*January 2018 mummies - tri 3!*

Congratulations Alipops! Wow, what a story! Glad you are recovering well!
I thought my waters were leaking, so I was examined at the hospital. I practically begged the midwife lol. Doesn't seem to have worked anyway, it's been well over 24 hours and apart from a lot of pressure and Braxton hicks, and a touch of cramp, I've had not much else.
I am booked for a sweep anyway at my midwife appointment on Monday 22/01, I'll be 40+1 anyway, so I'll have another then if still no action. Praying I don't make it to my appointment :lol: I'm practically house bound and my SPD is crippling. I think my midwife is taking pity on me to be honest x
Your symptoms sound the same as mine but without a sweep! Hopefully it works for you on Monday - I know what you mean about being housebound!
Massive congratulations to all the new arrivals, sounds like they've had some interesting entries into the world!!!

I'm hanging on, 40+6 today, had a sweep on Thursday but when she got in there and had a wee rummage babies head wasn't fixed so she quickly retreated!! She said my cervix was in a mid position and waters bulging. Since then as much bd as we can manage and my lovely neighbour brought her gym ball for me.

So a little bloody show yesterday and small amounts of plug, and this morning more show and loads of plug so I'm back on the ball!!!

My mum was supposed to be away this weekend but it's been cancelled due to the snow. In a way it's a huge relief and we can get on with having this baby.

I Hope everyone else is well and the new babies are settling in well x
Massive congratulations to all the new arrivals, sounds like they've had some interesting entries into the world!!!

I'm hanging on, 40+6 today, had a sweep on Thursday but when she got in there and had a wee rummage babies head wasn't fixed so she quickly retreated!! She said my cervix was in a mid position and waters bulging. Since then as much bd as we can manage and my lovely neighbour brought her gym ball for me.

So a little bloody show yesterday and small amounts of plug, and this morning more show and loads of plug so I'm back on the ball!!!

My mum was supposed to be away this weekend but it's been cancelled due to the snow. In a way it's a huge relief and we can get on with having this baby.

I Hope everyone else is well and the new babies are settling in well x

Good luck meg! Sounds promising :love:

I am experiencing a touch of blood on my pad this morning, so I'm going to attempt a walk today. I had loads of spicy food yesterday, pineapple, bounced on my ball, hobbled up and down stairs, even had sex (if you can call it that HA) I'm getting desperate now :lol: xx
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Massive congratulations to all the new arrivals, sounds like they've had some interesting entries into the world!!!

I'm hanging on, 40+6 today, had a sweep on Thursday but when she got in there and had a wee rummage babies head wasn't fixed so she quickly retreated!! She said my cervix was in a mid position and waters bulging. Since then as much bd as we can manage and my lovely neighbour brought her gym ball for me.

So a little bloody show yesterday and small amounts of plug, and this morning more show and loads of plug so I'm back on the ball!!!

My mum was supposed to be away this weekend but it's been cancelled due to the snow. In a way it's a huge relief and we can get on with having this baby.

I Hope everyone else is well and the new babies are settling in well x

I’m convinced bd started my labour. Lol. My waters broke 4 hours after we did it!!
I thought my waters were leaking, so I was examined at the hospital. I practically begged the midwife lol. Doesn't seem to have worked anyway, it's been well over 24 hours and apart from a lot of pressure and Braxton hicks, and a touch of cramp, I've had not much else.
I am booked for a sweep anyway at my midwife appointment on Monday 22/01, I'll be 40+1 anyway, so I'll have another then if still no action. Praying I don't make it to my appointment :lol: I'm practically house bound and my SPD is crippling. I think my midwife is taking pity on me to be honest x
Your symptoms sound the same as mine but without a sweep! Hopefully it works for you on Monday - I know what you mean about being housebound!

I'm attempting a walk today with the husband, christ knows how this is going to go down :lol: I'm getting desperate x
I'm attempting a walk today with the husband, christ knows how this is going to go down :lol: I'm getting desperate x
Good idea - I went for a walk the other day but am really struggling with backache so it’s really difficult. I can’t walk for
longer than 15 minutes without it hurting, probably due to a previous injury I had which is now being made worse by baby!
I never went for the walk, but I did eat loads of spicy food, pineapple had sex and went up and down the bottom stair and had my 'show' cramping is starting, so fingers crossed it's kicking off! X
Oh carly sounds like things are moving along.
I had a few shows yesterday and lots of plug, more this morning too. I'd say more random contractions because they are all over and definitely stronger than your average bh.
Spicy food last night and lots of time on the ball. We've bd'd a lot but it's really not pleasant for either of us, my poor oh!
And Kathryn I hear you, walking just isn't an option, I can manage about 10-15 even in the house before I have to sit. I'm just trying to be up on my feet as often as I can.
Any progress over night?
Oh carly sounds like things are moving along.
I had a few shows yesterday and lots of plug, more this morning too. I'd say more random contractions because they are all over and definitely stronger than your average bh.
Spicy food last night and lots of time on the ball. We've bd'd a lot but it's really not pleasant for either of us, my poor oh!
And Kathryn I hear you, walking just isn't an option, I can manage about 10-15 even in the house before I have to sit. I'm just trying to be up on my feet as often as I can.
Any progress over night?

How much plug is there!?!? I've had three great big blobby appearances occur now. I've been getting pretty regular Braxton hicks with pressure in my bum, very tight stomach, but nothing seems to be happening :sad:
I've had a fair bit of plug too, it just keeps coming! I woke up last night to a big bh and waited for something else but it never came. Carly it sounds like bh have progressed a bit for you if you have more pressure everywhere.

I looked on my journal and noticed that I'd calculated my due date as 20th but the scans put me to the 14th. I wonder that my dates were more accurate?
Just a reminder about the January 2018 mummies thread on 'Baby & Toddler' forum for when babies have arrived etc to keep in touch!
So I started getting a lot of pains which felt like very mild contractions tonight. I had a bath and it’s settled now so think it was just Braxton Hicks.

Today is my due date so reckon it’s just my body playing tricks on me - it’s so hard when you’ve not been through it before!
Hi all,

Congrats to everyone who's bundles arrived! Our little girl Layla arrived on 18th January after a loooong early labour in hospital! Waters broke Tuesday morning but wasn't allowed home as baby's head was quite high. Took a long time to get to 3cm dilated and get the epidural!! Had a big bleed afterwards too so was in hospital until Saturday. So glad to be home with our little girl! She is such a dote :-)

Hope everyone else isn't too long waiting!
Ok Aurora Rose was born on 20th Jan at 8:20pm weighing in at a massive 8lb 3oz and 54 cm long, I ended up back at hospital at 3am after it was confirmed that my water was leaking and labor started on its own that night, was put on trace and her heart rate was rather high (stayed that way the entire labor) they gave me an epidural (after 3 failed attempts they called a specialist who got it first go) then bub was distressed unless I was on my left side so Epi only worked on one side ugh. Baby was spine to spine so had back labor the entire time. Had to get a stronger epidural put up as the walking one wasn’t working and the oxytocin put me into hyper contractions. Finally got to 10cm and pushed for about 20mins before the doctor told me she either had to use forceps or I’d have to have an emergency cesarean as baby was stuck sideways. I growled at her just do it get her out so after one good push her head was free and two more the rest came out. Needless to say the whole thing hurt and was traumatic but my girl is stunning and healthy so I’m thrilled. Don’t want to scare ppl but just want to say please don’t get to wrapped up in a birth plan just go with the flow and trust your instincts:) good luck to all the ladies still to go.


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Aww congrats to all the recent births, hope you're all recovering well?!

Hope you don't mind if i join in... I'll be joining you ladies from the February group as i'll having a elective c-sec on Wednesday. Sooo nervous but can't wait, i'm getting impatient! :D
Congrats mystery!

I have my section on Friday... another imposter from the Feb group

Haha, I was due on the 14th, I'm now sitting here feeling slightly hysterical that I'll be over taken by Feb babies too!!!!
Lol seriously, congrats on the arrivals these last few days, and good luck for this week Mrs law and Wednesday!!
Haha, I was due on the 14th, I'm now sitting here feeling slightly hysterical that I'll be over taken by Feb babies too!!!!
Lol seriously, congrats on the arrivals these last few days, and good luck for this week Mrs law and Wednesday!!

Snap :lol:
I had an emotional meltdown yesterday when I went to my 40 week check. My regular midwife is away so I saw someone else. She was so rude and wasn't interested in my questions, she at one point said about having other ladies to see! I ended up sobbing so I couldn't have a second sweep, not that I wanted her to even do it in the end. She asked my husband if I'm always so emotional, then said baby will be here in a few days if this is how I am. That angered me even more! I was emotional all day yesterday and spent the majority of it on the sofa eating biscuits in between naps. I went to bed at 8.30pm last night, probably asleep by 9 and apart from the usual every few hours up to the loo or position change, I slept in till 10am this morning! This has been unheard of! X
carly she sounds like a delight!!! Unfortunately it's those horrible words and tones that stick with us.
I've had contractions today for a few hours which have now settled to very irregular and not as intense after a lie down.
I've also just had my midwife on the phone to tell me my induction is booked for Thursday!!!! I'll see her tomorrow for my sweep and get the details but she said about a going in on Thursday at 9 for a scan then they'll do induction from there. But why a scan? Is this a new thing pre induction?

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