*****January 2016 Mummies*****

Hey ladies.

I was 39 last week....so another oldie here. :-).

Sorry some of u are feeling so terrible.... I had it last time, but am OK this time.

I'm suffering with hunger and exhaustion but that's it.....don't feel preggas at all. Don't like it.

Tillie....will the mw listen to heart beat tomorrow?Hope it goes well....look forward to hearing about it. :-). Xxx
They said no. I'm apparently to high risk for the midwife. But good luck in refusing me to my face lol.

So nervous. Can't wait to get it behind me x
Hi Ladies
has anyone experienced weight loss early on, i found out i was expecting at 6 weeks and in the first week i lost 7lbs and had no morning sickness.
In the last couple of days i have put 3lbs back on which has made me feel alot better although i am debating paying for an early scan just for piece of mind
has anyone else paid for an early scan?
I will be 11 weeks tomorrow. I did lose about 5lb in the 1st few weeks, i out it down to drinking more fluids - due to peeing more. Also to an increased body temp until my body got used to it.
I got weighed today and 1lb behind my pre pregnancy weight.

On another note. I had my booking in today. All went well. Heard the heartbeat. See the consultant in 3 weeks. That is my next get to point now.
I won't be seen again then until my 20week scan, and the midwife wont see me again until 25weeks. Its all changed from my last baby...I guess alot changes in 11 years.
Glad to hear your appointment went well tillie. When you see the consultant is that when you get your scan? Can't believe they don't see you again until 25 weeks! Sounds a bit weird? Saying that I've just checked my notes and I don't see the midwife again until 24 weeks but we have 12 and 20 week scan and see consultant at 16 weeks for another scan. I thought you saw the midwife every 4 weeks or so but obviously not.

Lane I think we're at the same point - I'm 7+5 today - and we booked a private scan for Saturday. Unfortunately the sonographer has been signed off with a virus so we're going tomorrow instead (it's going to mean rushing as hubs will have to go back to work but it will hopefully out our minds at rest) and I'm so anxious!! We have no reason to think everything won't be fine (apart from increased risk of ectopic and multiple pregnancy) so I'm sure all will be well.
No. They have taken away the 12 week scan here. Only reason I'm seeing him at all is because i will be a section. Otherwise it would be a midwife I see.
So if you weren't under consultant care you wouldn't get a scan until 20 weeks? And I'm guessing you wouldn't even hear heartbeat at midwife if your booking in appointment is early, or is that why they're doing them around 12 weeks? Ours are still 8-9 weeks here but we still have 12 week scan.
Glad u heard the heartbeat Tillie. Can't believe u have to wait til 20 weeks for a scan tho....ur in Ireland aren't u?

I have my booking in mw appointment tomorrow but have a feeling she won't listen to the heartbeat... I'll ask her to tho.

Lane, I paid £120 for a private scan.Worth it but I'll still be a nervous wreck until I see baby again at 12 week scan.

Milly the price of them varies so much! Ours is £75 but others I looked at were more expensive. Mind I'd pay anything for reassurance!!
Yeah in Ireland Milly, but in the north, so it's still NHS. And I work for the nhs too.

No, they wouldn't listen for a heartbeat until 16weeks. If you aren't seeing a consultant you woukd see the midwife. I did have an early scan at the epu, but im a high risk mum. Its all changed so much.
No. They have taken away the 12 week scan here. Only reason I'm seeing him at all is because i will be a section. Otherwise it would be a midwife I see.

hi tillie- ive never heard this before- but if they dont do a 12 week scan how do they do they screening for fetal abnormalities? cos they usually do that at 12 week scan dont they?
Hi Ladies
has anyone experienced weight loss early on, i found out i was expecting at 6 weeks and in the first week i lost 7lbs and had no morning sickness.
In the last couple of days i have put 3lbs back on which has made me feel alot better although i am debating paying for an early scan just for piece of mind
has anyone else paid for an early scan?

Hi ive lost weight but thats because im struggling to eat i think- trying to force myself 3 times a day but ive gone off everything! so much for cravings- I haven't got any= as soon as i eat i start burping which makes me feel vile and i also get heartburn so trying to eat little and often
How's everyone doing today?

I'm 9+4 today and hate how the few symptoms I had have all but gone. I KNOW it's meant to happen and the midwife said they would, but it makes me feel like I'm not even pregnant and if I'm honest, gets me really quite worried! Makes me wish the symptoms were constant throughout the 9 months! The only thing I get now is sore boobs (but nothing as much as they were) and occasional growing cramps.

Anyone else get worried by the symptoms decreasing?

haha i cant wait for my symptoms to decrease!! lol counting down the days to 12 weeks hoping mine will just switch off then! for the whole 9 months no thankyou! i want to enjoy this pregnancy and stop feeling sorry myself :) ive not eaten meat for 4 weeks apart from fish so hoping ill just wake up one day and want to devour a burger- not happened yet
No. They have taken away the 12 week scan here. Only reason I'm seeing him at all is because i will be a section. Otherwise it would be a midwife I see.

hi tillie- ive never heard this before- but if they dont do a 12 week scan how do they do they screening for fetal abnormalities? cos they usually do that at 12 week scan dont they?
Its all done now at the 20 weeks scan.
No. They have taken away the 12 week scan here. Only reason I'm seeing him at all is because i will be a section. Otherwise it would be a midwife I see.

hi tillie- ive never heard this before- but if they dont do a 12 week scan how do they do they screening for fetal abnormalities? cos they usually do that at 12 week scan dont they?
Its all done now at the 20 weeks scan.

but surely thats too late? i mean if people decided to abort etc doesn't really give many options- i find this all rather odd
plus not really right that they would make someone wait 20 weeks just to know if everything was ok
Termination isn't an option in Ireland. It is illegal.
I totally agree, its such a bad way to treat expecting mothers.
Termination isn't an option in Ireland. It is illegal.
I totally agree, its such a bad way to treat expecting mothers.

oh right- forgive me for my ignorance - i was just curious-= that makes a bit more sense then

still a shame that in one country you can have such different standards of care. but thats the postcode lottery i suppose.

im literally counting down the days to the 12 week scan- i know its not a guarantee that everything will be ok as ppl miscarry later too but somehow i feel as if i reach that mark things will be ok
Wow that's shocking, my baby probably wouldn't have made it to 20 weeks without the 12 week scan to pick up issues.

I'd be spending a fortune on private scans! x

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