** January 2019 **

I have my 16 week appointment on 8th Aug, gender scan on 11th Aug, and 20 week scan on 3rd Sept!
Ladies for my downs syndrome resukrd 1 in 7672 chance for that and 1 in 100,000 for Edward or pataus syndrome so I am pleased about that X
Good news Sarah. Im hoping i have my results this week but the measurement was low when we had the scan. I'm so glad today is over that was a long shift! My boss came and spoke to me to ask if i want my hours/duties amended. Ill have a think cos its very full on xx
I honestly can't wait for time off work now. I'm about to go down to 3 days a week until september while the kids are on holiday and the thought of not having to get up and go to work is so exciting.

Booked maternity leave to start on the 10th December whoop whoop!! Christmas off and then the baby to look forward to. What are everyone else's plans?
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I honestly can't wait for time off work now. I'm about to go down to 3 days a week until september while the kids are on holiday and the thought of not having to get up and go to work is so exciting.

Booked maternity leave to start on the 10th December whoop whoop!! Christmas off and then the baby to look forward to. What are everyone else's plans?

I'm lucky I only do two days a week now but my brain is already in baby mode - I just don't care about work at all haha. It's end of year school holidays in Dec when I'll be 35 weeks so I'll be working up until then. Im on contract and unless they renew it (which I doubt, since I'll have a baby when school goes back) I won't be getting maternity leave. :(
I've also asked to start on 10th December, but I've not taken any annual leave yet (only started in June) and I'm not sure how much I'll accrue, so I've got that to take too.
I do 3/4 days at the mo. If they'll let me go full term ill work untill new year if not, just after xmas xx
I've come down with a hideous cold, I feel horrendous! This heat isn't helping either :(

Oh no!! I always get Summer colds too. Its so easy to get sick when you're pregnant. Get lots of rest. x
I thought that this morning and then I asked my friend who is a Dr she said blocked nose is common pregnancy complaint X
I've got the ear ache, the headache, and sore throat to go with it :( I feel absolutely wiped out.
Just incase u didn't see my earlier post and want to join the Facebook page it's PFs January 2019 mummies
I am sitting here eagerly awaiting the results of Mrs.Bridge's gender scan.. hehe. Hope baby is doing well x
I am sitting here eagerly awaiting the results of Mrs.Bridge's gender scan.. hehe. Hope baby is doing well x

Hi everyone! So gender scan went really well and it turns out we are having a little girl! My husband is in shock think he saw himself with a little boy 😔 Was all a bit upsetting really can see why some hospitals won’t tell you.

How are you ladies doing? Going to be the hottest day ever here today and I am so not looking forward to it xx
Don't worry Mrsbridge17. Maybe your husband was really in shock but he would be more than thankful when he finally sees your little girl grow and form into a cute combination of both of you! Don't think too much about it and rejoice, you are having a baby girl!
Aw congratulations! Did you say you wanted a girl? Your poor husband. He'll come around and when baby is born he won't care about its gender. You'll just have to point out all the good things about having a girl and the not so good things about having a boy.. you already have a girl right? The relationship between sisters is so special.

My hubby wants a girl and he'll probably be upset if it's a boy. I really hope I get to give him the daughter he's always wanted. I think it's a boy though so I'll probably be dealing with hubby's gender disappointment too!

Oh and yes I saw, 37 degrees, possibly more than the record 38.5! Even to us in Australia that's awful heat. The news here has been poking fun at the UK heatwave up until now. Now it's serious! At least it'll be good for everyone with Vit D deficiencies...
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The heat would be ok if we were set up for it, but our houses are built to keep the heat in, not keep them cool. Only the main shops and cars have air con, and even the rail tracks and roads are melting / buckling because they're not built for it :wall2:
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Aw congratulations! Did you say you wanted a girl? Your poor husband. He'll come around and when baby is born he won't care about its gender. You'll just have to point out all the good things about having a girl and the not so good things about having a boy.. you already have a girl right? The relationship between sisters is so special.

My hubby wants a girl and he'll probably be upset if it's a boy. I really hope I get to give him the daughter he's always wanted. I think it's a boy though so I'll probably be dealing with hubby's gender disappointment too!

Oh and yes I saw, 37 degrees, possibly more than the record 38.5! Even to us in Australia that's awful heat. The news here has been poking fun at the UK heatwave up until now. Now it's serious! At least it'll be good for everyone with Vit D deficiencies...

Yeah I do have a girl already although she will be 8 by the time she is born! I always wanted a baby sister when I was little I don’t speak to either of my brothers really! Doubt I’d see them at all if it wasn’t for my parents.

The building I work in doesn’t have ac so I am going to melt today 😂 my maternity uniform is all black and quite thick too so it’s all wonderful LOL! Xx
Oh wow MrsBridge, I think I secretly want a little girl and wonder if I'll be disappointed if a boy but I agree with the post above once the initial shock has worn off you will both be able to look forward and get excited about the birth.

One week on Sunday until we find out the gender! Haven't heard from my midwife about a 16 week appt which should be next week. Am I supposed to call her?? Can't bloody remember a thing these days. Just made father in law a coffee after he asked for a tea :( Wore my dog walking shoes to work the other day and forgot my laptop. Serious baby brain lol.

Hope you manage to stay cool MrsBridge, I think you'd be within your rights to ask for extra breaks if needed!
I'm looking forward to going to the beach for a dog walk tonight!! But until then I think it will be fan on and chilling out.

Hope everyone else is good, just started taking spatone for iron and I must say I'm starting to feel a bit better and ever so slightly more energy xxx

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