******January 2019 Mummies******

That's exciting CI!!

Ah wow movement already :) I think I felt baby move but might just be wishful thinking. I had a pain in the side of my uterus and could feel that side was sticking out more than the other, so I poked it (as you do lol), and it like a little bubble popped, then that side wasn't sticking out so much. Probably just gas haha but I like to think it was baby....
I have got a private 4d gender scan scheduled for the 4th!! Eek mother and sister are coming with as hubby will be out of country..

Ladies we are almost into the 2nd trimester!! ��
Hurrah for that!! I'm looking a little bumpy now but I could do with looking more bumpy and not just like I've eaten a lot. Can't wait to have a bit more energy either.
I've got a sharp pain on my left side today it's like light sharp wincing pains that come and go. Thinking either my bowel or ligaments what do you guys think it's been on and off since last night. X
Hi everyone,

13+3 today is anyone else suffering with headaches? Not even paracetamol will shift them it’s so annoying! At least I’m not feeling sick though lol!

Wheeldon 4th is when I find out! I am so excited everyone keeps saying it’s a boy I have no idea and hubby thinks girl so we shall see!

My husband commented that I have a podge now, I think he meant bump cheeky basket! Xx
I've got a sharp pain on my left side today it's like light sharp wincing pains that come and go. Thinking either my bowel or ligaments what do you guys think it's been on and off since last night. X

I get ligament pains every now and then when I get up from bed or stand up. They are quite strong sharp pains for me but go away quickly.
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I've got a sharp pain on my left side today it's like light sharp wincing pains that come and go. Thinking either my bowel or ligaments what do you guys think it's been on and off since last night. X

I had posted about pains in my tummy the other day and thought maybe ligaments too! I had been reading up as every single night my left hip hurts and apparently it is all connected :eh: my poor midwife is gonna think I am a mental patient with all the questions I have for her on Tuesday.

I’m not too sure if feeling movement as my placenta is anterior which I know can make it harder. Probably just gas lol x
Yeah it's like small stabbing sensations in quick bursts. I have been managing to toilet every two days which was yesterday but does anyone feel they can't fully open their bowels. The heat isn't helped me either. X
I believe the pregnancy hormones slow down your digestive system, and if you're taking iron in supplements that won't help movement either! Drink lots of water and make sure your eating lots of fibre!

This heat is making me feel dreadful, so nauseous and light headed.
Hows everyone's sickness doing now. I'm struggling with daily headaches thought heat related but none of family have headaches from it so must be hormonal too. Seems to come in an afternoon along with sickness and extreme fatigue X
I feel sick still if I don't eat and if it's too hot, I do love the sun but can't wait for it to get cooler. 23 degrees would be perfect!!!
Trying to drink water but I literally need at least one diet coke a day or I feel absilutely awful. Try to limit it to 2 at the most and i don't drink tea or coffee so I hope that's fine.

Had a smoothie for breakfast this morning and my wind has been off the charts!!! Isn't pregnancy delightful!!?
Sarah I am also suffering with headaches, I did with my last pregnancy aswell and they definitely weren’t heat related then lol I think it’s just one of those things unfortunately. I am too feeling the tiredness I was trying to nap during the football yesterday and hubby woke me and again when he put a film on and kept purposely asking me questions to make sure I stayed awake! Needless to say I bit his head off lol x
I am headed off to work, I can't think of anything worse right now..... I've also had to put an elastic band on my trousers because I can't do them up :wall2:
Oh no! I have booked this week off work I am so glad I hope it isn’t too bad for you mayflower x
Hows everyone's sickness doing now. I'm struggling with daily headaches thought heat related but none of family have headaches from it so must be hormonal too. Seems to come in an afternoon along with sickness and extreme fatigue X

My sickness has gotten worse somehow. I was sick 24/7 but only actually throwing up every other day or every third day before. For the last week the nausea is the same but it's been daily vomiting. Horrible. I thought it was meant to be getting easier now :( thank god it's school holidays or I'd be in trouble with work. Haven't had headaches thankfully. Still needing to take naps a few days a week so that second trimester energy hasn't started for me either yet haha
Ohhh how I wish I could nap! It's very rare I manage to get the girls to nap at the same time!
Just on my way home from.work for a nap now lol. Have already pre warned everyone at home to leave me the hell alone!!!
Winter mine seems worse too I've been laid out to and dizzy loads. I can't hardly stomach anything. I'm eagerly awaiting my scan Thursday X
Good luck. I had my scan today. Baby was sleeping on its stomach (like it's mama!) so it was hard to get the measurements we needed. It rolled over but took about half an hour of prodding lol. It kept waving its arms whenever we nudged it like it was telling us to piss off hahaha. I now think it's a boy because it's naughty!!

Also it measured one day ahead (again) so my official due date is now Jan 17th (our second wedding anniversary, hah).
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