*****January 2016 Mummies*****

I keep looking at it!! We copied it onto photo paper for hubs' parents. We did get 2 pictures but the other one isn't as clear as this one and I didn't want to give this one away!
I had my first lot of morning sickness today and also a nose bleed during the night
Just suppose that confirms that little bean is cooking away in there
Hope everyone feels good today
Love the twin scan pic....so special.

Think my uterus has popped out a little but...little rounder in the lower belly. :-). Hope my scan date comes through this week. Getting impatient.:-) . Xxx
Oh no Lane, I go through phases of feeling really rough but haven't been sick.

Ah milly how exciting you're getting a wee bump! Can't wait til I've got one and it's not just podge lol!
I really can't cope with this sickness no more can't keep anything down I'm totally housebound just living on sofa or my bed I've tried everything nothing's working for me , started to feel like I don't want to be pregnant anymore just want to be like everyone else I'm only 9 weeks , been doctors there not bothered got a booking appointment on Wednesday but won't be able to make it as I'm to sick to move just makes me sick even more just wish I could go to sleep and wake up feeling better ������ sorry about my rant as need to let it out someway hubby isn't very supportive my daughter's help around the house though so that's good
Hi ladies, how are we doing? Sorry I've not been about, it's been manic with looking after this lot plus my OH has been doing one thing or another (with best intentions) that annoys me so I've not been feeling too sociable. How are we doing with symptoms? Hope you aren't feeling too rough! Xx

Sneaky wee scan today. Baby measuring perfect at 11w 4days.
Was sucking its thumb and had the hickups. I'm so in love already x
I really can't cope with this sickness no more can't keep anything down I'm totally housebound just living on sofa or my bed I've tried everything nothing's working for me , started to feel like I don't want to be pregnant anymore just want to be like everyone else I'm only 9 weeks , been doctors there not bothered got a booking appointment on Wednesday but won't be able to make it as I'm to sick to move just makes me sick even more just wish I could go to sleep and wake up feeling better ������ sorry about my rant as need to let it out someway hubby isn't very supportive my daughter's help around the house though so that's good

poor you! do try and make your booking appt hun- hopefully they'll be able to help or give you advice- plus even more important if your not keeping anything down to get blood tests and BP check.
cant really add much advice as not been vomiting myself just feeling sick- i find grapes and juicy fruit helps me but you just need to keep trying until you find something that helps you.
hugs and hope you feel better
congratulations tillewoo lovely picture- but it looks so much smaller in your picture than some others? is there a difference in size of pics they give you? super cute
All I can suggest for nausea and sickness is live like a hobbit and eat little and often! I drink plenty between my little meals but don't guzzle drink with food or it makes me worse. Also, hunger makes nausea worse so even if you are feeling crap, try something that you want to eat, whether it's a jacket potato, pasta, or even just toast, ive found sucky sweets are great for when you're starting to feel a bit hungry but not got anything made, also tangfastics and refresher sweets lol. I also found a liking for orange Fanta or tango, it settles my stomach :-) xx
Thanks excitednewbie means a lot will keep trying to find something that will stay down midwife is going to phone me she's going to come to me which will make it easier hopefully xxxx
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Tilly that is a wonderful picture! How lovely to have seen your little one sucking their thumb as well! Xx
All I can suggest for nausea and sickness is live like a hobbit and eat little and often! I drink plenty between my little meals but don't guzzle drink with food or it makes me worse. Also, hunger makes nausea worse so even if you are feeling crap, try something that you want to eat, whether it's a jacket potato, pasta, or even just toast, ive found sucky sweets are great for when you're starting to feel a bit hungry but not got anything made, also tangfastics and refresher sweets lol. I also found a liking for orange Fanta or tango, it settles my stomach :-) xx

Thanks hun the refresher sweets sounds good just can't eat nothing gone off everything whatever I try eat im sick if I stand up I'm dizzy and sick can't win , just hoping I feel better around 12 weeks as that's when I'm due my first scan xxx
Wih my first I wasn't able to move frm the bathroom floor, with my second I could move to another room of the house, but still had to be well within bathroom bolting range. With my 3rd I was only sick twice and just had nausea (personally I found there was a brief period of feeling better after being sick, but no let up with nausea) and this time (don't hate me) ive felt pretty much fine! I get a little nauseous when it's about 6pm, but I know the signs and just have what I fancy, whether it's a toasted bagel with philly, or a bacon butty (OH is on standby to make what I want) but I get light headed and dizzy and nearly pass out regularly during my pregnancies. Apparently I don't get gestational diabetes, but my blood sugar drop so low that I'm shakey and clammy, close to passing out, so I carry snacks and drinks with me everywhere! Not so bad in the summer, it's the perfect excuse to nip and get an ice cream at the beach hehe! I hope you're feeling better soon and just think, it'll not last forever and the nausea is a great sign of raging hormones :-D I think my body is just so used to the invasion haha xx
It measured perfectly in size to my dates.
I dont know if it depends on if its internal or not. Or if its done in the radiology dept. This was just in the epu
The scan was unbelievable. There was no mistaking any body part or actions. Im completely mesmerised.

My gp then called to say my progesterone wasn't high enough yet. So still not out of the woods. Took my mood down alot.
I bet!! I read your other thread, he may just be being over cautious but at least he's keeping an eye and can do something to help. Baby is obviously fine so I'm guessing as long as it doesn't get lower then should be okay? Are they going to up your meds to get your levels higher?

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