*****January 2016 Mummies*****

Hi Milly

I had some very light spotting over two afternoons a couple of weeks back which was the colour of milk chocolate. I mentioned it to my midwife at my booking appointment and she said it was fine as there was so little of it. I had it again yesterday, again a very small amount. I haven't had any pain or cramping so I'm not worried at the mo!

Hope this helps. x

Thanks. Mine varies from brown to pink. I'm not cramping as such but defo feeling aches and pulling down there. We have decided to give a private hospital a call tomorrow and maybe get a scan booked for reassurance as I think I'll have a minimum of 3 weeks to wait on the nhs unless bleeding gets bad.


Hi Milly, just tri hopping. I had pink and brown spotting quite a lot. Whilst my pregnancy is complicated they can't see why or where the spotting is from. Just said it's one of those things and but to worry.

Hope it stops soon for you xx
milly have you tried going to A&E? really any bleeding or abdominal pain in early pregnancy should warrant an early scan to rule out an ectopic. doesnt matter how much

i had my booking appt yesterday - got left with nasty bruise but had a lovely midwife- also some info i hadnt even thought of like i should be using toothpaste with 1450 fluoride and have regular dental check ups

I also got a lovely pack full of freebies and info which i havent opened yet,
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I'm 7+4 days this is my fifth pregnancy and I can't help but cry and feel down I've been stuck in for 2 weeks sick and tired can't stand any food at all I'm just stuck over the loo if I see food haven't seen a midwife yet , so far I'm hating everything about this pregnancy feel useless

Sorry you're feeling so rubbish! There's a few things recommended to help with morning sickness, such as ginger biscuits, ginger in general, eating cold food instead of hot, mints. If you feel like the morning sickness is making your day-to-day life very difficult, I would book an appointment with the midwife who might be able to help or prescribe something if it's extreme!
milly have you tried going to A&E? really any bleeding or abdominal pain in early pregnancy should warrant an early scan to rule out an ectopic. doesnt matter how much

i had my booking appt yesterday - got left with nasty bruise but had a lovely midwife- also some info i hadnt even thought of like i should be using toothpaste with 1450 fluoride and have regular dental check ups

I also got a lovely pack full of freebies and info which i havent opened yet,

Doc told me to go to a&e if bleeding is red and heavy and I'm in pain. Neither of those things have happened so am just waiting it out. Feel like the spotting has slowed a little today and its still brown/pink rather than red. I've almost got used to it....if that makes sense. Still might call the private place today..... will see.

Hows everyone doing?

Having mini freakouts myself, and for no reason except I'm terrified im going to have a mmc again.
I don't have my booking in appointment until next Thursday. I did try to ring the midwife today for reassurance more than anything. But couldn't get any answer. I know they can't do anything but thought i professional with words of wisdom may have lowered my stress levels a bit.
Hows everyone doing?

Having mini freakouts myself, and for no reason except I'm terrified im going to have a mmc again.
I don't have my booking in appointment until next Thursday. I did try to ring the midwife today for reassurance more than anything. But couldn't get any answer. I know they can't do anything but thought i professional with words of wisdom may have lowered my stress levels a bit.

I'm starting to get a little panicky. I'm 9 weeks tomorrow and from this week the few symptoms I had have started to calm down - I know that's normal and my midwife said it'd happen, but it's making me pretty worried for the little one! I think when I had symptoms, even though I didn't have a lot, it was reassuring.

So sorry you've had a previous MMC. A MMC is my biggest fear. Keep trying to get through to the midwife, when they're free to be there for you I am sure they will be!!
would like to join please :)
have been told i will be 7 weeks tomorrow which makes my due date 23rd of Jan
very exciting and scary at the same time as its my first baby and was very unexpected
They refused to see me. Said I was still to early. Yet come Thursday im still un my 10th week and wont be early then!!! Don't get it at all
If my dates are correct I think I will have a January baby also, I have my first midwife appointment next week. It's still surreal I don't think I will allow myself any excitement until after my 12 week scan and everything is okay, I worry about everything.
I know the feeling Tillie. Think my spotting has finally stopped...after almost 5 days...but we have booked a private scan tomorrow morning...costing £120 but need the reasurrance after spottting and no major symptoms.

welcome to Lane and Lols82

Milly its a shame you had to book a private scan - your Gp should definitely have referred you. all it takes is a quick phonecall and they would have scanned you in 1-2 days.

but lets hope finger crossed everything goes well for you.
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I tired that route and no joy today. And I have a mc history.

I looked for a private scan Milly, but need to travel almost 2hrs away for it. And cheapest I can find is £320. They don't just do a scan, sell you a package and it to far to travel for each appointment. So I've to sit tight until Thursday. I know they can scan at the midwives, was how I found out about my MMC. I will stomp and cry if they dont.

The epu will see me again, but the earliest they will scan me again is monday week.
but have you had bleeding and pain tilly? sorry i couldnt remember

any bleeding or pain should be referred its just standard practice- no questions asked. you cannot predict an ectopic pregnancy based on amount of bleeding

they wouldnt do an early scan for a previous miscarriage - because an early scan wont do anything to prevent that happening. But they would always to one for tummy pain and bleeding in early pregnancy in order to rule out an ectopic pregnancy.
i think its extortionate how these private scan providers try to exploit people who are vulnerable- 320 pound for a scan?! is the scanner made of gold or soemthing- thats ridiculous
They do what they call a tri one package. 2 scans...1 for reassurance, one at 12 weeks. A physo appointment. A reflexology appointment. No option for the sacn alone.
And I don't want the rest...not for 4hr round trip.
I know the feeling Tillie. Think my spotting has finally stopped...after almost 5 days...but we have booked a private scan tomorrow morning...costing £120 but need the reasurrance after spottting and no major symptoms.

Good luck today Milly, will be thinking of you xox
Hey ladies.

All is good.... they couldn't see it by scanning my tummy(too early and I have retrospect uterus) so they went internally and we could see the little jelly bean and a good heart beat. No visible reason for the spotting but baby measured 9+5 weeks....so all on track for my dates.

Wow....am relieved and excited and nervous....all at once.:-)

Glad we spent the money.....now I just hope the nhs scan doesn't take too long to come thru after my mw appointment next Fri.

How is everyone else doing?

welcome to Lane and Lols82

Milly its a shame you had to book a private scan - your Gp should definitely have referred you. all it takes is a quick phonecall and they would have scanned you in 1-2 days.

but lets hope finger crossed everything goes well for you.

Im delighted to read this.
Any photos?

Yeah, got pics but can't upload from my phone as it just asks for a URL. I'm prob being thick.

Omg.....I've never been so tired. How is everyone else ?


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