******January 2019 Mummies******

Glad you had a good scan WinterWolf, I've got mine in a couple of hours. Really looking forward to being able to make official at work, seriously running out if normal clothes that don't show a podgy belly !
Glad your scan went well winter wolf! I have a midwife appointment today hopefully will get to hear the heartbeat so exciting!

We went and bought the pushchair, car seat, steriliser, bottles and perfect prep machine yesterday. Leaving the rest until we know what we are having. Things have changed so much in 8 years it’s mental! They now do car seats that lie completely flat how cool is that?! I want one for me haha.

Will update later after I’ve been to midwife hope everyone is doing ok xxx
Just had my scan and it was amazing. Thankfully had a lovely lady doing the scan and we saw him/her yawn and keep putting their hand to their mouth, very cute! New due date 12th January... only 3 weeks until the gender scan... Really can't wait for that one as my 2 older children can come and be part of it and then we can go for lunch lol... it's all about the food!!
Thanks guys! We got to hear the heartbeat at the scan too. That was awesome :)

CI that's cute that baby kept touching its face. Future thumb sucker maybe? Hehe.

I can't believe you've bought so much already Mrs. Bridge... we've bought nothing. Probably won't buy anything before we know the gender either.
We haven't bought anything either - I've got so much from the girls, all I need really is a new pushchair (I'm going for the iCandy Orange) and a new mattress for the crib. I'll probably buy a few new clothes and bits when we know the gender. I've got my booking appointment with the midwife tomorrow, hoping it'll be the same midwife I had last time!
Hi ladies,

Yeah I know we are early but it was bonus month for hubby last month so while there was a sale on we just bought it ha! I’ve gone for the I candy peach and using avent bottles and electric steriliser like I did last time.

The midwife didn’t realise they had moved my dates so much so I’ve got to go back in a few weeks. We did get to hear the heartbeat though which was nice it’s 155bpm :-)

Glad your scan went well CI1979 my due date moved but they didn’t actually issue a new growth chart so I have to ask for a new one at my next scan.

Good luck for tomorrow mayflower x
Have you all told more people? Only my partner and a couple of close friends know, I still haven't told any family!
Yeah ours is all out in the open now it was a big relief to get it out there after the rough start we had x
At the moment just work and immediate family know. Although i got asked by 2 customers yesterday so its becoming more obvious!
Glad your scans went well winterwolf&ci!

We are probably the only ones that haven't told anyone �� our parents and best friends live abroad, I am out of work since my last pregnancy. My mother in law comes to visit in the beginning of August and we are gonna tell everyone shortly before that. I know that our parents would be glad but I also know they would be really worried knowing my risks ��
Just sat waiting for my midwife appointment, of course they're running behind! It is the same midwife I had last time, really pleased as she was lovely.
Good luck mayflower! How far along are you? My midwife was brilliant yesterday and it was so nice to hear the heartbeat x
I have NT scan tomorrow wish me luck. I haven't been active so much as I just feel so unwell with sickness and headaches.

12+4 today.... she agreed with my decision to have an elective c-section (after 2 emergency c-sections). She's also put me on a high dose of vitamin D because I'll be delivering in winter, and high dose folic acid because my BMI is raised. All went well though, although she was surprised to see me back so soon!
Good luck for today Sarah!

Mayflower I was on raised amount of folic acid due to high bmi but as past twelve weeks now just taking pregnacare as she said there was the right amount of vitamin d in them. I had wanted to stop taking them all together as they make me feel sick lol x
Good luck for today Sarah!

Mayflower I was on raised amount of folic acid due to high bmi but as past twelve weeks now just taking pregnacare as she said there was the right amount of vitamin d in them. I had wanted to stop taking them all together as they make me feel sick lol x

She said to keep taking them all until I've used them all! I'm also booked in for the GTT, are you? Bit gutted because I didn't need it last time.
Good luck for today Sarah!

Mayflower I was on raised amount of folic acid due to high bmi but as past twelve weeks now just taking pregnacare as she said there was the right amount of vitamin d in them. I had wanted to stop taking them all together as they make me feel sick lol x

She said to keep taking them all until I've used them all! I'm also booked in for the GTT, are you? Bit gutted because I didn't need it last time.

I am but only because my dad has diabetes apparently! Really not looking forward to it lol x

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