orderes and runs after my OH . yesterday we were walking hand in hand me and my OH the pup came running behind us and tried to bite my leg :x
Is this normal???
A new puppy is excitable but with training the over the top things like trying to bite you will go.

Dogs do moslty seem to have an ifinity for men
my Dads dogs worship the ground he walks on and think he's god
my Mam only gets look in if Dad is out :rotfl:

you need to spend some quality time bonding with your puppy with out you OH there
so the puppie grows to know a respect both of you.
having simliar ruls of how to bring up the puppy is impotant to as he will respect listen and love both of you .
like most things he'll have a favorite but if you show him love warmth but firmness when its needed he will love you too.

hope he dosnt try to bite you agian setting kind but FIRM rules for this that both of you stick too
is needed nip it in the bud while the puppy is still young
i should get my dad to contact you he;s the king of dogs and how to look after them

hope this helps if you want i'll ring my Dad and get some tips fro dog training from him and pass them on to you

sarah :wave:
Hi Sarah, thanks hun for ur lovely advice and offers. I did thought so even my OH told me that I need to stay around her by me self so she gets to know me better but once she hears my OH voice she goes to him like crazy lol.
I would really appreciate it if u get me some tips and advice from ur father about dog training my OH will be pleased , he has some experience but not really and expert.
at the moment we r struggling to teach her how to pee in the yard , once we get her inside the house she pees all over so we would really appreciate some toilet tips for her.
Thanks for ur offer once again. :hug:
When my es was a pup i put paper down near the door when i saw her go to wee i picked her up and popped her on paper, same with pooing after a couple of days move the paper outside so she'll know she has to pee/poo on that. you can get good books on dog training and i'm sure there's loads of info on the net. xx
new puppies find it hard to control thier baldders at first and have no sense of feeling house proud
We started slow making a certian place in the house IE... next to the back door the place to go and layed down paper and his fave toys near by
he soon stopped going every where and focused on just doing it there so it was esier to clean up.

make sue he cant wonder round the whole house when your out
i found that the whole house belongs to them but if they feel owner ship of paticular area ie dog basket then there ok being on there own for while

our doggie after a while bulit up a feeling of house pride and tried his best no to wee in the house
he'd hold it and hold it till someone took him out all night if needs be then rush out into the back field to wee when let out :hug:

treat rewards and praise work very well
if he bulids up this Knowledge that he'll gets a doggie biscuit and praise for doing a wee in his special corner, then bulid towards him doing the same outdoors
but he dosnt get no treat or praise for doing it indoors then he's be more likely not to wee indoors DONT TELL HIM OFF for weeing indoors just clean it up and give him no treats

he get the picture outdoors or in his special corner good biscuit
indoors no biscuit
All my OH does is shout at my puppy....

Yet when he gives him attention hes all over him like a rash :rotfl:
Biting is normal puppy behaviour and not anything to worry about. You should distract the dog from biting you, either by saying NO and giving the dog a toy of it's own to chew or a loud yelp, followed by NO BITE and / or ignoring the dog for a minute or two. My husband used to grab our GSD around the muzzle and say NO BITE - there are all sorts of methods out there, but your pup will get the message and grow out of it. It's normal, don't worry, our GSD was alittle aligator when she came home and was constantly nipping and biting our hands and feet - used to drive me crazy, but it passed, as it will for long as you're consistent.

With the toilet training - just make sure you take your pup outside after food and after sleeping and if she does go to the toilet where you want her too, give her lots of praise - just a tip - don't rush her back indoors once she's been, as that'll make her put off going so she can get extra play time outside, but you want toilet to mean toilet! Even when she's in the middle of going, you could reinforce it by saying, "do your business", so later on it becomes a type of command to let her know you want her to go to the toilet. Again, it's normal that she has to learn this, she's just a young pup and you must never punish her for going in the house - accidents in the house are usually the result of the owner not preventing it in the first place, it's not the pups fault! Ignore the bad, praise the good!

She'll get there on both of the above issues - this is typical puppy stuff and she'll learn what's expected of her in due time - as long as you're consistent and fair!

Both you and your hubby should decide what is aceptable behaviour and what is not and BOTH reinforce your house rules - that way she'll see both of you as above her in the pack - the last thing you want is a grown up GSD who doesn't respect you - love and respect are totally different things for dogs! Be consistent 100% of the time, or you'll have a very large problem on your hands later on!

You may find this article helpful -

Also, I belong to a fantastic German Shepherd Forum - I think you'll find it very helpful!

I am "Tatum28" on that forum :D
Thanks Tatum.
I'll have a look at the links now.
Keep those pictures on ur avatar. Rena looks like a movie star i'm soo jelous. do u mind me asking where did u get her from?
do u know any good GSD dealers in London as i'll be there with my OH in a months time and would like to get a proper GSD as the one we got here turns to be not a pure breed!
I know this might sound harsh but we did rush things when we got it and now we have decided to return it back to the dealer and get a proper one from the Uk.
:shock: :shock: You make the poor dog sound like a car! I would seriously think twice about getting another one if you're giving the original one back.
Maybe wait until after the babies born and see howmuch time you have for training a dog
maldives said:
Thanks Tatum.
I'll have a look at the links now.
Keep those pictures on ur avatar. Rena looks like a movie star i'm soo jelous. do u mind me asking where did u get her from?
do u know any good GSD dealers in London as i'll be there with my OH in a months time and would like to get a proper GSD as the one we got here turns to be not a pure breed!
I know this might sound harsh but we did rush things when we got it and now we have decided to return it back to the dealer and get a proper one from the Uk.

Not sure of any London based GSD breeders, but they have very helpful sections on this on the GSD forum I belong to - someone will be able to help you. It's very important to go to a reputable breeder who has the correct paperwork, family history etc as well as the hip scores for the parents etc. We got ours from a fantastic breeder in Essex - I'll be happy to put you in touch with her - but you have many options out there. Our GSD is a Sable, her colors are ever changing! Good luck in your search and do check the forum I gave you the link to, because you'll get more information there than I could ever hope to give you! Keep us posted :D
Thanks Tatum.
I did register in the forum u gave me the link for but still didn't have access It seems i need to be authorised by the Admin first, hope this doesn't take long.
btw i registered by the same name Maldives.
maldives said:
Thanks Tatum.
I did register in the forum u gave me the link for but still didn't have access It seems i need to be authorised by the Admin first, hope this doesn't take long.
btw i registered by the same name Maldives.

Yep, I think they activate your account - I've been a member for over a year, so I can't remember, shouldn't take long though! :think: I think you'll get a lot of helpful info there. If you ARE going to return your current pup, it's better to do it asap and if I were you, I'd spend a few months researching the GSD breed while you wait for your baby to be born, THEN make a decision once you've got into a routine with baby. Honestly, it'll be very hard work to have a newborn and a pup - almost like having two kids at once! GSD pups need 100% from you in those crucial early months, I'd hang on if I were you - but in the meantime, get lots of info, it'll be something great to look forward to once you're settled with your baby and you know where you are :D
I know this might sound harsh but we did rush things when we got it and now we have decided to return it back to the dealer and get a proper one from the Uk.

I don't really know what to say. I think it's the 'it' bit that sort of sums it up. Hopefully a reputable dealer will be more hesitant in giving you a second pup.
maldives said:
do u know any good GSD dealers in London as i'll be there with my OH in a months time and would like to get a proper GSD as the one we got here turns to be not a pure breed!
I know this might sound harsh but we did rush things when we got it and now we have decided to return it back to the dealer and get a proper one from the Uk.

Blimey :shock: I have to say I'm somewhat peed off now. But I am quite calm and have considered my words here. Reading your comments above have upset and annoyed me. I feel they are irresponsible and while you are doing one good thing in returning the dog, getting another at this point or anytime soon would be a big mistake. Not just for you but for the dog. And s/he will have no say in it.

I wrote a lot yesterday in reply to you to try and explain things about keeping a puppy and a GSD at that, and while you have taken some of it on board you missed the most obvious part and that was that chances are a GSD puppy is not for you, and certainly not with a new baby on the way soon. I read your PM today and was about to reply. But I see there is no need.

Give the dog back to wherever you got it from and please don't rush out and get a 'proper' GSD anytime soon. Dogs are not for trading in for a better model or moving on because the new owner stuffed up and didn't do their homework on the dog they were getting. This is why so many end up in rescue centres unwanted by their owners. Why so many are put down because they are not properly trained and cannot be rehomed safely.

Don't get one from the UK or anywhere else. Wait till your baby is born and see if you both have time in your lives for your child and then later on consider a dog but something more suited to your lifestyle.

I consider a baby more of a priority than a new puppy so devote your time to that when s/he arrives and enjoy your time as a family before getting any pet. Getting another puppy now to decide in a few months time its no longer wanted because you don't have time for it, or are not able to control it etc would be just plain wrong. And selfish.

Good luck.
Thanks Sherlock for ur advice.
U have rushed in giving me ur verdict. I have sent u a PM , hope that explains my situation better.
I am disappointed for not replying to my PM. I appreciate all the effort u have put to advice me. but i think at the end it is my own decision to make.
and i won't do a stupid thing of gettinh a puppy if i know i won't be able to take care of it.
I didn't rush my reply here. You didn't tell me in your earlier PM what you posted here. I replied to your post here as I felt training advice was irrelavent as you seemed intent on returning the dog.

My reply here was in concern at how you seem happy to treat a dog as a disposable item and replace it with a better model etc on your next trip to London. I considered my reply when given that information. You made no mention of that in your earlier PM. What you have told me in your most recent PM has only given me more concerns :roll: As I have replied to you and explained via PM.

I'm sorry but I feel I gave you honest good advice based on what you asked here in public in both threads. I had been writing you a reply to your earlier PM when I saw this thread and felt there was no need. My advice from earlier still stands. But as I now understand from what else you have told me, the picture is ever clearer and I cannot in good conscience continue to give advice based on what you have told me your intent and hopes are.

My final piece of advice is to post and research on dog breeding/handling forums and sites. That a pregnancy forum isn't really the place for the kind of things you want to know and the path you will maybe go down with GSD.

So excuse me if I now go silent on the subject from here on in. I'd rather not be involved.


Hi Sherlock.
First I admit u r a better writer than me.
but i got disappointed again as u put me in a bad reputation in public as if i have intended to do something terrible. all what I have and my OH intended to do is to care for whatever pup we get and start our breeding business . we already have reputable horse breed in where we live. and now we r aimaing for GSD. thats all ! i don't think that is too bad or that we don't love our pets!
secondly we don't treat pups as a disposable items . and we r thinking twice before getting the best breed available as the one we got is from a country that we r resident at the moment and they unfortunately don't have the best breed. when we got the pup that we have already returned it was from the best dealer available and it came from abroad so we trusted the dealer but it turned out he doesn't know much about his own business!!
maldives said:
Hi Sherlock.
First I admit u r a better writer than me.
but i got disappointed again as u put me in a bad reputation in public as if i have intended to do something terrible. all what I have and my OH intended to do is to care for whatever pup we get and start our breeding business . we already have reputable horse breed in where we live. and now we r aimaing for GSD. thats all ! i don't think that is too bad or that we don't love our pets!
secondly we don't treat pups as a disposable items . and we r thinking twice before getting the best breed available as the one we got is from a country that we r resident at the moment and they unfortunately don't have the best breed. when we got the pup that we have already returned it was from the best dealer available and it came from abroad so we trusted the dealer but it turned out he doesn't know much about his own business!!

I don't think I did anything of the sort. I have not made you out to be terrible, simply that I don't think I can give advice for the kind of thing you plan. I explained why I was not going to give you more advice on the subject and that I felt it was better you went to proper dog breeding and handling forums for the things you wish to know. You would be better served posting on those than here IMHO.

As for the rest, as I said, if you post and inform people of the facts then they can reply accordingly. Not having the full picture means none can give you the correct advice. Maybe you could have worded your post better about returning the dog and getting another in London. But the way it came over seemed to give the impression it was a disposable item. I was not the only person who felt that reading your words. And as an animal lover that irked me somewhat. Had I known earlier what you have hopes for then I'd have given you totally different advice from the outset. But based on what you posted in public it seemed this dog was for a pet as an impulse buy. I replied accordingly :)

I now know different and while I am sure you will provide the best care possible, I really cannot give you the kind of advice you need. Breeding and keeping dogs for business is a totally different thing to having one as a pet and you need expert advice and to do research in the proper field. Hence me choosing to no longer comment on the care and so on of the breed.

I wish you all the best with it :)
I agree with Sherlock, your original post did make it sound like an impulse buy, and as a pet.
I think Sherlock has gone out of her way to help you.

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