HUGE congratulations to all those babies that have arrived!
We've been in a baby bubble for the last 2 weeks since Louisa arrived. I really wanted to share my birth story, but i'm going to try and keep it brief, here goes........
Friday 5th January I didn't feel very well, I went out for a coffee with my mum and dragged myself round Aldi but otherwise I felt rubbish so went home and did nothing. I did comment to my mum that the 5th and 6th are popular dates in our families for birthdays, so perhaps baby might make an appearance! [Baby was officially due on the 10th].
Saturday 6th January, 4am, I felt my waters go in bed. Luckily shuttled out to the bathroom, and yup - waters were gone. I wasn't having contractions so told OH but said we'd just sleep until contractions started. Anyway, when it got to just after 5am, I phoned my mum to get her to get ready to come over and babysit our little boy. She arrived at 5:45am as I told her no need to rush, as contractions were coming every now and again but nothing painful really. I phoned labour ward and they asked me to go in once contractions started etc.
So, 7am we went to the labour ward. Midwife wasn't convinced i'd lost my waters on examination, even though I was completely certain, baby was monitored but absolutely fine on the trace. So, at 9am we were sent home. Once we got to the car, I was struggling to walk due to the pain of the contractions - although they still weren't massively regular. Got home about 9:20am, I got in the bath and coped quite well. After 20-25 mins I got out, and all of a sudden I felt I needed to push. I said to OH, she's coming. Honestly.
OH phoned labour ward, they said come back in. By this point I was out the bath, unclothed obviously, on all fours in our bedroom telling OH baby was coming literally. Labour ward suggested he phone an ambulance, which he did. Ambulance arrived very quickly, poor OH had to rush around fetching towels. By this point it was about 10:15am. Paramedics were fantastic, brought me gas and air - made it very clear I was either getting on the ambulance now or they would deliver baby in the bedroom. I decided I really wanted to be in hospital, I had issues with haemorrhaging after my little boy, so really didn't want to be at home. So, in between contractions, I ran down our stairs, straight out front door onto ambulance with my OH chasing me trying to cover my modesty! I was blue lighted to the maternity hospital - arrived about 10:45am. OH was following in the car.
As I arrived in the labour ward, I said, she's coming - baby Louisa was born at 11

7am, weighing 7lb 4oz on 6th Jan. Fortunately OH walked in the door at 10:55am so he didn't miss her arrival! Afterwards, I haemorrhaged as anticipated, had to have lots of drugs to try to calm it, then that night I ended up going to theatre for a D&C to remove blood clots and some placenta. I then had a blood transfusion. Finally, we got home on the Monday night at 7pm.
I've recovered really well since i've been home - I had a 2nd degree tear, but to be honest that's been no issue in the grand scheme of things. Louisa is very settled, despite having a bit of thrush in her mouth which we're treated with drops, she's not bothered by it and is now weighing in at 7lb 9oz. I'm completely besotted by my pink bundle - i've always wanted a little girl, I feel so blessed and lucky. I have told OH there will be no more babies for me (he reckons we'll have one more in a few years!), but I don't think I can put my body through that. Actually birthing the baby, isn't an issue really - it's the effect it has on me afterwards with the bleeding.
Alipops x