******January 2019 Mummies******

Winterwolf I am in a city and temperatures are reaching around 34 there isn’t really any breeze! I have spent most of the last week with a pounding headache lol!

Wheeldon I just googled where Saipan is �� you have got a crazy journey to get home! I thought I was mad booking to go to Hong Kong in the school holidays but I love a good holiday!

Welcome kate! Hope you are ok xx
Is there a facebook group yet ladies?

Im hot and bothered today. 10 hour shift aswell as sickness back with avengance. Double figures tomorrow though ����
Welcome Kate :)

34! That's crazy for your neck of the woods! That's a hot day here and we're used to it... look after yourselves. Air conditioning is your best friend in that kind of heat.

Speaking of holidays - I have a trip for Japan booked for when I'm 28 weeks. Not sure if I'll be able to go as it's a 9.5hr flight. I booked it literally a week before I got my BFP as I was so sure that wasn't our month and I was fed up of TTC. Always the way haha.

Fpts - Don't know about a fb group. My sickness has gotten significantly worse this week so you're not alone.
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Its poxy isn't it. Everyone keeps telling me it will go by 12 weeks. It best do!

We aren't allowed to fly past 28 weeks here without a fit to fly certificate.

Japan sounds amazing x
KateM84- Welcome and I have added you! <3

Mrsbridge- Just about 5 more hours of travel from hong kong haha!! It will be a total of 34 hours of travel for me in 2 weeks. Gahh not looking forward to it!

WinterWolf- Tokyo is especially beautiful! But that trip will be fun!

fpts- December mummies had started a FB group. If you would like to join, it is private. If you want to send WolfMomma or myself a pm with your email, we can add you! <3
Morning all :)
Well my sickness has come back but I'm thinking it might be the heat and I'm not drinking enough water??
But what is really getting on my nerves today is the size of my breasts. They are just ridiculous :( NONE of my tops fit and as I still haven't told work I'm trying to hide everything until after my scan next week. It's so hot that it's difficult to find something to wear lol... first world problems!!!
Moan over, is anyone past 12 weeks and feeling better?
Ah my boobs are giant as well. I reckon they've gone up a couple of sizes. Im just wearing huge baggy linen dresses xx
Scan tomorrow morning, as it gets closer I'm getting so anxious and teary.
Oh no CI make sure you are drinking it&#8217;s so bloody hot! I am feeling slightly less dodgy past 12 weeks not much though lol sorry!

Funny you should mention boobs mine are really itchy it&#8217;s driving me nuts! Xx
Haha well I only have one nipple that is itchy lol, stupid bloody things! I am desperately trying to find bikinis/Maternity costumes for my wedding week that won't make me look like an orca, is it too much to ask for one that is feminine and flattering?? Think there might be a market for that ;)

Thinking of investing in a paddling pool too! Orange Calippo ice lollies are my new faves... whatever it takes to get through the heat. So glad we aren't going to be past 6 months pregnant and dealing with this heat!!
How far is everyone now? Im 10 weeks today (wahoooo double figures). 12 weeks still seems aaaages away xx
Ci you make me laugh an orca! LOL boohoo, ASOS and misguided all have maternity swim wear I have ordered a few as I&#8217;m always on holiday haha! Where are you getting married? Xx
Hi ladies. Can I please join? We are expecting our second on 06 Jan.
I've been reading the thread from the beginning but did not feel confident enough to join as I had a mc at 11/12 weeks before.
Now that I've had my 12 weeks scan it definitely feels more real.
Hi ladies. Can I please join? We are expecting our second on 06 Jan.
I've been reading the thread from the beginning but did not feel confident enough to join as I had a mc at 11/12 weeks before.
Now that I've had my 12 weeks scan it definitely feels more real.

Welcome to the group! We are happy to have you join us. I have added you.

Glad that your 12 week scan went well! <3
I've got my 12 week scan on the 12/7 I am so scared. Hoping 8 days passes fast X
I had my scan this morning - all fine thank goodness, I wa so nervous! As soon as I saw the baby on screen I knew I was further on than I'd thought. Due date is now 19/1/19 - 11 weeks and 4 days today!

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