Jack Stephen Davis!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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WARNING!!!!!! If any of you 1st pregancy ladies are worried about your births PLEASE PLEASE DON'T READ MY BIRTH STORY!!

Jack Stephen Davis was born on 20th June at 9.15pm weighing 7lbs 11oz! :dance::)

I woke up at 2.45am on Sunday morning with little niggly pains but I knew I was in labour. I got up at 3am because my heartburn was really bad.
I stayed downstairs until 5am when I woke my OH up because the pains were getting quite sore. He got up and I coped until 8am at home but then they were really bad so we went to the hospital and got examined. I was 3cms dilated but went home because not much was happening. Got home and at 9.30am was back in hospital again because the contractions were really bad. Again got examined and was still 3cms so went home to take paracetamol and have a bath. I swalled one paracetamol and threw it up within seconds. Had a bath but hated it so got out and went back to hospital and because I couldn't take the paracetamol they finally admitted me. I was given pethdine which was heaven, it almost disguised every contraction for 6 whole hours! I was then moved to a ward. The pethadine then wore off so I had another jab which didn't touch the contractions, I was in absolute agony. Steve had been sent home 3hrs earlier as by this time it was 9pm and visiting was over. I was examined and was 4cms so could have an epidural which I happily accepted! The epidural was the best thing i've ever said yes too! I was in heaven! Steve was back by this time and I was continually monitored. They scan Jack's head to discover he was back to back so they broke his waters in he hope he turned which he did. My contractions were all over the place so I was put on a saline drip and a drip to make the contractions stronger. I was examined and was 6cms. My contractions were still messing about but they were picking up slowly. I've no idea what time all this was happening. Continued labouring then at about 8pm (on the 20th so well over 24hrs after labour started!) I was finally fully dilataed but I was so tired as i'd had 2hrs sleep in over 24hrs I had given up and had no energy. I completley freaked out and refused to push, plus the fact that the epidural had worn off on my left leg and I was getting vice like contractions in it! The Midwifes got hold of me and calmed me down and I started pushing. I pushed and pushed but couldn't get him out so at 9pm about 7 people came rushing in and they decided on a forceps delivery. I had to sign a consent form which I have no recolection of doing. I can honestly say when they were pulling my baby out with the forceps I thought I was going to die!! It felt like I was being ripped in half!! Finally at 9.15pm my baby boy was placed on my chest. I looked down and saw the biggest pair of dark grey eyes were staring up at me!
The placenta was delivered easily and I was cut for the forceps delivery but also tore twice so I was stiched up and then moved to recovery.

My labour from start to finish was over 40hrs!! With no sleep!!!

Once in recovery I was made comfortable, Jack was next to me in his cot and the 3 of us were left to it for a while before Steve had to go home.

We've had to spend up until today in hospital because Jack slept for 12hrs straight after birth so his blood sugars dropped. They continued to pick up slowly but surely and we're finally home!!

I've you've ready all of that you are very brave!!

Jack is absolutely stunning and has a mop of long dark gair. He is the spit of me and has his Daddy's hands and feet!! We are both totally in love with him! My labour was absolute hell on earth but I would do every second of it again to for our little bundle!! I'll post a pic tomorrow because we haven't bathed him yet so his hair is still gunky! xxx
Aw, well done though!!! Congrats Lxx
many congratulations hun, sorry you had such a hard time, but as you said it's worth it :good: well done hun xx
Thanks everyone! I feel like i've been hit by a truck and I keep forgetting simple things like the date lol but i'm deliriously happy sitting here cuddling my beautiful little man! :) x
Congrats hun, thats the bad bit out the way now for the good times with your baby :) xxx
Congrats Claire! Glad to hear you and baby Jack are home and doing well :)

I decided to skip most of your birth story cause I'm already crapping it lol :shock: But will give it a proper read at somepoint :) Welldone!!

Congratulations and extremely well done you! It doesn't sound like the easiest of births but you did it! x
YAY :) well done hun, sounds like you had a right time of it! congratulations on your little man :) x
Congrats Claire! Glad to hear you and baby Jack are home and doing well :)

I decided to skip most of your birth story cause I'm already crapping it lol :shock: But will give it a proper read at somepoint :) Welldone!!


I don't blame you hun! Remember every birth is completely different! I'm sure you'll be fab! :)

Thanks for the congrats everyone! He's been an angel so far and long may it continue (I hope!).

I also forgot to say that he also had his cord wrapped around his neck! Another trauma to add to the long list! lol x

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