******January 2019 Mummies******

I used a Doppler with both my other two, I haven't tried it with this one yet. I know they're really frowned upon in the UK now, I only used it until I could feel the move and then I stopped.
I really hope so WinterWolf, I need some energy!

Sounds like round ligament pain Mrsbridge..the fast tightening of the muscles when you cough can cause that.

We found the heartbeat within a few minutes at 11 weeks and have been using it nightly ever since.. I was told I probably would't hear it or it would be the placenta's heartbeat but it was exactly the heart rate the doc had found. I think what's the harm of getting it now? You will have it for the future if you can't find it right away..
I used a Doppler with both my other two, I haven't tried it with this one yet. I know they're really frowned upon in the UK now, I only used it until I could feel the move and then I stopped.

I've used a doppler with my daughter and it really did put my mind at ease. There are lots of videos on youtube on how to search for babies heartbeat. I think you should be able to find it from 14 weeks and sometimes even earlier.
I haven't tried with this one as I am high risk and been having scans each week from week 10.
You are right mayflower doesn’t even look like you can buy them anymore x
Evening ladies. I used a doppler last time but personally wouldn't again as ai would stress out so much when I couldnt find it. The midwife even struggled a few times as I had polyhydramnious (i dont know if that's spelt right)

How is everyone finding the heat? Its been so hot again here today i detest it.
I thought my nausea was getting better but had to make a dash while dishing dinner up.

Am I the only team yellow? I didn't find out with my other 2, we thought about it with this one being our last but decided not too xx
Fpts I did think about not finding out but have been looking at the clothes and the pushchairs and I just can’t do it! My husband is absolutely dying for it to be a boy and at first I thought it might be but now I am not so sure! I think I’ll be disappointed if it is I can’t see myself with a baby boy :-( I know that sounds bad but my daughter wants a little sister and says we should put it back if it’s a boy hahaha! Oh well will find out in 28 days not that I am counting or anything xxx
Wow 28 days is that all! I didn't even know you could find out this early. I have one of each, my son wants a boy and my daughters wants a girl! So i thought best to wait untill its here so they just love him or her and hopefully forget about it ha ha xx
You can find out gender in UK from 16 weeks, I've booked a gender scan for 17 weeks (I'm 12 weeks tomorrow so only 5 weeks to go!) and then I'll get them to double check at my NHS 20 week scan :)
I booked my 3D gender scan for July 28 - 3 weeks today!! I'll be 15 weeks then and the clinic guarantees they can tell you from 14 weeks. So if baby isn't co-operating I'll get to come back for free :)

I couldn't handle not knowing - there's pretty much nothing I can buy in stores that's gender neutral and being my first baby I want to buy lots of baby things in advance!!
Yeah just 28 days, We booked it so my mother in law and my daughter can come along too so had to pick a date for everyone.

Winterwolf it’s good they offer the re scan! Apparently it’s quite rare to not be able to see. Well Jel that you will know before me ha!

I have had my date for 20 weeks scan today aswell that is on 21/8 feel like it is flying in now x
Yes I had to book mine so that my mum can come along too, otherwise I would've booked for when I'm 14 weeks, I'm so impatient haha.

Ooh that's exciting that you have a date for your anatomy scan. I haven't even had my 12 week scan yet. It'll be on Tuesday when I'm 12+4. Had to get all the blood work for that done a few days ago. It feels so much more real now!
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I had to go to the desk after my 12 week scan to book my 20 week scan - 4th Sept!

I'm 12 weeks today - feels like I've reached a milestone! :dance:
We are finding out if they are able to see at 20 weeks scan (16 August, counting down). Not gonna do a separate gender scan.

I am dying from heat. I just don't have enough air to breathe. Had to go to a pharmacy at lunchtime the other day and I thought I'd faint on the way back.
Ah that’s good they let you find out svetlana, Our trust does not do sexing of the baby as part of the anomaly scan :-( They also don’t allow siblings and I really wanted to try and involve Gracie in the pregnancy so she doesn’t strop when they are here! She didn’t speak to my dad for a week when my niece was born and he had her name tattooed above hers it was the end of the world haha x
Ah that’s good they let you find out svetlana, Our trust does not do sexing of the baby as part of the anomaly scan :-( They also don’t allow siblings and I really wanted to try and involve Gracie in the pregnancy so she doesn’t strop when they are here! She didn’t speak to my dad for a week when my niece was born and he had her name tattooed above hers it was the end of the world haha x

We have to ask, and if they can see as part of their checks they'll tell us but it's not their priority, understandably.

We're not supposed to take children either, but last pregnancy we didn't have a choice but to take our 2 year old and it was horrendous. The 20 week scan is so in depth and takes so long, she just didn't have the patience. I really wouldn't recommend taking them! That's also a nice part about a private gender scan, last time they really involved our daughter and she got a sticker etc.
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Ooh WinterWolf I'm also having my scan on Tuesday but I'll be 13 +1 instead. I have to have all my bloodwork the same day. I absolutely hate needles so it will be fun but I so want to get this milestone out of the way because I am so much older and my fears of abnormalities won't go away.
In my past experiences the scans have been done my some really impatient and non communicative staff and I'm a little worried to ask about the gender.

Feels like we're all getting a bit more used to this and starting to look forward to the 2nd trimester. A few more weeks and I'm hoping the sickness will be gone FX
Hehe yay we're scan buddies! They get you to do the blood tests early here so they can give you all the risk factors straight after the ultrasound, which is good. Ah I wouldn't ask for gender at this one, it's too early. I would've thought they'd be happy to tell you at the 20 week scan but apparently not all places are willing. Maybe at this scan ask if they'll be able to tell you at the 20 week one an if they can't, book a private gender scan. I'm too impatient to wait until 20 weeks haha
Yeah I think we are too. It's only £35 for a gender scan so I think we'll do that.

So exciting, so many of us are finding out what we're having. I thought a girl initially now I'm imagining a future with another boys so who knows xxx
Eek! Just booked our gender scan for the 5th August so only 4 weeks away.
Keep feeling tiny little flickers of movement too :)
I think I've been feeling movement too - wasn't sure at first as it's so early but I'm now sure it is. Little pops and flickers. First time it was about 15 weeks, second time I had an anterior placenta so I think it was about 23 weeks.

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