** January 2017 Testing **

Babbybo: When you get a positive opk (line as strong or stronger than testline), you will be ovulating the next day. The spike shows the day before :) The faint lines is just negatives.
I too get a strong one and the next day very faint.

This picture kind of shows it:
Btw I'm 13 dpo. No AF. No positive. Still crossing my fingers!
Thanks AFTM. Glad I not the only one starchild!

So would that mean the three most fertile days would be the day of surge and two following days? Or day before positive, day of positive and one day after. Sorry but the more I read and think about it the more confused I seem to get& nowhere seems to fully explain it other than 12-48hrs etc but that's a big difference.
PS goodluck with testing. Hope you you get ur positive
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Could I be added for the 28th - got my positive opk today so doing the deed for the next few nights (as well as last night!) cross fingers!
Bfn for me this morning so I shall await af to show her face again xx good luck to those left to test xxxx
Sorry TS, not out til she shows her face.

Good luck to everyone testing xx
4 days late for me and BFN.. No sign of af either..I think my cycle might be messed up after early mc last month.. So frustrating as I just want to get on with it again!!

Good luck to everyone else left to test x
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I'm out. I'm not surprised though. We DtD at all the right times but both of us were struggling with a viral bug so I would have been shocked if this had been our month. Oddly this means I only had a 24 day cycle.
I'm surprisingly chilled. OH just came downstairs (he worries about me at this time haha). I told him I'm making a chart! He went back upstairs as he said I must be fine if I'm making a chart haha. I'm known to be the over organised sort. Think I might have a problem haha. Had my first ever reflexology yesterday so I'd like to think that also did me a bit of good.
BFN today :-( AF due 18th so might try again tomorrow as I have the cheapest off amazon.
Can I be put down to test on the 26th please? I wanted to leave it longer but I have little option given thats the day I am due to have an MRI so I need to know either way
Sorry everyone who's out this month. Heaps of luck for next month. xxx

Hi girls, I'm on 17 dpo. Negative test this morning, but no AF. There's still hope I guess! (AF came at 17 dpo last cycle).
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