******January 2019 Mummies******

I know, I've been managing to not vomit for 4-5 days now. I just eat really quick when I feel it. If I went and leaned over toilet I know it would trigger a comment attack.

Got my booking in today :-)
Meant vomit attack lol. I would moan it's too warm today but I bet your scorching in Australia. My best friend lives in Australia. She loves it X
Hey everyone,

Nuchal scan went well today they said it’s normal range so no concerns! New due date of January 10th! Think baby bridge is going to be a baby boy :)

Hope everyone is doing ok xx


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Oh how exciting Mrs Bridge!! What makes you think a boy, could they tell?
Very strange, but today I could swear I could feel fluttering at the top of my belly, happened for five mis at work and then a bit longer when I got home. Could that be right? I'm sure I was 16 weeks or so with my other 2!
CI I swore I could feel it move but only occasionally? I’m not so sure after seeing it today lol.
They couldn’t tell but from nub theory I think boy x
Ah who knows but I keep getting the movement in the same place, had it again a moment ago. It's when my son or my other half are talking to me lol. Can't wait to catch up with you, my scan is the 10th July, 8 more weeks for all you scanned lot and then it's the 20 week scan! By then hopefully we'll be full of energy and blooming lol!
Thread crashing to say I felt my second at 8 weeks (I know, it was insane, and definitely baby! Makes sense now that I know his personality haha) and baby 3 at 11-12 weeks. So absolutely possible!!!!
Hi everyone! Sorry I’ve been quiet for the last couple of weeks. It’s so nerve racking before the scan, I just kind of kept to myself. Had my 12 week scan yesterday, and my due date is still the same - January 10th (welcome to January 10th MrsBridge17 and Flossy86!) ☺️. It was so overwhelmingly beautiful seeing our little baby - he/she was sleeping, apparently having a little siesta yesterday afternoon 😂.
MrsBridge- I updated your date! <3 Glad your scan went well. Sometimes we just have an inclination.. I think baby wheeldon will be a girl but won't know until we know haha!

Kholl- I totally thought I had felt the baby move today.. it was oddly like a gas bubble popping but happened a few times in the same area.. baby or gas? lol

Hayley- So happy to hear your scan went good! Every time we see the baby, it is so overwhelmingly amazing to see the heartbeat and them moving.. <3
Has anyone else got a bump yet?

I&#8217;m worried it&#8217;s a bit early to show this much being my first, I still weigh less than when baby was conceived but definitely got a belly now! Worried I&#8217;m going to be huge by the time I get towards the end of pregnancy which seems like forever away!!
I've defo got a little bump. Its getting harder to hide now. X
I have a small and bit obviously there bump too. Bought some maternity jeans yesterday. The belly band is a bit too big but my other pants were too small. It's so nice to be comfortable again!! I think if it's your second baby or if you're small to start with you're meant to pop a lot sooner. I can't wait until it's a real bump - at the moment I just look like I've had too much cake haha
I am the same there is a definite bump there now! It&#8217;s crazy to think that I&#8217;ll know what we are having next month, I am so excited counting down the days!

I don&#8217;t know how many others are in the UK but how are you coping in this heat? I am really struggling with sleep and food aversions as the heat is just making me feel crappy who knew it could get this hot here lol xxx
Definitely have a bump! Aha my jeans are the stretchy kind but they are quite uncomfortable now... don't want to have to buy any maternity stuff until I get home in 2 weeks but that is quite a long time to wait!
How hot is it where you guys are? I'm dreading baby being due in the middle of Summer. x_x
Well currently, I am in Saipan and it's 90 degrees with 100% humidity. Home in Florida will be cooler in January like high of mid 80s and low of mid 60s but with A LOT less humidity!
You Americans and your crazy temperatures! I think 90F is around 30 degrees to the rest of us. Similar to what we have in summer. It's nice and cool here at the moment but it's winter. Highs of 20-25 with very low humidity. It often gets above 40 with 100% humidity in summer so that'll be grand. I was wondering how hot it actually is in the UK because my sister in law keeps complaining that it's hot and she lived here for a long time.
Hiya all hope ur ok....where I am in the UK at the moment is between 27 and 30 degrees which is a heat wave for us normally even our summers ain&#8217;t that warm! I am a Moaner though I hate the heat!! And most us Brit&#8217;s go really OTT when it&#8217;s hot!! I sympathise for you all in Australia and America.... I remember about 2 years ago I went to Las Vegas and I couldn&#8217;t cope with the heat it made me feel so ill!! Luckily though in January it is our winter so will be nice and cold lol I love the cool weather xx
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