*****January 2016 Mummies*****

Yeah I'm feeling more normal now just knackered went back bed at 12 today and slept for 2 hours lol x I know what you mean about worrying I'm the same even though I saw that they were ok on Wednesday , I will feel the same again at 16 weeks before my next scan wow 4 weeks seems like a long wait don't see my community midwife till 16 weeks either ,
I will just panic for 4 weeks I was thinking about one of those doplers for listening at heartbeat but won't have a clue with it being twins x enjoy your nights away and just relax enjoy yourself x
How's everyone's weekend been? We told my side (well, half) of the family today - still got to tell my mum and stepdad, but admittedly, I'm putting that off as long as possible! Can't put it off for much longer though. I was SO nervous telling my dad and brother today!!
How's everyone's weekend been? We told my side (well, half) of the family today - still got to tell my mum and stepdad, but admittedly, I'm putting that off as long as possible! Can't put it off for much longer though. I was SO nervous telling my dad and brother today!!

awww how did they respond? its a relief getting it out in the open i find. still got extended family to tell but id rather people close to me know than find out through someone else- ive seen with other people where ppl get offended the weren't told sooner and make snidey comments. id rather noone had any bad feelings re not knowing etc. my mil doesnt want to tell her brothers wife ( just being petty) and her sisters yet but theyre a close knit family and he is very close to them and id rather they knew- i think theyve guessed anyway. but because its her family i cant really say anything.
great news re scan tillie

milly hope rest of tests go ok too-

my symptoms are still not settling getting pretty fed up with them now
but cant complain when ive been so blessed
hopefully not much longer
lost about 5 kg in weight since i fell pregnant
Well was feeling more normal until today when I just don't fancy anything at all did try a sandwich for lunch it stayed Down for about 2 mins ��back to feeling crappy!! all part of the joys of pregnancy how's everyone else doing
great news re scan tillie

milly hope rest of tests go ok too-

my symptoms are still not settling getting pretty fed up with them now
but cant complain when ive been so blessed
hopefully not much longer
lost about 5 kg in weight since i fell pregnant

I thought my symptoms were settling but there back today feel really ill I lost half a stone due to sickness couldn't keep anything down ended up in hospital ,today has felt the Same haven't kept anything down today but felt loads better last week , I know how u feel Fed up myself but it's a blessing to be pregnant so just taking one day at a time
Hi girls,

Sorry iv been off the radar lately. Iv been so busy. Our house sale fell through because if an issue with our mortgage so unfortunately we are stuck here until we can reapply next April. 2 up 2 down with a 2 yo and a new born baby - no idea how we are going to do it but we will have to. We have started de cluttering all our crap and chucking it away., iv done an ikea run for 2 storage units and toy boxes and ordered a new big boy bed for Olly so we can change his bedroom around to accommodate both kids. But other than that all is well, sickness has gone and starting to feel more energetic. I'm feeling like the weeks are flying by. I'm going to move over to Tri 2 now,

See you all when u join

Where do I find tri two don't need to go for another week but can't find it ?
How's everyone's weekend been? We told my side (well, half) of the family today - still got to tell my mum and stepdad, but admittedly, I'm putting that off as long as possible! Can't put it off for much longer though. I was SO nervous telling my dad and brother today!!

awww how did they respond? its a relief getting it out in the open i find. still got extended family to tell but id rather people close to me know than find out through someone else- ive seen with other people where ppl get offended the weren't told sooner and make snidey comments. id rather noone had any bad feelings re not knowing etc. my mil doesnt want to tell her brothers wife ( just being petty) and her sisters yet but theyre a close knit family and he is very close to them and id rather they knew- i think theyve guessed anyway. but because its her family i cant really say anything.

They were very happy and excited. My brother and sister-in-law were full of (helpful) advice and tips! My dad was a bit quiet but I think it was just a lot to take in. He's offered to help us with costs as he did with my brother when my nephew was born, which is going to be such a big help.

I don't really get on with my mum and we're not close, although she'd like us to be (troubled past, things I can't ignore that she conveniently forgets...). I know she will be absolutely suffocating when I tell her and I'm putting it off as long as I can. But we want to make it 'public' at 3.5 months, so the end of next week, so I have to tell her soon.
I'm 13 weeks today! I'll be going over to Second Trimester but will board-hop to keep up with everyone and continue to comment on threads I made which are still getting comments. I hope I'll see all of you in Second Trimester soon :)
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone could put my mind at rest, I am 10+4 weeks pregnant and have my first scan next friday. This is my first pregnancy so I was having a look at what to expect from the first scan etc when I came across some people saying that they had found they has miscarried only when they had their dating scan, I didnt know it was possible to mc without knowing and am now panicking about the scan next week. Does anyone have any advice? How likely would this be?

Thanks xxx
I'm 13 weeks today! I'll be going over to Second Trimester but will board-hop to keep up with everyone and continue to comment on threads I made which are still getting comments. I hope I'll see all of you in Second Trimester soon :)

I'm 13 weeks tomoz didn't think we could join tri 2 till 14 weeks how are u feeling hope all is well xxxxx I'm always confused when the second tri starts some books say 13 weeks others 14
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone could put my mind at rest, I am 10+4 weeks pregnant and have my first scan next friday. This is my first pregnancy so I was having a look at what to expect from the first scan etc when I came across some people saying that they had found they has miscarried only when they had their dating scan, I didnt know it was possible to mc without knowing and am now panicking about the scan next week. Does anyone have any advice? How likely would this be?

Thanks xxx

Hi hun try not to worry to much everyone has this fear of a missed miscarriage which is found mostly on first scans there is nothing anyone can do about this
Just try to stay calm and not dwell on this as it will do you no good , I'm sure you and your baby will be fine ,but believe me when I say everyone has this feeling it's completely normal I will feel the same before my 16 week scan I always worry ,just keep positive hun xxxxxxx
I'm 13 weeks today! I'll be going over to Second Trimester but will board-hop to keep up with everyone and continue to comment on threads I made which are still getting comments. I hope I'll see all of you in Second Trimester soon :)

I'm 13 weeks tomoz didn't think we could join tri 2 till 14 weeks how are u feeling hope all is well xxxxx I'm always confused when the second tri starts some books say 13 weeks others 14

All the websites, books and apps I've read say second trimester starts at 13 weeks :)
How are we all ladies? Just back from our weekend away and can't believe our scan is tomorrow!! My doppler arrived today but no way I'm going to attempt using it tonight cos if I can't find anything I'm going to worry myself sick until tomorrow.

Can't believe we're almost at 12 weeks but on the other hand it feels like we've known forever! Can't wait until it's no longer a secret!!
Ooh exciting scan tomorrow hopingforbabyf, is it a morning scan there the best your not waiting around all day my 16 week one is at 4.30 my nerves will have truly kicked in by that time but it's not for another 3 weeks yet lol , I found out my twins were identical at my 12 week scan and they shared a placenta, exciting times xxx
It's not until 3pm unfortunately. It was meant to be tomorrow but hubs is away on a course and this is the only other time they had. I highly doubt ours are identical but will find out later on :)

Back to work today and dreading it...The saga continues! Funny thing is, if all is well today we are telling friends and the rest of the family over the weekend then it will be public - bet they all want to be my best mate at work when they find out :wall2:
Scan was amazing! I can't believe how much they've grown! We were measuring bang on at our early scan so they've been growing at some rate as I'm now measuring 5 days ahead. Can't quite process that I'm now 12+2 and not 11+4 - just lost nearly a week of my pregnancy! So edd is now 18th January :)

We saw the twin consultant there and then as he was floating about and had no appointments left at his clinic next week. He's happy with everything and will see me at 20 weeks for the detailed scan. We decided not to get the downs test and I won't see the consultant I was meant to at 16 weeks - I'll see the midwife as normal then the twin consultant at 20 weeks. Was looking forward to getting to see them again :(
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Glad all the scans and tests are going well. I've not been on for a few days as I'm just fed up waiting for my scan which isn't til Friday (I'll be nearly 13+5). Desperate to know all is ok and to start telling people. I feel like I might burst!
Scan was amazing! I can't believe how much they've grown! We were measuring bang on at our early scan so they've been growing at some rate as I'm now measuring 5 days ahead. Can't quite process that I'm now 12+2 and not 11+4 - just lost nearly a week of my pregnancy! So edd is now 18th January :)

We saw the twin consultant there and then as he was floating about and had no appointments left at his clinic next week. He's happy with everything and will see me at 20 weeks for the detailed scan. We decided not to get the downs test and I won't see the consultant I was meant to at 16 weeks - I'll see the midwife as normal then the twin consultant at 20 weeks. Was looking forward to getting to see them again :(

Glad everything good hun I'm 13 weeks today so your not far behind me Dont know why your not having a 16 week scan you could ask your midwife but every consultant is different, bet your excited to tell everyone xxx

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