Baby Jack - February 20th 2012


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Jul 3, 2011
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Just thought I would finally upload my birth story; although there isn't much of one as it was pretty quick...
Bit of background information first; Wednesday 15th Feb my midwife sent me to Triage for monitoring as I hadn't felt LO move that morning, turns out monitoring was fine so was sent home later that night still hadn't felt anything so was sent back to the hospital, I was then told I had to have daily monitorings until LO was born. Went back on the Thursday and the Midwife examined me and I was 2-3cms and hadn't felt a thing, so she gave me a sweep, on the Sunday I had another sweep but was still only 2-3cms so could see the pregnancy and labour not happening soon and being a slow thing...

So 5am Monday morning (20th Feb) I went to the bathroom for a usual toilet break only to discover I had wet pyjamas and underwear, wasn't pee so could only think of it being my waters. Thought nothing more of it as I had another monitoring at 11.30 anyway. At 5.30am I started getting cramps which were uncomfortable and I was unable to go back to bed so ended up on the sofa, they were coming roughly every 20 miniutes. At this point I took 2 paracetamols, so they must have been uncomfy as I don't take painkillers. I didn't wake anyone just let them sleep. 6.30am my mom came down as it was time for her to leave for work, she told me to go and wake my OH but I still didn't. 9.30am I finally woke my OH but this was just to make him wake up ready for us to go to the hospital, told him about my contractions so he ran me a bath to see if it would ease them, didn't work. My contractions were now coming roughly every 2miniutes, I couldn't believe how quickly they got close together.! My OH got washed and dressed ready to head to the hospital for our appointment and off we went. The journey was a nightmare, I was bending over to ease the pain but couldn't in the car, a 30miniute journey on a good day took 15miniutes!! Finally got to the hospital at 11.30am and walked up to Maternity, furthest away ready for monitoring. Got there and explained about the contractions, so I had my monitoring and then waiting to be seen in Triage as it was busy, the wait seemed to take forever, I was coping so well at home. When I finally got seen in Triage, my waters hadn't gone but my hind waters had started leaking this caused the wet pyjamas, and when examined I was 6cms, I couldn't believe how far I got with no pain relief. About 12.45 I was walking down to delivery, everyone I've ever seen walking to delivery walked so slow and I was like a rocket, my OH informed my mom I was on the way to delivery so she could be there. The midwife who was looking after me was brilliant, she explained everything, showed my OH where the tea/coffee was and then showed mom when she arrived. The midwife showed me how to use the gas and air but I couldn't figure it out! After about 30miniutes of being there the midwife came back and put me on the monitor to see how the movements were, ended up being stuck on there for the majority of the labour as I couldn't feel the movements but all looked well, I was left in peace with my mom and OH and my dad popping in and out, although he wasn't meant to be there :)
About 5.30pm the midwife came back to examine me and I was 9cms and waiting for my waters, she stayed with me as they were just buldging and about to go, they finally went and at 6pm I was ready to push, still stuck on the monitor. This is all a bit of a blur with times etc, but I ended up having to have my legs on the stands which I hated, made my legs ache, LO's heartbeat was starting to decrease so they went off to find a doctor but couldn't find the one she wanted, ended up her explaining to my OH about the emergency button on the wall and when she needed him to press it how too etc... This got my mom worried as she thought something was wrong and things were going bad. She gave me an anesthetic just incase they needed to cut me, think this put my mind into push mode as I didn't want to be cut or have a doctor intervene. Anyway; after 37miniutes of pushing Baby Jack arrived (Midwife said thats a really good time for a first time mum, normally its about 2 hours). I managed to avoid any assistance from a doctor or anything. My mom and OH took it in turns to watch the birth whilst the other stood with me. Jack was then placed on my chest for skin to skin, I then had the injection for the delivery of my placenta and the placenta delivered. Midwife checked me over and noticed I had tore, to which she thought was a 2nd or 3rd degree, the surgeon came in to check it was ok for the midwife to stitch me up but the surgeon decided to do it when theatre was free, the anesthetist came in to do my drip ready and I finally went to theatre at 8pm. I watched the whole of the experience, it was interesting. Anyway; whilst in theatre they discovered I had a really bad 4th degree tear. Was in theatre for about an hour getting stitched up. After a short while in recovery, we finally went to the ward. During the time the decision was being made about the stitches and me being in theatre my dad and OH's parents were allowed in to meet LO, even though only two birthing partners are meant to be in.
Don't know how many stitches I ended up having but I know that I had 5 in my bottom alone and they normally put 2!!
Finally the Wednesday night I got discharged from hospital and baby Jack and mommy are doing brilliantly, we've had a few problems with feeding and sick but we are all settled now and even managing good sleep.
Uploaded pictures of Jack when he was first born


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Gorgeous hunny! And well done for getting to 6cms without pain relief!
He's beautiful babe congratulations and hope your not too sore with your stitches xx

Wow great story hun, hope ur healing well. Hes a little cutie xxxx
Thank You All. In my avatar he is 6days old :) xxx
Congratulations, he's adorable

(and our sons share a birthday) xxx

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