Hi ladies, apologies for the lack of updates, its been a busy week+.
After the lack of growth the previous week my next midwife appt showed an increase so everything seemed very positive. The following day hubby and I were DTD trying to move things around when I started bleeding heavily (like a very heavy period). We called and rushed into hospital, where I was examined and told I was 2-3cm dilated and baby was appearing fine on monitor. They were concerned about the bleeding potentially being due to placenta beginning to detach so I was transferred a bigger hospital with a specialist unit for any emergency maternity surgeries etc. There I was just monitored several times and bleeding eventually stopped at 6pm (started 10am). I was kept overnight. I thought since the bleeding had stopped and I was only 38+6 I'd be sent home in the morning but they basically said although baby was fine on monitor they'd prefer to induce me because they didn't know the cause of the bleeding. I didn't actually get taken down to the labour ward until 4pm that day. They spent over an hour trying to get a canula into my narrow veins for the hormone drip before breaking my waters and not using the hormone drip at all haha! I wasn't able to have my water birth due to the bleeding unfortunately but I went in to have a labour which progressed nicely on its own over 7 hours, where I had zero pain relief! I'd absolutely recommende a hypnobirth to anyone!! It was great and the worst pain was when I got cramp in my leg very near the end. Our SON Isaac was born at 11.28pm 6/1/18, 7lbs 3oz! He is so gorgeous we just cannot get over it.
Its been an absolute crazy week. I was bf him but he is quite severely tongue tied and really struggles to maintain a latch, screams in pain when trying to feed etc. He lost 11.6% of his birth weight by day 5 so we ended up back in hospital for feeding support. The hospital he was born in had basically given me crap advice on bf that doesn't work for his tongue tie so the support in the other hospital was much better. They still witnessed his screaming and struggle to feed though and got me to express when I arrived at the hospital (50ml each boob the day my milk had come in!) So we knew its not my supply. We were referred for his tongue tie and hoping to get his web cut tomorrow. In the meantime I've had to keep expressing after every feed to top him up after a boob feed so its been pretty exhausting but he's seeming much happier now, sleeping and even latching better now he's not absolutely starving. He was weighed today and gained 120g since we left the hospital again so really pleased. He's now only 170g shy of his birth weight.
For anyone dreading labour its absolutely worth every second to get that gorgeous wee baby in your arms - you have made it this far and its just the final hurdle!! Hope all you guys waiting don't need to wait much longer!!