** January 2017 Testing **

Feeling less & less optimistic it's not been a good month. Sorry ladies! xxx

Sorry about the witch ladies! baby dust for the next cycle xx
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Come on bfp's!

Can you put me down for the 28th.
I'm due before then, but will be away skiing - not taking any tests so will have to wait until I'm back!
I had a bpf yesterday, not due my period until Sunday though. I used a clearblue but the line was faint, cheapies aren't picking anything up. I'm not sure if it will turn into another chemical, I guess time will tell. Not feeling very positive about it.
Top test was with a 6 hour hold last night
Bottom test was 5am this morning


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Ooo Baby that looks like a BFP to me :) congratulations sweetie xx
Sorry for all the BFNs. I'm out too!

Good luck baby xx
I feel like putting off testing until February!

So sorry MrsS xxx

Got my period super early. I'm out this cycle. On to the next!
hi I am mega confused will be testing in the morning I thought I was due on Monday but I think I was due af on sunday so today I still haven't started and I am 34 days like clock work and I am peeing loads and normally I struggle to pee in public and can go all day but just now I'm about every hour or sooner and keep thinking I have started but it is very moist and looks like how my cervical mucus goes at ovulation time and I am suffereing from indigestion and was quite upset today

I never look for symptoms so this is confusing me as I am also very constipated too

do you think I should test in the morning

babydust to you all and hope next month is everyones month and congratsto those with a bfp xxx
thanks starchild

I have just been to the toilet for the hundredth time today lol and have very wet pants as I have so much discharge clear and stretchy if I was to get a + I would be 5 weeks although last month I had a normal length of af but I had pink spotting 2 days before I was due and brown spotting day before af was due although it was both only once when I wiped so when would I have started af that cycle cos if the pink was when af started I would be 4 days late today this cycle

I hope that makes sense xxx

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