*****January 2016 Mummies*****

Hope everyone's doing ok can't believe we will be in our second trimester soon one more week to go xxxxxxx
It's been a nice weekend here, packed full of parties and fun !
Well today is my first official 'unemployed' day .. I have an appointment at the job centre in the morning. Citizens advice advised I can claim my maternity allowance from Oct and between now and then I can claim contribution job seekers - seriously nobody is going to hire a pregnant woman for 3 months are they ! I was looking for work for 2 months last year and couldn't claim job seekers because my hubby earns to much but they have told he the rules have changed so I will be given. Something depending on how much tax and ni if paid over the last 2 years !! It's silly really as i worked full time from leaving school and paid into the system, at times like this they should help you out. We shall see !!

Had a bad night with Olly, he was up 4 times in the night then woke very early for the day so I'm shattered. If just had to wrestle him down for a nap because he is so tired and he is naughty when he is tired so I'm having a chill out hour - plucked my brows and painted my nails , now I'm starting to feel a bit normal I need to look the part lol


Could you perhaps work part-time in a shop behind the till sat down? Or answering calls at a taxi rank or something; you can do that for 16hours & still get your job seekers allowance :)

Got my 12 week scan tomorrow freaking out so bad as my symptoms are slowly going and started to feel better this week sickness nearly gone , is this bad ? As my sickness was awful and I'm on anti sickness meds, worried that lack of symptoms means no babies (I'm having twins )confirmed at 9 week scan , just so worried I've had a mmc , as was told with twins morning sickness lasts longer , can't stop panicking.also had a bad argument last week with my 17 yr old a total shouting full on till i ran out of breath crying episode , as my daughter couldn't be bothered go college I totally lost the plot �� so worried this has caused my lack of symptoms, omg so sorry about this rant just need get it out xxx

I was EXACTLY the same but just because you are having twins does not mean double the sickness or anything. Some people don't get sickness with one baby or multiples. My sickness was everyday all day 20+ times a day from 6-9 weeks then was every other day until at 10/11 weeks its just stopped, I was so scared I had a mmc too but honestly your hormones start to level out now as the placenta is forming & picking up more of the work.

Your babies will be fine in there, I got myself in a right state but I had no reason to worry as there the baby was at 12weeks kicking around. You may find in a couple of days your sickness comes back again your just having a good few days. If you are also on anti-sickness medication you may not feel as bad.

I bought a Angel-Sounds Jumper Doppler from Amazon & found baby at 11 & a half weeks, it really helped me relax until I saw them at the scan.

Just relax & breathe :) What you are going through is normal.

Hi louise.
I'm sure your lack of symptoms isn't anything to worry about now. Hopefully just naturally anxiety before 12 week scan. I'm finding it weird that I don't really feel any symptoms anymore either (12&2) and scan isn't til end of next week. Everyone is different and I'm sure twin pregnancies are no exception. We all experience different levels of morning sickness, weight gain, bloatedness, spots, etc. Im also sure that an argument with your older daughter shouldnt affect things - except hormones and blood pressure ;) hope things have settled down now and you can relax and enjoy your pregnancy. Good luck with it. X

PS. What better place is there to rant?
We made it to 12 weeks!

Feeling very happy and excited today. We found out at 5 weeks, so it's been a long 9 week wait getting here!

How is everyone else doing?
Thanks wishing ,and gemm, means a lot will let you know how my scan goes tomorrow fingers crossed xx
Louise I feel your pain! My sickness has also started to ease off this week although I've never been sick, just nauseous. It also makes me worry but I'm sure all will be fine tomorrow at your scan!

SAHF congrats on making 12 weeks, you must be so relieved!! I think you have baby brain though as that's only 7 weeks :p we've known for 7 weeks today and still have another week and a half to go until we're 12 weeks. Mind you, it feels like 9!!
Louise I feel your pain! My sickness has also started to ease off this week although I've never been sick, just nauseous. It also makes me worry but I'm sure all will be fine tomorrow at your scan!

SAHF congrats on making 12 weeks, you must be so relieved!! I think you have baby brain though as that's only 7 weeks :p we've known for 7 weeks today and still have another week and a half to go until we're 12 weeks. Mind you, it feels like 9!!

HAHAHA! I didn't even notice, definitely baby brain.... Gosh, I was only telling my OH the other day 'Baby brain is a myth!' obviously not.... :wall2: :lol:

We're definitely relieved :) I've been quite giddy and hyper today if I'm honest. I know of course there's still risks, but just knowing we're out of the most risky stage is such a relief!
Don't worry I understand, it feels like 9 weeks - such a drag! Part of me thinks 'how did I end up 10 weeks all of a sudden?' But I also feel like we've known for a lifetime!!

I bet it's a relief, I can't wait to reach that stage. We have our scan a week tomorrow so anxious about that and I've just bought a doppler...not sure if that's the best thing to do as I'll worry myself silly if I can't find any heartbeats!
Don't worry I understand, it feels like 9 weeks - such a drag! Part of me thinks 'how did I end up 10 weeks all of a sudden?' But I also feel like we've known for a lifetime!!

I bet it's a relief, I can't wait to reach that stage. We have our scan a week tomorrow so anxious about that and I've just bought a doppler...not sure if that's the best thing to do as I'll worry myself silly if I can't find any heartbeats!

I was actually just looking at doppler's. Only because part of me is still worried something will go wrong (mainly worried about a MMC, as the idea of not knowing it's happened is something I can't wrap my head around). But I can't really afford one and I'm also overweight, which I've heard means it's harder to find a heartbeat with an at-home doppler. I'd probably just end up making myself worry more ha!
Hi well scan went ok it's identical twins but I'm overweight so scanning is difficult.I refused the downs test and the consultant was really happy about it said all babies are a blessing , apparently my twin pregnancy is one of the complicated ones which can have difficulties as they share a placenta and ttts could happen which can be treated but not always successful , got to have fortnightly scans from 16 weeks and if everything is ok will have them at 36 weeks still getting used to having twins relieved they were ok was that nervous was sick before I left the house , Will just be as nervous though for my next scan in 4 weeks my anxiety is terrible xxx hope everyone else is doing ok
That's fab louise. Our two are in separate sacs so guessing they're non identical, will find out next Wednesday though! There's someone else on here having identical and I think she's being watched for ttts too so may be worth speaking to her if you're worried. Are you being induced at 36 weeks or are they planning a c - section?

Only 2 days to work between now and our scan, thank goodness because that place is unreal at the moment and I can do without the stress!
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Hey ladies. How are u all coping in the heat? Makes my exhaustion worse. Boooo.

So, had my CVS results and baby does not have Downs, Edwards or Pataus syndromes. Terrifying phone call but we're over the first hurdle. Now we wait for the full "array" test that looks at all the genes for abnormalities.... won't get those back til late next week. Also booked in for 16 week detailed heart scan and early anomaly scan. Feels like a long way to go.

That's great. Fingers crossed other results are just as positive. X
That's fab louise. Our two are in separate sacs so guessing they're non identical, will find out next Wednesday though! There's someone else on here having identical and I think she's being watched for ttts too so may be worth speaking to her if you're worried. Are you being induced at 36 weeks or are they planning a c - section?

Only 2 days to work between now and our scan, thank goodness because that place is unreal at the moment and I can do without the stress!

They just said if the babies are head down and everything's ok there's no reason why I can't have a normal birth ,but only time will tell will freak out if I need a c section can't imagine coping with 2 newborns and recovering from surgery and my youngest at home is a very busy messy little boy with so much energy he's only 5 but luckily he will help me tidy up his toys , only to get something else out lol x I think you can have identical twins in separate sacs but I have no clue really it's so confusing didn't realise there were so many different types just thought they were fraternal or identical ? Good luck for your scan you can see your little ones wriggling around xxxxxxxx
They just said if the babies are head down and everything's ok there's no reason why I can't have a normal birth ,but only time will tell will freak out if I need a c section can't imagine coping with 2 newborns and recovering from surgery and my youngest at home is a very busy messy little boy with so much energy he's only 5 but luckily he will help me tidy up his toys , only to get something else out lol x I think you can have identical twins in separate sacs but I have no clue really it's so confusing didn't realise there were so many different types just thought they were fraternal or identical ? Good luck for your scan you can see your little ones wriggling around xxxxxxxx

Yeah they can be identical in separate sacs if they're sharing the same placenta. I was on clomid though which increases the amount of eggs so we're guessing it's been two separate eggs. Will know for certain soon.

That's good about the birth! I'd rather not have a section either and we don't have any other little ones - just the thought of trying to look after two newborns when you can't do much is bad enough!

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