******January 2019 Mummies******

That is wonderful news Mayflower! I updated your date <3

My scan is in a few hours and I am getting antsy!
The hospital gave me my notes, and I've got my booking in appointment with the midwife on Wednesday! All feels a bit more real now.

Good luck for your scan!
Hope your scan went well wheeldon!

I have started vomiting again :wall2: my stomach is so sensitive at the moment! I thought it would have calmed down by now I don’t want to continue to lose weight :-( I have an appointment with my midwife next Tuesday so I will mention it to her and see if she is concerned I think as 22lb is a lot of weight in 9 weeks x
I had a Next sale slot last night so I've ordered lots of baby boy and baby girl bits.... I've also booked a gender scan for 11th Aug when I'll be 17 weeks :dance: I'll return whichever bits I won't need!
Hope your scan went well wheeldon!

I have started vomiting again :wall2: my stomach is so sensitive at the moment! I thought it would have calmed down by now I don’t want to continue to lose weight :-( I have an appointment with my midwife next Tuesday so I will mention it to her and see if she is concerned I think as 22lb is a lot of weight in 9 weeks x

I think this heat doesn't help though, I know I don't feel like eating huge amounts and if I'm on my feet too long I start to feel sick and light headed. Make sure you're drinking plenty!
Hope your scan went well wheeldon!

I have started vomiting again :wall2: my stomach is so sensitive at the moment! I thought it would have calmed down by now I don’t want to continue to lose weight :-( I have an appointment with my midwife next Tuesday so I will mention it to her and see if she is concerned I think as 22lb is a lot of weight in 9 weeks x

Same here, still morning sickness (well, all day sickness). With my daughter it only went away around 16 weeks &#128557; I've only lost 1.5 kg though, so I'm not concerned.
I had a Next sale slot last night so I've ordered lots of baby boy and baby girl bits.... I've also booked a gender scan for 11th Aug when I'll be 17 weeks :dance: I'll return whichever bits I won't need!

Oh, thats si nice. I'm not VIP on next so waiting for tomorrow for the sale to start.
Scan went well. Baby is growing wonderfully! HB is still higher at 174. <3

Even though I am eating again, I still have lost weight. That puts the total just over 9 pounds. Couple more pounds and I have lost 10% of my total weight.. gahhh! Is that normal??
I think they start looking at prescribing medication for the nausea if it gets over 10% I have declined the meds due to potential side effects as my weight has gone well over 10% now

Glad your scan went well though! Isn&#8217;t it mad how it works in different parts of the world I have absolutely no idea what babas heart rate is!

I&#8217;m making sure to drink plenty and trying to eat healthily all I can really seem to manage is sausage rolls and McDonald&#8217;s ha! So consciously making an effort to eat fruit and drink water!
Haha MrsBridge, I am the same with my diet but I am putting on too much weight :( I've got to start doing more exercise, just trying to find the time.

Interestingly my sickness came back yesterday and I feel lousy mid mornings. Just a few more weeks and it should get better. We're almost there guys! Xxx
CI I literally will turn into a Greggs sausage roll if I eat another! And OMG maccies breakfast! It&#8217;s no wonder I was a heifer before as these were my faves before pregnancy haha!

I know it&#8217;s only 5th July but I feel like this month is flying! My months are kind of messsd up as I get paid on 20th of each month so with only 2 weeks till pay day I&#8217;m starting to plan my money as we find out what we are having so I will be buying the pushchair! I&#8217;m so excited! Xx
CI I literally will turn into a Greggs sausage roll if I eat another! And OMG maccies breakfast! It&#8217;s no wonder I was a heifer before as these were my faves before pregnancy haha!

I know it&#8217;s only 5th July but I feel like this month is flying! My months are kind of messsd up as I get paid on 20th of each month so with only 2 weeks till pay day I&#8217;m starting to plan my money as we find out what we are having so I will be buying the pushchair! I&#8217;m so excited! Xx

I'm buying a pushchair this time too! I can't wait! I didn't need one last time as I used the same one I used first time, I'll need a double this time so I'm going for the iCandy Orange so it can be a double or a single. iCandy come highly recommended from me - absolutely love my Strawberry.
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CI I literally will turn into a Greggs sausage roll if I eat another! And OMG maccies breakfast! It’s no wonder I was a heifer before as these were my faves before pregnancy haha!

I know it’s only 5th July but I feel like this month is flying! My months are kind of messsd up as I get paid on 20th of each month so with only 2 weeks till pay day I’m starting to plan my money as we find out what we are having so I will be buying the pushchair! I’m so excited! Xx

I'm buying a pushchair this time too! I can't wait! I didn't need one last time as I used the same one I used first time, I'll need a double this time so I'm going for the iCandy Orange so it can be a double or a single. iCandy come highly recommended from me - absolutely love my Strawberry.

I actually really want an I candy! I like the look of the oyster aswell though or an egg as if it is a girl I will be having the rose gold frame ha! I love vennici too but they are quite impractical for me storage is an issue and that pram part of it is huge :-( baby pink and white would have been ideal and had it have been around when I had Gracie it would have been what I had! X
Lol Mrs Bridge, to make you feel better I had 3 KFC's last week, 1 Dominos pizza and 1 McDonald's! This week only 1 McDonald's so far, doing well lol!!

I fancied the iCandy too but my friend has offered us her bugaboo pram part and the 0-6 month car seat and she keeps it impeccably so only have to get a frame and seat instead of the whole lot. We're really pushed for space too so I need to try and wait until December to be buying anything really. I guess I do have the wedding to take my mind off things.

We will also find out the gender, my other half really wants to know and as I've had the decision twice before and this is highly likely to be his only biological child I want him to have the choice as I don't mind either way. So exciting tho!!! Xxx
I'm buying a pushchair this time too! I can't wait! I didn't need one last time as I used the same one I used first time, I'll need a double this time so I'm going for the iCandy Orange so it can be a double or a single. iCandy come highly recommended from me - absolutely love my Strawberry.

I am also buying a pushchair as soon as we move house (at the end of July). Also need a double as I have a 1 year old :) Looking at ICandy Peach2Pear as its cheaper than Orange and I want to buy it new :)
We found out the gender with both of the other two - and it means if this one is a boy we can clear out all the girlie stuff.
I think they start looking at prescribing medication for the nausea if it gets over 10% I have declined the meds due to potential side effects as my weight has gone well over 10% now

Glad your scan went well though! Isn’t it mad how it works in different parts of the world I have absolutely no idea what babas heart rate is!

I’m making sure to drink plenty and trying to eat healthily all I can really seem to manage is sausage rolls and McDonald’s ha! So consciously making an effort to eat fruit and drink water!

We total caved and got a fetal doppler... A MUST for me with a previous loss.

I had nausea but never vomited..

I lose weight super easy if I don't eat as I have a high metabolism, even happened before pregnancy...I find it incredibly hard to gain weight. I was at my heaviest at 133 but that is because I got super fit, so mostly muscle, but now I am at 125 and starting to get nervous about losing and not gaining any even though I am eating SO much food!!

Taco Bell and KFC are like my kryptonite...hubby doesn't let me eat it very often though aha!
I'm the same Wheeldon. I thought I must've gained weight since my stomach looks so big and I've been eating more than usual to deal with the nausea. Turns out I've gained stomach fat and lost a lot of muscle mass (have been waaay too sick to do my usual weight training), so I've actually lost weight overall too. I only weighed 52kg pre-pregnancy (114lbs or 8 stone depending where you're from) so really don't want to lose any more Hopefully next tri we can eat/exercise normally and get some muscle back.
I love Taco Bell! Wish we had them here in the uk! I have been looking at getting a Doppler but I don&#8217;t know if I would be able to find the heartbeat is it quite easy?

I woke up in the night with really sharp pains in my stomach I had been coughing in my sleep and the pains came from that I think just above my hip bones. Thinking maybe round ligament pain not sure?

On a lighter note 6 days to go until tri 2 yayyy x

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