*****January 2016 Mummies*****

So hubs has been out golfing with his workmate tonight. His mate said to him he didn't tell him I was pregnant. Hubs said he just looked at him then his mate said "no one knows do they?". My friend put pictures of us on Facebook at the weekend and apparently his wife could tell I'm pregnant - not because I have a bump or anything, but because I'm 'glowing'. I don't feel it haha!! Now wondering how many other people have worked it out!! Only just over a week to go til it's out!
My MIL guessed I was pregnant in my 2ww because I was "glowing" & my cheeks looked flushed.

I don't feel very glowy lol xx
Thats wonderful news Milly, I am keeping you in my thoughts.

I have the consultant today and am beyond terrified. If i make it through this appointment I've come further that last time.

Gp called on monday to say my progesterone has dropped and to double the dose again. So anxious isn't the word. Please keep my.wee bubba in your thoughts this morning x
Thinking of you and your bubba Tilliewoo. Keeping everything crossed. Take care. X
Great news Milly! So glad for you. Here's hoping future results are as positive for you xo

My OH told me yesterday he's been telling people. I knew he'd told people at work (he needed time off for our scan), but I didn't realise he'd been telling friends and random people he bumps into, too! Little bit annoyed as I haven't told my family yet and I didn't want it to be public knowledge for another couple of weeks :( Wanted to wait until I was 14 weeks to tell people, after telling family. I understand, and love, that he's excited. But it's still early days!
Thinking of you tillie!!

How is everyone today? I'm rather annoyed and glad we've decided I won't be returning to work after mat leave. A new girl started a month or so back and I've been training her for the last few weeks. She doesn't speak and we have nothing in common so pretty much only speak when needed about work. There's been a few comments made to me this week (by people out with our team) and to my colleague who I'm good friends with which are basically implying I am bullying this girl. There's 4 of us in the team - she doesn't engage in any general conversations we have and as I say I speak to her if needed. I'm really annoyed because if you don't get on with someone then you don't get on with them but don't imply I'm bullying them because I don't speak to her about general conversation stuff :wall2: she's 28 years old, I'm sure she can speak and start a conversation if she wants to!
Good luck Tillie....thinking of u...let us know how u get on.

Situations like that at work are hard Hoping. I didn't go back after I had Ivy....best decision for us and defo no regrets.

It's actually ridiculous Milly. It's like being back in the playground. We get in trouble for speaking about anything but work and I speak to her about work, what more do they want me to do? I always said I wanted to come back as I enjoy my job but this week has opened my eyes to what the people I thought I could trust are really like. People I considered friends, and it's them making the comments. When we found out it was twins I knew I wouldn't go back as I will be working to pay for childcare and that's it.

I went to my boss about the training I was doing as she kept making comments to other people in the team that I hadn't shown her something but never once mentioned it to me. She was really hung up on it and I said I wasn't showing her it until she could keep on top of what I'd already given her. I told my boss this and this is where it's all stemmed from. Clearly my boss has told two other colleagues which are the ones making the comments.
Due to your privacy and confidentiality your boss should not have disclosed anything to anyone about what you speak to them about!

Milly I'm over the moon for you!
Tilly I'm keeping you in my thoughts and hoping this raised dose will help!

How is everyone doing? Anyone else feeling symptoms subsiding? Xx
Twinkletoes that's what myself and my colleague said (we both went in to speak to her) but there's been too many comments made for her not to have said anything.

My symptoms are starting to subside a little - I've managed to go out walking the dogs with hubs in the morning this week. Usually I feel awful after waking and don't have energy to do anything so hoping this is a sign things are starting to ease off a bit!
Everything went perfect girls. Was exactly 14weeks. Guess its time for tri 2!!!
will try to upload photos after.
Due to your privacy and confidentiality your boss should not have disclosed anything to anyone about what you speak to them about!

Milly I'm over the moon for you!
Tilly I'm keeping you in my thoughts and hoping this raised dose will help!

How is everyone doing? Anyone else feeling symptoms subsiding? Xx

My symptoms are nowhere near like they were I've felt good the past few days, and steadily better since last week. The hunger still hits me out of the blue but today I even managed some boiled egg (first time managing egg since I've been pregnant).
Great news tilly xXxX hope everyone is doing ok
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Bleugh I think I have indigestion!! I've never had it before but I've got a pain in the centre of my tummy just below my boobs and feel like there's something creeping up my throat....yuck!
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Bleugh I think I have indigestion!! I've never had it before but I've got a pain in the centre of my tummy just below my boobs and feel like there's something creeping up my throat....yuck!

Yeah hun had this a few times get some Rennie in I have the fruit flavour they help a little ,but it's horrid isn't it xxx
I got some rennies but they only had the mint ones, they'll do though if they help!!

How's everyone today? I'm feeling almost normal, which is worrying me a bit. Sore boobs have gone and apart from feeling a bit sick when hungry so has my nausea. I'm hoping it's because I'm 11 weeks now. Making me even more anxious for our scan on Wednesday!

Got a wedding dance tonight then an early start tomorrow as we're off to the Grand Prix. Staying down there for 2 nights so looking forward to some time away! Home on Tuesday then back to work on Wednesday so at least the next few days will go quickly before our scan! Hope everyone has a lovely weekend, whatever you're up to :)

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