*****January 2016 Mummies*****

Congratulations milly, all such good news!
I had my reassurance scan last Tuesday and we are now 9+1 with our little jelly bean so excited I was crying my eyes out. Can't wait for my 12 week scan now!
Anyone else's boobs suddenly got huge? I'm going to need to go shopping as I'm starting to look like I've got 4 boobs!!

I also need to stop eating as much. Weirdly I'm much better at the weekend but at work I have to eat every hour or so to keep the nausea at bay. I dread to think how much weight I've put on already!
I don't think my boobs have got much bigger in size (already a FF). but they have 'swelled' if that makes sense? I dread to think what size they'll go up to!!
I'm a G and hubs has noticed they're bigger. They hardly fit in my bras already so like you I dread to think how big they'll get!!
Hi Ladies

finally found time to come back here and post! Yes my boobs look swollen a bit and nips look bigger lol!

anyone else struggling emotionally? I seem to get such a surge in hormones some days, some days it means tired all day and nauseous all day but yesterday I felt vacant all day, like not in control of my mind or body and feeling confused and slow. It's hard to explian but felt it build all day then was in tears with it all.

Hubbie was great as we both recognise I had this last time with my daugter (last time I was convinced I was depressed as all these feelings built but then found out I was pregnant so all made sense then).

Just wondered if anyone else feels down/confused at times? It's a sort of dreamy state to be in!

Today I feel much better mentally.

Hormones are weird!
Morning girls.

Hope everyone has had a good weekend ?
Ours has been a busy one, funeral on Friday, day out on Saturday and bbq yesterday and mam and dads house. I was shattered last night but really wanted to stay up to watch Love Island. We went to bed at 10.40 and had some sexy time , After that I just couldn't sleep !! I was up 6 times in the night for a wee ??!! I blame hubby for pushing to deep haha !! Last I looked at the clock was 3.45, Olly woke up at 6.40am !!! I am so tired today, And iv got a zumba class to do tonight too ! Im going to have to give Love Island a miss tonight lol, get an early night and catch up on it tomorrow or im going to be a walking zombie

wow queenriccy busy weekend!

i'm suffering with terrible heartburn right now
cant believe its started so early for me doesn't bode well for rest of pregnancy

bit annoyed with my OH- just don't feel he is really maturing up or taking responsibility as he should be - doesn't have a concept of saving at all- spending like theres no tomorrow when we cant really afford it - im conscious we need to save up now and he keeps saying that but then splashes out unnecessarily
really thought he'd be more involved as well-hes caring and super excited about pregnancy -but just not like id thought he'd be- not sat down and read up on anything and hes the type who reads about everything
also i feel like i'm always the one to initiate intimacy these days

maybe thats the hormones talking? because i feel more in love with him than ever but just feeling a bit annoyed
Men are funny sweetheart. My hubby was the same when we were expecting our first - men don't get it until there is a baby in their arms - then they change I promise you.

My hubby is different this time because he knows what's happening this time round. I am only 10 weeks and he is kissing my tummy already, last time round he wouldn't come anywhere near me - no sex, no tummy rubbing etc.
He will grow up once the baby is here and the its always the woman arranging everything and choosing everything anyway so you just lay the rules out

Hi ladies, hope you're all doing okay and not too much nausea! Had my booking in appointment with the midwife today which all went well - lots of leaflets to read! She's put me down as consultant led care due to clomid so we see the consultant and get another scan at 16 weeks. We've got our scan on Saturday which I'm really anxious about!
Omg this sickness is awful been so bad can't do anything only lie in bed sipping ginger if I try and eat I feel worse been doctors but won't give me anything just say I've got to ride it out I really hate being sick it's one of my fears think I've been sick about five times a day so far and I'm only 8+3 weeks gone this seems worse than my other pregnancies but I am 38 so a old mum as they say .
Hope you feel better soon Louise! I've had nausea but thankfully no sickness. I'm a week behind you though.
Hey louise. Im 38 too and find the exhaustion really hard to take this time...hopefully it lifts soon xx
Hope you feel better soon Louise! I've had nausea but thankfully no sickness. I'm a week behind you though.

Thanks hun just seems never ending had nausea at 6 weeks then from 7 weeks the sickness began :( hopefully you won't be sick ):
Hey louise. Im 38 too and find the exhaustion really hard to take this time...hopefully it lifts soon xx

I'm glad I'm not the only older lady in this group gives me some comfort ,yeah exhaustion is a nightmare , can't wait for this sickness to go gone off every food possible xxxxxx
Men are funny sweetheart. My hubby was the same when we were expecting our first - men don't get it until there is a baby in their arms - then they change I promise you.

My hubby is different this time because he knows what's happening this time round. I am only 10 weeks and he is kissing my tummy already, last time round he wouldn't come anywhere near me - no sex, no tummy rubbing etc.
He will grow up once the baby is here and the its always the woman arranging everything and choosing everything anyway so you just lay the rules out


lol thanks for that queen- hes been lovely today came home to a lovely clean organised room and he actually sat down and read through some of the pregnancy pack although he did fall asleep half way lol
think i need to lower my expectations a little:) hes a goodun really
Omg this sickness is awful been so bad can't do anything only lie in bed sipping ginger if I try and eat I feel worse been doctors but won't give me anything just say I've got to ride it out I really hate being sick it's one of my fears think I've been sick about five times a day so far and I'm only 8+3 weeks gone this seems worse than my other pregnancies but I am 38 so a old mum as they say .

poor you- ive had terrible nausea but thankfully no vomiting so you truly have my sympathy. if you are being sick too much and not managing food or fluids may try another gP- there are some antisickness meds that are safe in pregnancy but obviously best to avoid if you can- but you dont want to get dehydrated.
Only one more sleep until midwife appointment. So nervous. I pray it isn't bad news again this time x
How's everyone doing today?

I'm 9+4 today and hate how the few symptoms I had have all but gone. I KNOW it's meant to happen and the midwife said they would, but it makes me feel like I'm not even pregnant and if I'm honest, gets me really quite worried! Makes me wish the symptoms were constant throughout the 9 months! The only thing I get now is sore boobs (but nothing as much as they were) and occasional growing cramps.

Anyone else get worried by the symptoms decreasing?

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